A Meaningful Life shares Peace, Kindness, Healing and Fun.  Fortunately, Zoom has kept Bloom alive so far in 2021!!!!  Along with our folks committed to returning to the studio when we reopen.  In the end, Communal Responsibility has to be the primary factor.  Love to you all during these crazy times!!!  That said, due to the more contagious virus strain and high transmission rates, I have decided that we will continue Zooming and NOT have in-person classes for another two weeks.  We will re-evaluate the situation at end of January.

I heard from nationally well informed yoga sources that approximately 40% of yoga studios no longer have a physical studio. Either they have permanently switched to an all virtual platform or have gone out of business. This is sad, however, believable due to generally low profit margins for yoga studios, which makes any business more vulnerable during these times.

The choices made by our Bloom Community are why we are still here.  For that, We Thank You
For this moment, we are hoping to return to in-person mindfulness meditation on February 7.  In the meantime, Koelle and Tony would like to invite you to join them on Zoom for group discussions about mindfulness practices. Please contact Koelle (814) 937-8018 or Tony (814) 935-1185 if you are interested, so that a link to the meetings can be sent to you.

Koelle would like to share a Loving Kindness Meditation with this beautiful community. Now, more than ever, this world is calling out for love. Let’s sit together for just a few minutes and foster feelings of compassion for ourselves and for others.

Loving Kindness Meditation
Cristal’s Standing Energy Boost
I express my appreciation for the best Bloomin Heart 💝 to Heart 💝 holiday gifts ever.....Sharing how you have benefited from practicing Gentle•Mindful•Accessible Yoga at Bloom via comment forms, cards, text, email, phone and in-person. We will continue to share the comments so others may discover this “Kind of Yoga”.
Student Offering:

When I started Kind Yoga this past summer, I wasn't sure what to expect from it.  A friend has been telling me I needed to try it for a few years.  I can tell you, I don't regret it for one second.  I have seen physical improvements that help me with simple things like getting up off the floor...something I couldn't do without help or without something to pull myself up in some time.  Now, using a simple pose, like Downward Facing Dog, I get up and down with no issues.  Beyond the physical improvements, Yoga has helped me "just be," which was something I struggled with for some time.  I am able to relax and just take in moments better than I have ever been able to before.  I have learned to appreciate moments that before I would have let pass me by.  They say to learn to "stop and smell the roses."  Bloom Yoga has helped me take one step further and appreciate everything about each rose.

This is an offering from my dear yogini friend Rachel Allen. She continues to bless us throughout these difficult times.
May you find refuge in these tumultuous times:
In your breath.
In your own body.
In places that nurture and support you.
May you practice wise discernment in where you focus your energy and time.
May you build your capacity to live from the inside out, rather than the outside in.
This is so hard and why we need each other, to be in a space of mutuality, of reciprocity, to rebuild and bring forth the beautiful community.
Copyright © 2021 Bloom Yoga and Wellness, All rights reserved.

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