
Adios 2020!

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah - Psalm 46:1-3

Happy New Year <<First Name>>! 

May your heart continue to be filled with His peace and joy throughout this season as you cling to Jesus and His promises.

Praying that you keep your oil lamps filled, ready for His return.

A Quick Summary

Throughout the holidays we have continued our Spanish language and Mexican culture studies.
  • We are in our 16th week of Spanish study
  • It snowed and it's currently freezing here in Chihuahua
  • We are heading up to El Paso January 2-3 to renew our visas
  • We are starting to build relationships and friendships
  • Gamaiel turned 41 years old
  • Ayin turned 8 years old

It Snowed Here in the Desert

It hasn't snowed here in Chihuahua for 4 years, so yesterday morning the kids were super excited when we woke up to snow. It was a fun surprise!

We are so thankful for our Patagonia snow coats that a super sweet family so generously gave to us before we left Ventura (thank you Cushings!!). 

We have only driven in the snow twice so far since the roads are super slick. It was a good reminder that our safety is always in the hands of the Lord. 

The cold here is a bit more rough around the edges than other cold places we have lived because the houses aren't insulated and the doors and windows allow the wind to blow through the cracks.

It's almost as cold inside as it is outside. The moment you turn off the heater the cold air returns. We have learned to bundle up lots of layers and we have been having more soups and lots of Mexican hot chocolate, which isn't quite as sweet and has cinnamon. We are getting used to it, and realizing that blanketing windows isn't such a bad idea. 

The Holy Days with our Chihuahua Teammates

We are so blessed by each of the people on our team. We got to make cookies together, meet at a restaurant (legally) for a yummy Posada (Christmas gathering), and we got to exchange small gifts like cookies, coffee, and buñuelos (fried dough covered in cinnamon and sugar). 

We opted not to have a Christmas tree or stockings this year and had a Christmas tent instead. We celebrated over a shepherd's dinner under our tent. Think of foods that might be available in Jesus' time: dates, almonds, cheese, olives, rolls and a hearty stew. Instead of stockings we had a scavenger hunt for the kids which led to treasure chests.

Rebecca wanted to start fresh with new traditions and a clean slate so to speak. We loved it and think we will keep them both.

Los Niños

Ayin turned 8 on December 13th. We made a gigantic yellow cake with strawberry cream cheese frosting and went to Denny's for a free dinner (which was actually breakfast). Yes, there is a Denny's in Chihuahua and they hand out spicy tamarind and chamoy candies instead of mints. Finally, we had a fun family Zoom call to sing happy birthday to her. 

Isei is a super teenager, sleeping in, refusing to cut his hair or take a shower, and being dramatic about everything. It's great. 

They have no opportunities to learn Spanish right now since online school cut it (for now) and they haven't made any local friends yet. Please pray that they'll have better opportunities to learn Spanish. 

  • We're starting to build local friendships
  • The kids had a good break from school
  • Spanish is going well
  • We are learning how to live in the freezing Mexican cold 
  • For continued friendships and deeper relationships (for the kids too!)
  • For our trip up to El Paso Jan 2-3 visas and smooth border crossing
  • For our kids to be encouraged as they start a new semester of school
  • For continued progress and encouragement in Spanish study
  • For wisdom in choosing a church if they open up again
  • For our future people group and teammates in Mexico
<<First Name>> - thank you so much for praying for us. We are so thankful for you. We would love to pray for you too. Please email us your prayer requests by replying to this email, or WhatsApp Rebecca at: (805) 452-5449

The LORD is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds. The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call out to Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them. - Psalm 145:17-19

Our Contact Info

Our mailing address is: 

Gamaiel and Rebecca Zavala
10101 Dellwood Dr.
El Paso, TX 79924

We can get packages and letters here. Mail takes a while to get to us since there's an additional trip from El Paso to Chihuahua, which is dependent on whoever is passing through and able to take our mail down. It is very rare these days to get mail since the state is locked down, but it is possible. 

Text us on WhatsApp anytime:

Gamaiel (805) 570-9728
Rebecca (805) 452-5449

Download WhatsApp:

Rebecca posts on Instagram frequently, for more updates follow us there:

Would You Like to Join Us?

Do you want to be involved in God's mission but don't know how? Become part of our stateside team to help us reach the unreached of Mexico. 

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