
St. John’s Parish Church

A Light for the Sea Islands since 1734

DECLARING our love for God through Anglican worship
PREPARING our love for God through Anglican worship
    SHARING our love for God through Anglican worship
CARING for our community

Video Announcements, Dec. 20

Christmas Services • Peru Day
If you need support through Christmas and into the New Year please contact one of the staff or vestry, or call the church at 843-559-9560.


Christmas Eve, Dec. 24


In-Person Services

10:30 a.m. in the Church
5 p.m. in Walton Hall
7 p.m. in the Church

Masks required indoors at all times
No Nursery on Dec. 24

Service Readings

Isaiah 9:1-7
Psalm 96
Titus 2:11-15
Luke 2: 1-20

Sermon — God’s Promises:
“I Am the Fulfillment of the Father’s Promises”

Facebook Live Online

Morning Prayer 8 a.m.
Christmas Eve Service at 5 p.m.

Christmas Day, Dec. 25

Facebook Live Online

Morning Prayer 8 a.m.
Christmas Day Service 7 p.m.

First Sunday of Christmas, Dec. 27

8 a.m. in the Church
9 a.m. in Walton Hall
10:30 a.m. in the Church

Masks required indoors at all times
Nursery available

Facebook at 9 a.m.
Nursery available 9 a.m. to noon


Isaiah 61:10-62
Psalm 147:13-20
Galatians 3:23-24
John 1:1-18
Sermon — The Rev. Tom Hample

Facebook Live Online

Sunday Service 9 a.m.

Pick Up Communion Kits

9-11 a.m. Saturday
Consecrated Communion wafers and wine are available at Walton Hall’s entrance for those watching the Sunday service online.

Live Services on Facebook

8 a.m. Monday to Friday
9 a.m. Sunday
Please send us your prayers through Facebook or through the website.

Walton Hall Open for Small Groups

We are open for small gatherings in the Main Hall only. Would your small group like to meet in Walton Hall? Contact Fr. Greg at 843-367-3342 to find out more and to schedule your meeting. All groups require social distance and face masks. We will provide sanitizer, wipes, and face masks.
Click here to join a Small Study Group

Vestry Nomination

Can you nominate someone to serve on the vestry or are you willing to be nominated by another? Please let us know. We have four spots to fill and three nominations.

Click here for a Vestry Nomination Form

Altar Flowers

The altar flowers of Dec. 20 were given to the glory of God
and in thanksgiving for our children and grandchildren by Jay and Paulette Withington
St. John’s Altar Flower Ministry designs new flower creations each week for Sunday services. Flowers are individually selected and prepared on Friday. The cost to dedicate flowers is $70 for both vases or $40 for one. We are now taking bookings for 2021. Contact Sally Dixon (; 843-709-4894) or complete the dedication form inside the Church entryway.


Christmas Under the Oaks

Welcome our New Parish Administrator

Sally Dixon, our Director of Music, organist, and choir director, has agreed to serve as our part-time interim Parish Administrator for 2021. Sally will be available in the office two days a week from January 4.

Sally has been instrumental in ensuring that many of the non-financial details of running the parish have continued since Agnes Dixon retired from the position. Sally will complement the work of Elizabeth Bumpas as bookkeeper. We are so blessed to have Sally take over the reins of parish administration.

Peru Days

We continue to pray for and support our brothers and sisters in Peru. The total collected in the past two weeks is $200.


Readings from No Greater Stories

Would you like to see Mrs. Pam, Mr. Rob and Mrs.Traci read stories again? They are all waiting for you to watch on the website and mobile app. Click on the image below.


Click here for diocesan news and events


Bishop Mark Lawrence’s past messages are also available on the diocesan website




Christmas Eve

O God, you have caused this holy night to shine with the brightness of the true Light: Grant that we, who have known the mystery of that Light on earth, may also enjoy him perfectly in heaven; where with you and the Holy Spirit he lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting.

Christmas Day

Almighty God, you have given your only-begotten Son to take our nature upon him, and to be born [this day] of a pure virgin: Grant that we, who have been born again and made your children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the same Spirit be honor and glory, now and for ever.

Sunday, Dec. 27

Almighty God, you have poured upon us the new light of your incarnate Word: Grant that this light, kindled in our hearts, may shine forth in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  

For Operation Christmas Child

St. John’s Parish collected 40 Christmas boxes, now on their way to children. Please continue to pray for your Christmas child. We want to open children’s hearts to not only receive the box but also the message of love and hope in Christ Jesus.
More than 12.5 million children in Mexico have received a shoebox gift as a tangible expression of God’s love.
Photo courtesy of Samaritan’s Purse

For Persecuted Churches

We pray for persecuted churches around the world. For the month of December we pray for the nations of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Heavenly Father, Christians and Christian churches in those countries are suffering due to violence, Islamic persecution, and war against each other. We lift them up in your Holy Name, asking for your mercy to surround them. We pray for the Christian churches in Armenia and Azerbaijan to persevere through the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

Christ–St. Paul’s, Yonges Island
The Very Rev. Craige Borrett
The Rev. Dr. Kendall Harmon


The Anglican Cycle of Prayer

The Anglican Diocese of the South
Archbishop Foley Beach, and his wife, Allison
Bishop Frank Lyons, and his wife, Shawnee


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St. John’s Parish Church
3673 Maybank Highway, Johns Island, SC 29455
PO Box 125, Johns Island, SC 29457
Telephone: 843-559-9560 
Fax: 843-559-9612

Contact St. John’s Parish Staff

Content © 2020 St. John’s Parish Church. All rights reserved.