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Carpentries Clippings, 23 December 2020

Thank you to The Carpentries Community!

The Carpentries Core Team spent time reflecting on 2020 as a team and wrote a blog post with our thank yous for the year:

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Tweet of The Week

I've read many blog posts about people joining @thecarpentries and a handful announcing when they leave. I quietly took a break this year and held a few paid part-time jobs instead. Here are some lessons learned and how it sorta changed my career outlook.
Rayna Harris @raynamharris
I've read many blog posts about people joining @thecarpentries and a handful announcing when they leave. I quietly took a break this year and held a few paid part-time jobs instead. Here are some lessons learned and how it sorta changed my career outlook.
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Community News & Updates from Our Committees / Task Forces

Final Week For Donations!

For more information about the campaign and what we are working towards, read Executive Director, Dr. Kari L. Jordan’s letter to The Carpentries Community and please consider supporting our $30,000 individual contribution goal by 31 December.

Donate to The Carpentries Campaign

As part of this fundraising campaign, By donating to The Carpentries at either the $60 or $100 levels, you will receive a gift card to select and purchase an item featuring designs crafted specifically for this campaign. 

We are so proud of our work with The Carpentries, and by supporting us at those levels, you will be able to show your pride too.

We hope you enjoy the designs!

image showing Carpentries Design on Totebag

Applications are Open to Join The Library Carpentry Advisory Group
For more information about what is involved and how to apply, please read the recent blog post calling for new members.

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists

Back to The Future: Online Carpentries Workshops, Now and in 2021
In this blog post, Carpentries Core Team member, Angelique van Rensburg highlights the work the Core Team does to support Carpentries Online Workshops and the future of online workshops in The Carpentries.

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Outcome of October Community Discussion for Nordic and Baltic Countries
In this post, Carpentries Community Member Naoe Tatara discusses outcomes from an October 30 Community Discussion.

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Community Opportunities

The Library Carpentry Git Lesson Needs a Maintainer
If you are interested in helping maintain the Library Carpentry Git Lesson, please reach out to Daniel Chen.

Apply to Join a Carpentries Lesson Development Study Group
The Carpentries is launching a new program to support community members wishing to develop a lesson in The Carpentries Incubator. Learn more and apply by reading this blog post by Carpentries Core Team member Toby Hodges. 

The Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania is Hiring Data Instructional Specialists

Learn more and Apply Specialist 1 - Specialist I

Learn more and Apply Specialist 2 - Specialist II 

Talarify, A South-African Based Company, is Hiring a Research Analyst and Trainer
Talarify, an organisation committed to addressing the need for computational and data skills, is hiring a Research Analyst and Trainer.

Learn more and apply at the Talarify website.


The University of California, Santa Barbara in the US is hiring an Applications Programmer
This role will work on the Climate Hazards Center and work to develop a shared code database, data archive management and more.

Learn more and apply at the University of California Santa Barbara Website.


Toolshed (Posts from Our Past)

Last year as part of our Gratitude series, Serah Rono published a blog post thanking our community for supporting our outreach efforts.
The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and donations, and donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!
Donate to The Carpentries
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