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Tuesday, January 19, 2021
This Saturday: Impact of Local Farming on Climate Change
This Saturday, January 23, Civitas' guest presenter will be Melissa Vatterott of the Missouri Coalition for the Environment. She is an attorney who specializes in federal and state regulations designed to protect the environment, farm animals, and human consumers. As we move towards planting season, there is a great deal that we can learn about the connection between modern farming and climate change.

Most Americans do not think of farming as a major source of pollution and contributor to climate change. Come learn with us this Saturday.

You can register by
clicking here. Below is a short video introduction to the event from Alexandra, Hagemeister, Clayton High School Class of 2022.

Saturday, January 23
11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Saturday, February 6
11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Saturday, February 20
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Saturday, February 27
11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Melissa Vatterott from Missouri Coalition for the Environment of the Impact of Modern Farming on Climate Change
Click here to register

Geoffrey Soyiantet, director of Vitendo 4 Africa, and recent immigrants from Africa to St. Louis will discuss their experiences.
Click here to register

High School Model UN -- Spring Session
Click here to register

Nicole Rainey of American Civil Liberties of Missouri (ACLU-MO)

Click here to register
LAST SATURDAY -- Phenomenal presentation by Dr. Jim Hinrichs,  discussing COVID Challenges in St. Louis Area

Last Saturday, Dr. Jim Hinrichs met through the power of ZOOM with Civitas students to discuss COVID-19. He gave background into the origins of the disease and then how it spread globally, and most particularly into the United States. He described the challenges in looking for possible cures and vaccinations, but how the tide may turn in the near future. In the meantime, the statistics are frighteningly high in the world, in the U.S., and in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area.

Dr. Jim works with St. Louis County, tracking cases and looking for the most effective ways to protect County residents. Utilizing a very descriptive PowerPoint, he illustrated how important it is for all of us to continue to be cautious. With the Biden Administration assuming power on Wednesday and utilizing new techniques to get vaccines into local areas, we could be on course to make tremendous progress by late spring or early summer.

Dr. Jim's specialty is infectious diseases and he is currently working at the St. Louis county Department of Public Health as an Infectious Disease Advisor. He received his MD from St. Louis University in 1975; trained in Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology at Georgetown University in Washington, DC and Washington University in St. Louis, MO. In 2007, he received a Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.

For 40 years, he was been in private practice with affiliations with BJC Healthcare and SSM.

We extend our deepest thanks to Dr. Jim for such an illuminating presentation and his ability to comfortably answer student questions.
Guest Speaker Geoffrey Soyiantet on African Immigration Experience in STL

Geoffrey Soyiantet, founder and President of Vitendo4Africa (V4A), will join Civitas on February 6 via Zoom to talk about the African immigrant experience in St. Louis and other areas of Missouri. “Vitendo” is a Swahili word that means action, which is the core of the non-profit organization, providing action through support and services to Africans planning to arrive in St. Louis and those who are already here. Jeff and others will share how they have benefited from V4A’s help. Sign up now for this hour-long event that will focus on the trials and tribulations for immigrants merging two different cultures.

The event is Saturday, February 6 from 11 am until noon via Zoom. It’s free for all high school or middle school students.

Click here to register.

Back by Request--Another Model United Nations on Saturday, Feb. 20 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm!

With national events and news dominating our lives these days, it will be a nice break to concentrate on international events again for a morning via Zoom when Civitas hosts another High School Model UN session on February 20. Middle School students are welcome to attend, too. If you participated in the November or December MUN event, you can sign up for the same country. If you do not have a country, just choose one for registration. If it is not available, we will let you know.

Writing a resolution is optional, but encouraged. Send resolutions to Stephanie via email:

We hope to see you there!

Click here to register.

UNA-USA Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program
This spring, UNA-USA is offering The Emerging Leaders Fellowship for students and young professionals interested in leading a project, initiative, or event relating to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10: Reduced Inequalities. The theme for the spring Fellowship is "Champions for Equality". Program participants will demonstrate leadership, planning, and local initiative over the course of the Fellowship and present their action plan to the National Office, other cohort participants, and their local UNA-USA chapters. There is no cost to participate - so apply today using the link below!
For more information about the Emerging Leaders Fellowship, go to
Not a paid UNA-USA member? Sign up for FREE Youth membership registration by following this link:
Middle School Class Visits are Underway!
A photo from last year's visit at Ritenour Middle School
Even though we can’t be with students in person, Civitas is still providing virtual classroom visits to the 900 students in the Middle School Model UN Program. This week we’re at Rogers Middle School, Rancho Solano, Christ Prince of Peace, and Rockwood Valley, McKinley CLA, and Crossroads College Prep with more to come next week.

The first classroom visit introduces students to the real UN, shares a bit of history, discusses what the UN is currently working on, and what student delegates will be doing in their own Model UN. If you’d like to get your classroom visit scheduled, please contact Bobbi Kennedy (314-443-9785,

Picture of the Week
Razor wire is seen topping a security fence near the Capitol on Thursday, January 14, in preparation for the Wednesday, January 20 presidential inauguration in Washington, DC. Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images
This past week at the United Nations
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