Hello Church Family!
The news that we will be in lockdown as a province starting December 26th has hit us all hard, and we as a church leadership have had many times of discussion and prayer to understand how to respond.

It was very difficult for us (Board and staff) to wrestle with what this newest lockdown would look like at Redeemer. You will receive more communication from us in the coming days and weeks, but here is a brief summary of our plans. 

Christmas Eve Services
Given that we have more cases of COVID-19 in the Niagara Region than ever before, it has been decided to cancel our in-person Christmas Eve Services. We were prepared for the possibility of a lockdown and so we will be having an online Christmas Eve service available for you to participate in. It will be pre-recorded and made available to you by noon on Christmas Eve. The link to the service will be emailed out and also be available through our website and Facebook page.

Sunday Services During Lockdown
We will be hosting live Sunday Services online through our Facebook page and Website. We are permitted to have 10 people in the building to offer services, and so the staff and worship team will be in on Sunday to run through a live service at 10am – just like we have been offering!

Ministry at Redeemer
As of December 26th, we will be shutting down all ministry that takes place in the church building. So, any Bible Studies or gatherings that were normally held in the building will be suspended until at least the end of the lockdown (January 23, 2021). The church staff will also begin working from home for the duration of the lockdown. This means that the church office will be closed.

With all of this said, please know that we will continue to be available to serve and minister to all of you and the community as needed. The Elders will be available for contact and prayer throughout this time and you can still reach us through email and phone.

You can expect regular updates from us via email and video. We will do our best to make sure you know what is going on and what our plans are during the lockdown and to restart services sometime in the new year.

This is a hard and trying and even frustrating time for all of us, but let’s remember that we do not mourn as those without hope. We endure trials in this life knowing that we are sons and daughters of the Most High God and that nothing can pluck us from His hand or rob us of our great reward!

Merry Christmas!
In Christ,
Carl Santos

WE HOPE YOU ENJOY listening to these songs as you prepare for Christmas Eve.  May you experience His HOPE this Christmas. 
Please click here to watch Our Christmas Eve service, which will be available on Facebook after noon on Christmas Eve.
JOIN US SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27, ONLINE as Pastor Paul brings us the message entitled "Jesus Our Comfort" from 2 Corinthians 1:3-11.

Join us at 10:00 am LIVE on Facebook as we learn and grow together! The service will also be posted to our website later in the day if you are unable to join the live-stream.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
In-Church Attendance:  72 (9 am) & 59 (11 am)
Weekly Offering:   $17,836
Thank you for your faithful stewardship!
If you have an emergency or if you need anyone during the Christmas holidays or during the month of January while the church is closed, please contact Pastor Carl at, Pastor Paul at or an available elder:  
Cal Beresh -;
Karl Janzen -;
Peter Kowalski -;
Simon Yeomans -;
Tim Broomer -;
Vito Del Vecchio -;
John Haanappel -  
Just a friendly reminder that the last day for donations to be receipted in the 2020 calendar year is Thursday, December 31.  The Canada Revenue Agency rules say any donations received on January 1, 2021 or later, will be receipted in 2021 regardless of what date is on the cheque.  Roger will be in the office on Tuesday, December 29 from 9:00-4:30 for any donations.  After that, mailed donations must be postmarked December 31 or earlier to be receipted in the 2020 year.

A friendly reminder ~ 
  • Cash or Cheque:  Fill out your numbered offering envelope or blank one found in the chair pockets. Make a note on the envelope if you would like your funds split to other funds (e.g. benevolent). Envelopes will be collected during the offering. 
  • Give Online: Give a one-time gift online securely through PayPal on Redeemer's website
  • E-Transfer:  Use for e-transfer.
  • Automatic Withdrawal:  To have funds withdrawn from your bank account, pick up a Pre-Authorized Giving Form from the Welcome Desk or e-mail to request one.  
  • Estate Planning:  Please contact Calvin (Cal) Beresh at Beresh & Smith Law Firm at 905-357-5555.
  • Gifts of Stock:  Gifts of stock in publicly traded companies carry significant tax advantages.  If you would like to discuss this option, please email for more information.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Roger Poirier, Administrator at or 905-356-6888.
Thank you,
Roger Poirier, Administrator
Simon Yeomans, Treasurer
THE 2021 OFFERING ENVELOPES are ready for you to pick up.  If you would like to pick up your offering envelopes, please stop by the church any Tuesday from 9-4:30 for foyer pick-up only.  If you give regularly and would like envelopes, or if you have any questions, please contact Roger Poirier or the church office at 905-356-6888, as this helps our receipting process run more smoothly.   

