
Let's End 2020 on a Positive Note

To help make the best of what is left of 2020 and to start the New Year right, we are giving away free unlimited private and secure captioning and translation services for the holidays.

Whether you are having an in-person gathering or a remote conversation using Zoom, Skype, Teams, or any platform, now everything being said is instantly captioned and/or translated. And it is completely free - no payment, no credit card needed.

To sign up for the free private and secure services, just click on the link below. Then, share your account with as many people as you want. It is all part of our giving back to everyone as thanks for partnering with us to remove communication barriers throughout the world.
Create My Free Account
Questions? Go to our website or contact us at or at +1-507-664-9123
Copyright © 2020 Auditory Sciences, LLC., All rights reserved.

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