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"Express in every act of yours, All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love, thus living only can you live; thus acting only can you build to Freedom, Strength and Happiness in Life. This is your Problem: be this your foremost Aim."

Eugene Fersen
Science of Being

Happy New Year 2021!

2021 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5

According to sacred numerology, the energies of a number 5 year will mean lots of energy, activities, and change for us all. There are strong indications of prosperity for the masses economically, but it may take a while.

Five is the number of humanity .... related to our five fingers and senses. It is symbolized by the pentagram, which is also the shape the human form takes when stretched out, as in the Star Exercise.

This is a pivotal year and it could mean a turning point for us all. Five means as an individual you will have to consider 2 different paths since humanity mentally perceives duality .... the human or the spiritual road.

We can focus on the outer, social and political world, connecting ourselves to the mass subconscious desires and fears .... or .... focus on our inner life, developing our conscious awareness and connection to our Inner, True Self. And our choice will determine the direction of the following years in the 9-year cycle.

The outer world, the masses, is looking for freedom and social justice this year …. and though it may seem forced upon us, we seek freedom unconsciously.

The true freedom we are all looking for is inner freedom …. freedom from discontent, restlessness, and anger within our individual subconscious and in the collective, mass subconscious.

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Science of Being Enlightenment Site


The energies of 2021
and your spiritual journey

Numerology has been around since ancient times and is considered a sacred science that can provide insights to vibrations, energies and cycles that influence our life.

Number 5 represents mortal man; the human mind and the ability to learn through the senses, experiences and free will.

Last year was #4 and the energies of earth and the base for the changes coming this year, while next year is #6 which symbolizes finding our balance.

In our present state of human consciousness, we go through 9 phases or cycles of energies, and we resonate as a collective to each level. This year we resonate to the pivotal year of 5. We will have to be disciplined and make many decisions about which direction we want to go in for the coming years in this 9-year cycle. Read more.

Trying to cope? Stress is addictive!

We have been unconsciously programmed like a computer and conditioned to stress because of our mental naivety, perhaps for thousands of years. We’ve seen adults experience it when we were children. We’ve seen co-workers experience it. It may be programmed in our DNA and cell memories that still causes us “fight, flight, freeze” reactions. This is when contact with Universal Life Energy is invaluable because it naturally harmonizes fear, the deeper emotion. 
The Star Exercise

“I am One with Universal Life Energy. I feel It flowing through me now.”

4 square reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline

Science of Being - The Star Exercise

“Thought: To think you can change your life by changing its outward conditions is just like thinking, as I did as a boy, that by sitting on a stick and taking hold of it at both ends I could lift myself up.”

Lev Nikolayevich "Leo" Tolstoy, 1828-1910
Russian writer, playwright, essayist
“No matter how much we are swinging from the positive to the negative, there is always a small gain. When we deliberately or otherwise violate all the Laws, the Law of Evolution still works. A wrong cause is bound to culminate in a wrong effect. Evolution works through the penalty, by the suffering we go through. The result is that in spite of the mistake we still evolve. Nothing can stop Evolution. Not even a mistake can stop it. Evolution is carrying us with it all the time. When we fall, we always fall forward. We always cover some ground though sometimes paying a heavy penalty for it. In our present state of consciousness, the Law can be called the Law of Hope. If we understand it we gain a little more courage.”

Eugene Fersen
Advanced Teachings In Science of Being, Volume I, page 63

On each New Year’s Day, we pause and reflect on the lessons learned in the previous year. We set our course forward into the New Year. Humankind has learned many painful lessons in the past year. It has been a year of tremendous change and upheaval. We have been asked to cooperate more than ever before.  

As I reflect on the past year, I am reminded of the Law of Evolution, the Law of Hope. I love the quote, “When we fall, we always fall forward.” This gives me more optimism for moving into the New Year.

What have I learned about myself and my character this past year? How can I apply the lessons learned in the future?
"SELFCONSCIOUSNESS IS THAT QUALITY of your mind which enables you to be conscious of every thought of your own, of every feeling and action of the world within and also of the world without. ... Three supremely important conscious faculties ... Reason, Will and Common Sense, therefore form the working mechanism through which your Selfconsciousness puts its qualities forth into expression."

Eugene Fersen
The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 149-150
Onions and ... peanut butter?!?

It's a new year, so let's try a new taste! This recipe is from A Peaceful Chaos, an eclectic collection of vegetarian recipes, by Julie A. Ray

Bowtie Pasta with Onion-Peanut Sauce

1/2 lb bowtie pasta
1 tablespoon canola oil (or peanut oil)
2 medium onions, finely chopped
1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
1 cup water
3 tablespoons orange juice
1 tablespoon honey
1.5 tablespoon tamari
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cook bowtie pasta until "al dente," drain and cool. Saute' onions in canola oil (or peanut oil) until very well done and sweet-smelling. Stir in peanut butter, water, orange juice, honey, tamari, and spices. Whisk until very well mixed. Gently mix pasta and sauce together. Enjoy! Serves 6
"Physically, Man is limited; mentally, he limits himself."

Eugene Fersen
Is there a GOD?, page 190
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