We are updating our Directory. If you call Redeemer 'home', please update your information. We want to stay connected to our church family during this time and beyond.  Please CLICK HERE to update your information now!  

To stay connected with us, we encourage you to visit our website HERE.  You can listen to any messages or videos you may have missed, as well as filling in a connection card with a prayer request or a way we can help you!

Our Connection Cards are online! 
Please CLICK HERE to connect with our Pastors, Elders and staff.  If you have any needs or prayer requests, please let us know!
1.  Adam Lawrence - Son of Rob and Marianne Lawrence, Rob is doing very well after contracting Covid-19.  God is good, all the time!


In accordance with applicable laws, Redeemer Bible Church is committed to protecting the privacy of its members, adherents, donors, volunteers, employees, directors, officers and any other persons about or from whom the Church collects personal information. The Church embraces the principles of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPED) to ensure that personal health information about an individual relating to their physical or mental health (including medical history) is not released to the general public.


  1. Don DeGraaf - Please pray for healing for Don as he is back in hospital with health issues and undergoing tests.  Please pray for healing for Don, peace and comfort for Chris and their family and much wisdom for the doctors that are treating him.
  2. Carl Winger - Please pray for Carl as he recovers from his recent chemotherapy treatment.  Please continue to pray for strength and healing for Carl, peace and strength for Betty and their family as well as wisdom for the doctors who are treating him.
  3. Charles Verworn - Please continue to pray for healing for Charles in his health journey.  Please continue to pray for peace for both he and Brenda and their whole family during this time, as well as for much wisdom for the doctors that are treating him.
  4. Carolyn Cuillerier - Please pray for healing and strength for Carolyn as she is very sick and weak.  Please pray for strength and wisdom for Dan as he ministers to Carolyn, and pray for peace for Carolyn and Dan as they wait for test results.  Please also pray for much wisdom for the doctors as they continue to diagnose and treat Carolyn.
  5. Cheryl McDonald - Please continue to pray for healing for Cheryl as she has received the results from her surgery.  Unfortunately, cancer cells were found in the sentinel node.  Cheryl began chemo treatments this week and has other appointments scheduled as well.  Please pray for peace for Cheryl as she goes through this process, and please also pray for Cheryl's mother, as she supports Cheryl on this health journey.
  6. Mary Martin & Oakwood Park Lodge - Please pray for Mary as she has health concerns and pray for her colleagues at Oakwood Park Lodge in the midst of this ongoing pandemic.  Pray that the Lord would protect all residents and workers in this LTC home.
  7. Linda Jolley - Please pray for Linda as she is being evicted from her apartment in April due to the owners tearing the building down.  Pray that she will soon be able to find a place to live within her budget.
  8. Lynne - Co-worker of Kelly Del Vecchio, Lynne suffered a brain bleed on Saturday and is in hospital.  Please pray for a complete healing for her, peace for her family and friends and wisdom for the doctor.  Please also pray that she would come to a saving knowledge of Christ!
  9. Harvey Stromme - Please continue to pray for healing for Harvey as he suffered a serious fall earlier this month which caused compression fractures of the vertebrae.  He is now home and undergoing rehabilitation.  Please also pray for wisdom for all who are treating him.
  10. Nick Sgro - Brother of Sylvana, Nick's knee is healing slowly.  He was hoping to get the staples out this week but it is still bleeding.  Please pray for continued and a complete physical healing for Nick and also pray that he would come to know the Lord.  Please also pray for Sylvana, that she would be able to witness to her family and that all of their hearts would be open to hear the Gospel.
  11. Congregation of Grace United Brethren Church in Sherkston - Please continue to pray for this community of believers as their church burned to the ground recently.  Pray for wisdom for the pastor and leadership team of the church as they look to the future.
  12. Please pray for our church family and for especially for our seniors and shut-ins.  Remember to check in with each other with a phone call or a note and spread the love of Jesus!
  13. Our Missionaries - Please pray for Stephen and Karen Frank, serving the Lord in Quebec with Gospel Outreach Mission.
  14. Church Leadership – Specifically, the Pastoral Ministry team and staff, including Pastor Carl, Pastor Paul, Janet McLeod, Louisa McLeod, Roger Poirier, Lori Foster and Sharon Reinaerts as well as Karl Janzen (Elder) and Cliff Fair (Deacon).
"Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge."

Psalm 62:8
How can we serve or pray for you?
One time gift or recurring donations.
How to Connect with us:

Our mailing address is:
Redeemer Bible Church
PO Box 756, 3017 Montrose Rd
Niagara Falls ON   L2E 6V6

Copyright © 2020 Redeemer Bible Church, All rights reserved.

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