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"Where life is dreamt of
and care is a sacrament,
where the Kingdom is built...
In the school, the Teacher is born"

Education plays a key role in the development of individuals and peoples, and is one of the best instruments for achieving human fulfilment. Father Andrew Coindre, following in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth, reinvented education and, with it, its preferential beneficiaries.

Since then, our heart-felt educational work is a tool for changing the world; it is aimed at having Jesus born among us. Today, our school will become the Bethlehem where the Teacher is born to give our students a Samaritan look, heart and will. We will commemorate Christmas if we work together for an education of all and for all, prioritizing the care of the other and, in a special way, the care of the "little ones" - the weak, the excluded, the abandoned
We sincerely wish that the year of our Bicentennial will be a true "Road to School", that we will be able to approach the true Education that gives us sensitivity, depth, empathy and generosity.
May the Teacher be truly born in our School!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Copyright © 2020 Fundación Corazonistas.

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