In December we provided an online workshop on systematic reviews and evidence and gap maps to Ph.D. Scholars hosted by Symbiosis International, Pune.
New evidence and gap map protocol published:
Studies of the effectiveness of transport sector interventions in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Read more here
Plain language summaries
A plain-language summary describes findings from a systematic review in everyday language that is understandable to a non-research audience. These are mainly user abstracts help summarize the Campbell systematic reviews to make things more easily accessible and usable for their audiences.
New Hindi translations of plain language summaries. Read here
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New on our blog
Evidence from Transport Evidence and Gap Map- Transport and the Sustainable Development Goals
As a Delhiite, I used to travel by bus (14 km) to reach my college until my graduation. I had to change two buses and it takes me approximately one hour. The problem is not the travel time, but the mismanagement of the bus services because of no schedule in place. I remember sometimes that I used to wait for more than 30 minutes for my bus, as different buses run on different routes. And overall, my journey time turns out to be more than one hour and forty minutes just for one way. Read more here
Gender inequality and gender stereotypes
Gender inequality affects every member of society, directly and indirectly, although in varying degrees. Gender inequality results in unequal opportunities, and while it impacts the lives of both genders, statistically it is girls that are the most disadvantaged. In many countries, social norms dictate that girls should bear the brunt of caregiving roles and domestic work. Social norms and gender stereotypes have resulted in many child marriages, unwanted pregnancies, as well as female genital mutilation. Read more here
Upcoming events
WWGS 2021: Campbell is co-hosting the What Works Global Summit with the Global Development Network (GDN). Submit your abstracts here. For more details read here.
Training and workshops
Online Evidence and Implementation Summit 2021, on 30-31 March 2021. Register here
Get in touch if you would like to know about the systematic review workshops, or you are interested in hosting Campbell training. Email us at
Jobs @ CSA
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