Weekly Update
Keeping you informed of upcoming opportunities and events
~ From the team at Alaska INBRE ~
January 11, 2021
for Events and Deadlines of interest to our Alaska INBRE Community
Latest Information on COVID-19
- Click here for University of Alaska coronavirus information and FAQs. Includes links to all three campuses - UAA, UAF, UAS.
- Click here for Alaska Coronavirus Response Hub (updated at noon daily)
- Click here for information about the disease, prevention and travel advisories from the US Centers for Disease Control Prevention.
Jynene Black | Alaska INBRE Reporting and Outreach Coordinator
Curriculum Development Spotlight: Sleepless in Seattle Alaska
On January 12, 2021, Alaska INBRE announced our Curriculum Development Award opportunity. This opportunity supports biomedical and health sciences curriculum development. For this announcement, curriculum development refers to developing appropriate learning/teaching methods and materials and appropriate assessment methods and materials for modules within existing courses.
Sleepless in Seattle is a funny and slightly cheesy 1993 rom-com. However, sleeplessness is not amusing and is essential to our health and well-being. Sleep is a serious health issue, and as you can imagine, college students are significantly impacted by low sleep quality.
Summer 2020 Curriculum Development Awardees, Jennifer R. Peterson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology and Dani’ K. Sheppard, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks developed a course entitled Sleepless in Alaska: Sleep, Health, and Well-being. Jennifer Peterson said, “The class we developed with our INBRE funds is an overview of sleep from a "whole-person" perspective. The class covers the biological, psychological, and social effects of sleep, sleep loss, and sleep disorders. This course includes lectures from a local physician specializing in sleep medicine, a virtual tour of a sleep lab, and interviews with several patients with sleep disorders. The class will also focus on biomedical career options and assess environmental and local factors that influence sleep (such as the arctic light cycle). Students will evaluate their own sleep practices and use what they learn to develop plans to increase their own wellness.” Students taking this course will increase their knowledge about sleep, which will benefit them academically and personally throughout their lifetimes.
The course is offered online and is 100% asynchronous. Thirty-one students are enrolled this semester. The course is currently a special topics class but is under review to be a regular class that fulfills social science GER. You can still late register; CRN 37132.
If you are interested in developing a new curriculum or modifying an existing course, please see the announcement below, or go online to view our Request for Proposals.
This article was supported by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant number 2P20GM103395. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the official views of the NIH.
UA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination.
Request for Proposals:
Announcement Date: January 12, 2021
Submission Date: February 26, 2021, 5pm AKST
Awards Announced: early April 2021
Award Period: May 9 - July 31, 2021
The Alaska IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) is supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health. An objective of the Alaska INBRE Research Training Core is to expand curricula in biomedical and health areas across the University of Alaska system. Accordingly, Alaska INBRE is announcing a request for proposals on biomedical and health sciences curriculum development. For the purpose of this announcement, curriculum development refers to the development of appropriate learning/teaching methods and materials, as well as appropriate assessment methods and materials, for modules within existing courses. Funds may be requested to pay faculty salary (at their existing rate) for 2-4 weeks of time and effort on curriculum development.
Priority will be given to proposals in the following areas: 1) proposals that enhance content within the core curriculum; 2) proposals for courses that fulfill general education requirements and that could introduce a diversity of students in the early stages of their academic career to biomedical science; and 3) proposals that utilize pedagogical approaches to support and encourage the participation of underrepresented students in biomedical science. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their plans with the department chair and/or dean, especially if the proposal requires adjustments to their workload.
BLaST SCHOLARSHIPS FOR FALL 2021 THROUGH SPRING 2022: Application deadline is Feb. 7. Click here for more information.
COLLABORATIVE SEQUENCING/ BIOINFORMATICS PILOT AWARDS: The NM-INBRE Sequencing and Bioinformatics Core (SBC) invites you to apply for a pilot project award valued at approximately $5,000 to $10,000 to drive your research, publications and grants! Requires co-contribution from non-NM-INBRE Investigators. Proposal deadline: 2nd Sunday of each month by 11:59 pm. Details and how to apply here.
