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News & Inspiration  |  JAN 2021

Dr. Patel Honored with Distinguished Fellow Award

Kentucky doctor serving many UltraGroup programs received award for her significant contributions to the psychiatric profession. Congratulations, Dr. Patel!

Shaheen's Strategies

The Best Laid Plans

After a year like 2020, how do we plan for 2021? UltraGroup's Director of Business Development shares timely insights.  Read more

Addi's Legacy

Highlighting one of the many worthy causes that UltraGroup was pleased to donate to this Christmas.

A Gift Under Every Tree

New Beginnings, in Salem, Illinois, provides Christmas cheer by adopting senior patients.
(423) 648-9880
Universtiy Tower, 651 East 4th St., Suite 100, Chattanooga, TN 37403

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UltraGroup Healthcare · Universtiy Tower, 651 East 4th St., Suite 100 · Chattanooga, TN 37403 · USA

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