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Virtual Careers Fair

Here at Streetly we usually run a very popular Careers Fair for all pupils at the beginning of the year. This year, with Covid restrictions, we are unable to offer an event in school. However, our partner organisation the Black Country Consortium are offering a fantastic Virtual Careers Expo which will provide pupils and parents from across the region with access to a wide range of information on careers advice, employment, apprenticeships, skills and training programmes, FE, HE and SEN opportunities all under one virtual roof.

The Expo launches today, 14th January, it will remain open to access for 4 weeks and you can visit as many times as you like in that time.

You must register to gain access, please click here to register.

Year 11 Career Guidance interviews

Every pupil in Year 11 will receive a 1 to 1 career guidance interview this term with Mrs Stevenson, the School Careers Advisor. Due to school closure, these will now take place using Google Meet until we are able to open school and resume face to face meetings. An email with the Meet link and other information will be sent to each pupil a few days prior to their interview. Please ensure your child reads the information carefully and responds to confirm receipt of the email and their attendance at the meeting.
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Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 07841414 | The Streetly Academy | Registered Address: Queslett Road East | Sutton Coldfield | West Midlands | B74 2EX | United Kingdom
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Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 07841414 | The Streetly Academy | Registered Address: Queslett Road East | Sutton Coldfield | West Midlands | B74 2EX | United Kingdom