NRMN TOWN HALL ON COVID-19: Jan 14 @ 2:30pm Ak Time via Zoom
"United to Debunk Misinformation in Our Communities" - Keynote Speaker Hon. Shelia Jackson Lee. Please click this link for more information and registration.
TRiM FRIDAY JOURNAL CLUB - Fridays @ 12-1 PM via Zoom Please join Transformative Research in Metabolism (TRiM) to discuss peer-reviewed literature in metabolomics and hibernation research.
- Fri, Jan 15 - Donna Johnson, Pinnacle Technologies - The Entrepreneur Experience
Beginning in 1966 and continuing today, UAF's Institute of Arctic Biology hosts a weekly seminar for faculty, students, staff and the public during the academic year. The series attracts life scientists from Alaska and around the world. If you wish to meet with a particular speaker, please contact one of the seminar coordinators, Diane O'Brien and Shawn Crimmins, or the IAB director's office at 907-474-7649. Please visit the Life Science series page for more information, and to listen to previously recorded seminars. Please note the time change to 1pm Alaska Time in order to accommodate speakers outside of Alaska.
- Fri, Jan 15 - 1pm - Jeff Muehlbauer PhD, USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Station, will present "Weddings, wine, wilderness, whitewater: the large river ecology of beautiful places." A student lunch via zoom will be held on Thursday, Jan 14 @ Noon.
- Wed, Jan 20 - 3:30 pm - Erik Schoen PhD, UAF, will present "Risk and reward in a changing world: forging stronger links between climate science, food-web ecology, and fisheries management." A student lunch via zoom will be held on Tuesday, Jan 19 @ Noon.
- Friday, Jan 22 -- 1pm - Robert Mollenhauer PhD, University of Wyoming, will present "Hierarchical structure in aquatic systems: unraveling the puzzle of fish distributions." Student lunch via zoom will be held on Thurs, Jan 21 @ Noon.
JANUARY RESEARCH BROWNBAG - Wed, Jan 20 @ 12pm via Zoom (Meeting ID/Password below)
This month, two new investigators funded by the AIAN-CTRP will give summaries of their projects. Rosalyn Singleton, ANTHC, will present "Evaluating a new model of care for neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome in Alaska hospitals; Youssef Barbour, ANTHC, will present "Determining NAFLD and NASH occurrences in an Alaska Native/American Indian Adult Population." Meeting ID: 732 612 335, Password : 746805
NATIONAL CENTER FOR GENOME RESOURCES (NCGR) BIOINFORMATICS INTENSIVES: Jan 19-29, Feb 16-26, and March 15-26. Please click here for more information.
UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO UNDERGRADUATE PIPELINE NETWORK SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAM: The application deadline is Feb 1, 2021. To learn more and apply, please visit goto.unm.edu/upn
2021 ARCTIC FRONTIERS BUILDING BRIDGES - Virtual format - Call for abstracts
Feb 1-4, 2021 Tomso, Norway The call for abstracts is now open. www.arcticfrontiers.com or contact Arleigh Reynolds
Feb 22-23, 2021 Abstracts welcome. For conference details, click here.
April 5-16, 2021. Additional information is available on the FAQ page.
April 6-11, 2021 UAF Center for One Health Research invites you to one of the largest US conferences on One Health, focused on the Circumpolar North. Register now at the Conference Website.
April 27-30, 2021 Be sure to save the date and check the website for the latest information.
Articles of Interest
NIH Extramural Nexus
Please Share!
Publications, News Articles, Announcements, and Photos!
Pilot Faculty, Undergraduate, and Graduate Research Assistants: Please send your news, publications, post-doc announcements, and photos, we would like to share. Thank you in advance for your help!
Please send to: