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Click Here to Watch a Tutorial About How to Calculate Your Vedic Day

Good morning <<First Name>>,

I hope you wake up happy, healthy
and eager to be of benefit 
to the web of all beings
within which you are
an irreplaceable contributor.

The living cosmos is requesting
your very best presence today,
so here is a collection of clues
to guide you towards your
optimal self-expression.

The infinite intelligence and I thank you
for your sincere and ongoing efforts
to evolve yourself. Remember:
you are known, loved and
so, so needed here.

Now: get out there!
Pursue that mystery,
enjoy some authentic failures
and have fun being the messy, magical,
beautiful human you cannot help but be.

Monday, December 21, 2020


  • What are you willing to sacrifice in order to attain your greatest aspirations?
  • If your focus on the true goal (whatever that means to you) is not single-pointed, what are the primary distractions diffusing the power of your attention until it is like a fluorescent lightbulb instead of a laser?
  • A good day for embodied spiritual practice. Whether yoga or tai chi, volunteering your time and energy, or simply being present with yourself, any form of purposeful penance is supported now.
  • Lunar daylight illuminates a Saturn phase as it restricts the results Jupiter longs to offer.
  • Consider the historical enormity of this moment in time.
    • The Great Conjunction today is something no human has seen for 797 years.
    • Sit with the significance of the changes happening all over the planet. Can you sense the simultaneous presence of irreconcilable calamity and of hopes so huge one dared not speak of it until now?
    • The scope of possibilities has been blown wide open. The two ends of the spectrum are farther apart than ever, which expands the range of available experience and it makes the tension held in between extremes all the more intense.
    • Remember: a violin is limp without the stress in the strings; the strum of a guitar only resonates because two opposing poles hold steady.
  • Honor your adrenal system. Maybe introduce some adaptogenic herbs or functional fungi into your diet (feel free to reach out if you’d like guidance). The conscious mind can be distracted from stress but the body has nowhere to go. The body must patiently endure the present moment, and that can be draining. So be kind, and offer your nervous system some supportive substances.
  • Cultivate the wisdom of bewilderment. There is supreme power contained in the phrase, “I don’t know.” Having acknowledged that, the slate is clean and anything becomes possible. Allow the fear of the unknown to fade as you embrace the blank page of potentials. That’s the thing about an adventure — you don’t know what’s going to happen! Alan Watts can say more about this.
Solar Day
Somavar (Sanskrit)
Lunes (Spanish)
  • Planet: Soma/Chandra, Luna, Moon
  • Color: White, Silver
  • Element: Prakriti (Cosmic Embodiment)
  • Sign: Cancer
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Guna: Sattva
  • Dosha: Kapha
  • Dhatu: Rakta (red blood cells)
  • Chakra: Ajña (third eye)
  • Mood: Gentle
Mondays are made for the Queen Mother. Divine Feminine energy moves within every human, activating our longing for unconditional love. Don’t confuse love for entanglement in other people’s problems. More than anything, the Moon wants to experience oneness and feel at home in the universe.
Lunar Phase

7th Day Waxing
Waxing Quarter Moon

  • Name: Saptami
  • Indication: Bhadra (Fortunate)
  • Ruler: Shani (Saturn)
  • Element: Prithvi (Earth)
  • Sensory Process:
    Nose Smelling Scents
  • Window of Knowing:
    Embodied Animal Instinct
  • Favorable Remedies:
    Place-based practices like Earthing or gardening; wealth promotion; following through on commitments.
Lunar Expression

