"These letters to you every month are in a way becoming my personal ..."

What an amazing year it has been - I know it sounds a little counter intuitive given my past letters to you. I won't deny that with all the unplanned lockdowns, struggling sales, customs restrictions, shipping troubles, ever-looming disaster in Kashmir over the new territory laws, overall uncertainty for 2021 -  "amazing" is probably the least-likely term to be used. However, 2020 has also showed me personally and us as a small social business that when you walk your path with a clear intention for the greater good - others (like the one's reading this newsletter now) will join you and have your back. 

These are (few of) our highlights* of 2020; 

* I became a first-time mother, this is definitely the top of my highlights, 

* pink maharani was selected as the top 20 fashion disruptors from all over Europe by UN Women and the Do School Berlin to Disrupt the Fashion Industry with partners like H&M, Tchibo and BonPrix, 

* BMW Foundation selected and invited me to join their inspiring and exclusive Responsible Leaders Network (still can't get over this honour!), 

* we managed to maintain our artisan network in Kashmir and continue to give work plus we partnered with a new Mongolian social enterprise to launch our brand new loungewear collection (partially sold out),

* on the onset of the pandemic in March, we launched a crowdfunding campaign to help our NGO partners in India to distribute basic needs to daily-wage workers. We successfully raised over 8.000€ with which we could help over 2000 families for at least three months. 

* among others, we were invited by the prestigious Sankt Gallen Business School and the upcoming marketplace Retaissance supported by the British trade commission to speak on topics of social business, women empowerment and sustainable fashion practices. 

* we UP'ped our e-commerce game this year and now have a fully-fledged online shop and a logistics team. We received thank you note's from clients as far off as New York to name a few.

* finally, as a team we spent a lot of time working-from-home on zoom calls constantly asking ourselves; how can we produce better, design better and do better - serve the world with art, wisdom and beauty. 

These letters to you every month are in a way becoming my personal diary entries. Someday I will look back and see what a fabulous course we charted together. My team informs me that hundreds of you open this newsletter, read and engage with it every month. I am always SO SO touched to hear this.

Thank you for your unwavering faith in me, in pink maharani and the work we strive to do - of the true. the good. and the beautiful. We will continue to forge ahead knowing you will walk the path with us in 2021 - together like always.

We wish you and your loved ones a 2021 with much happiness, inner peace, kindness and health. See you next year. 

With much light, 
Narmada for pink maharani

p.s - I recently read and liked what Charles Dickens quoted, "Champagne is one of the elegant extras in life.”  Be sure to pop one this year, in 2020 we all need a bit of extra ...  

LET GO. Collection - Sustainable cashmere loungewear
our collection of *cosy up* winter must-have's
Find us also in
Meanwhile, you can continue to find our latest pink maharani collections also at our esteemed partners GLOBUS and Bongenie and Grieder in the following cities.  ... and we will announce new points of sales near you very soon, so stay tuned!
Our Online shop - free fast delivery and flexible returns
With much light and gratitude, 
from the pink maharani team

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