PTSA store
PTSA store


As we get closer to the Holidays, consider checking out our staff wish list on Amazon for a gift you KNOW they'll love!  We are also in need of gift cards for Patriot of the Month!
Staff Wish List


We hope you have a great December!!  Enjoy the colder weather, do some online Christmas shopping (don't forget the AFHS Spirit Wear!!) and stay healthy!!
Shop PTSA Spirit Wear

As always, thank you for supporting the PTSA!! 


Stay informed with Student Services

Check the AFHS “Time Sensitive” section on the main page of the website for the latest on what is happening now.
  1. Mr. Wight’s Weekly Updates:
  2. Follow Student Services on Twitter: @AFHSstudentserv
  3. Follow AFHS Announcements on Twitter: @AFHSannounce
  4. School Calendar by month under Remote Learning Tab:

Preparing for Semester 2  
Back to School Guide for AFHS LINK
Everything you need to know about the second semester during Covid can be found here: carpool procedures, bus procedures, covid screening, lunch procedures, student services procedures.
Junior/Senior Parking Pass Pick Up SPRING 2021
If you need to pick up your parking pass, please stop by AFHS and ring the doorbell during exam week any time before 2:30pm.
LINK to registration details, rules/regulations 
Link to parking map
Second Semester Schedule Change Request Form
Students will be able to request schedule changes to their 2nd semester schedule via  google doc  USE THIS GOOGLE DOC TO REQUEST A CHANGE, do not email a request to your counselor.
The PTSA parent volunteers will be here for the final distribution of senior T-shirts and yard signs on Wednesday, February 10th from 12-4pm.
Senior fees must be paid by Jan 19th to receive a senior shirt. No more shirts will be printed after this date.
Yard signs:  If you missed the mid October order date, there are currently no more printed yard signs to distribute.  If you would like a Yard Sign, you have until Friday, January 22nd to order from the PTSA website. That will be the last printing of yard signs for the Class of 21.  
Senior Fee OSP 
Senior Yard Sign Order Link
For questions regarding PTSA t-shirt/yard signs contact:
For questions regarding Senior Fees, contact student services:
Upcoming Dates:
January 11-15- Material Drop Off for 1st semester courses, any time before 2:30pm
January 18-Holiday
January 19-Teacher Workday
January 19-2nd Semester Course Material Distribution-IF you need to pick up items for your 2nd semester courses, those teachers will send distribution details to students via student email.
January 19-Mid-Year Graduation, by appointment 6-8pm
January 19-Undergraduate LifeTouch picture pick up any time before 2:30pm
January 20-First day of Spring Semester cohort A/1 in the building
January 26-PSAT for all pre-registered juniors. Details have been sent via student email to those students that registered.
February 3-Undergraduate Picture Make-Up Day. Details TBD.
February 3-Spring Virtual Meet the Teacher. Details TBD.

AFHS Student Services Reminders:

Student Appointments for counselors: Virtual Appointments are scheduled using an online system.  Students can access this from their personal device at any time, use your student ID when making an appointment. Students will receive a confirmation email after their appointment is set. Students should always check their student email for a virtual invitation from their counselor. Link for STUDENTS:
Parent Appointments for counselors:  Counselors are available to meet virtually with parents by appointment. Please email your student’s counselor so that they can set up a date/time that works for everyone and ensures there is enough time to adequately address the topic of the meeting.  Parents should not use the student online appointment system. To find your counselor’s contact information:




Visit the Student Services website for our latest and greatest information:
Follow us on TWITTER: @AFHSstudentserv


Class of 2021
Parents, please stay connected this summer with one of our groups. Please note that our Twitter handle has been updated to better reflect who we are.


Facebook: AFHS Class of 2021 Parents
Twitter: @AFHSParents2021


We now have Remind!
FYI - you only need to join 1 group, either via the app or by email.  Remind caps out at 150 members, so there are multiple accounts to accommodate everyone.

AFHS 2021 Parents (Code @2021afhs)
 AFHS 2021 Parents - B (Code @2021afhsb)
 AFHS 2021 Parents - C (Code @2021afhsc)
AFHS 2021 Parents - D (Code @2021afhsd)
 AFHS 2021 Parents - E (Code @2021afhse)
AFHS 2021 Parents - F (Code @2021afhsf)

Ask the tough question
When somebody you know is in emotional pain, ask them directly: “Are you thinking about killing yourself?”
Keep Them Safe
Is your friend thinking about suicide? Ask if they’ve thought about how they would do it and separate them from anything they could use to hurt themselves.
Be There 
If your friend is thinking about suicide,
Listen to their reasons for feeling hopeless and in pain.
Listen with compassion and empathy and without dismissing or judging.
Help Them Connect
Help your friend connect to a support system, whether it’s 800-273- TALK(8255), family, friends, clergy, coaches, co-workers or therapists, so they have a network to reach out to for help.
Follow Up
Check in with the person you care about on a regular basis. Making contact with a friend in the days and weeks after a crisis can make a difference in keeping them alive.
And thank you to all of our sponsors....
Krista Randolph - Patriot Level
Gayle Yates - Patriot Level

Allison Carter, State Farm - Blue Level
Anne Marie Miller - Red Level
Nancy Burke
- Red Level
The Patriot Post is a weekly newsletter produced by the PTSA of Apex Friendship High School.
Please submit items to:
Weekly Submission Deadline: Monday at midnight
  Publication: 1st and 15th of every month
  • Please have all items ready for publishing, including formatting, links, and email addresses.
  • Please keep items brief and provide a link for more info if applicable. 
  • Items may be edited for clarity and brevity.
All school groups, school personnel, and students are welcome to submit news for the newsletter!
The Patriot Post is brought to you by our generous sponsors. Want your family or business featured here? Join PTSA and donate today!
Copyright © 2017 Apex Friendship High School PTSA, All rights reserved.

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