Early or First Lucky Foot
  • Signs: Aquarius / Pisces
  • Symbol: Front Legs of a Death Bed; A Two-Faced Man; A Sword
  • Nature: Ugra (fierce, severe)
  • Planetary Ruler: Guru (Jupiter)
  • Stars: Alpha and Beta Pegasi, “The Scorching, Burning, Flaming Pair”
  • Deity: Aja Ekapada (The One-Footed Unborn One; part of the entourage of Rudra, Lord of Storms, the fierce form of Shiva)
  • Shakti: The Power of Fire to Raise a Spiritual Person up in Life
  • Desire: To Gain Radiance and the Splendor of Spiritual Knowledge
  • Focus: Tapasya, Penance
  • Creative Phase: Creation
  • Guna: Sattva (clarity)
  • Caste: Brahmana (priest)
  • Motivation: Artha (wealth; resources)
Story: This is the third to last nakshatra in the cycle that ends with Revati (Pisces) and begins with Ashwini (Aries). The symbol of a death bed or funeral pyre suggests the connection to conclusions and liberation.

Notice the Shakti and Desire: both associated with spiritual pursuits. Notice the Guna and Caste: the sattvic brahman, the high priest immersed in spiritual knowledge, preparing for transcendence.

The fierce quality of this nakshatra suggests the courage required to achieve complete liberation. To be willing to die to one’s limited idea of the self in order to become something so much more indicates a need for a level of cutting clarity that can seem harsh or extreme to anyone at a different stage of the journey.

The defining energetic here is of single-pointed focus on the ultimate goal, that knowledge beyond which there is nothing left to know. This intensity carries with it a certain solemnity, the somber flavor of a funeral.
Today’s Chart

  • The Great Conjunction is here!
    • Can you feel the push and pull between these powerfully opposed planets?
    • Who will “win” this planetary war? (Hint: no one wins a war.)
    • I strongly encourage you to go outside right now and see the two giants merge for a moment. No human has seen such an event for 797 years. This is your chance.
    • I composed this blog post featuring in-depth info from multiple sources about the astronomy and astrology of this celestial connection.
    • I also describe the qualities of this major moment in a presentation called Apocalyptic Astrology.
  • The Sun is in Sagittarius until January 13.
    • Symbolized by the centaur aiming his bow and arrow, Sagittarius is a fire sign that has its eye on the prize. 
    • To what principles are you committed?
    • By what laws do you abide?
    • Which eternal truths transcend the transitory nature of everyday existence?
    • How does your sense of higher meaning guide your actions?
    • Take this time to identify the righteous cause that orients your life and take unerring aim at that.
  • Scorpio Moon cycle continues.
    • One week ago we saw a solar eclipse in Scorpio. This new moon moment sets the emotional tone for the next 30 days, so it is likely you are still feeling its impact as the residue of this shadowy alignment ripples out through space and time.
    • Remember: Scorpio is the part of us obsessed with the deepest most secret corners of the psyche.
    • Stay with your inquiry. Keep noticing the content and quality of your dreams and subtle feelings.
    • Keep a journal so you can track your own evolution and actively work with these unseen influences. That which is usually hidden is very available to your awareness right now — which can definitely be terrifying or depressing at times, but it is also a massive opportunity to clear the cobwebs.
  • Mars is in gandanta, the tumultuous transition between Pisces and Aries. 
    • Mars moves in Aries on December 23, but the shift has already started.
    • Expect to feel unsettled about how and where to direct your energy — is it towards abstract philosophizing or impulsive action?
    • When Mars leaves Pisces, it also escapes a one-way aspect from Saturn, whose restrictive influence may have been keeping a certain measure of aggression contained. This energy has the opportunity to break out this week, for better or worse.
    • Action is on the way, but first make sure your conceptual foundation is strong.
  • All planets are direct. History moves forward without hesitation.
  • My appointment calendar is now closed through the New Year. See you in 2021!
  • Read The New Moon Newsletter for lots of updates about the current astrological weather.
  • Read my blog about The Grand Finale of 2020.
  • Multi Dimensional Self-Mastery for Men begins January 13, 2021. If you (or someone you know) are ready to accelerate your evolution and show up with your whole soul for this vital time on Earth, you can learn more here. Only TWO spots left! The deadline to apply is January 1, 2021!

Whatever the day will bring

may you remember how to sing

the song your soul so longs to share

with every one, every now,

every where.

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