January 2021 Cherokee Rosebud 

AAUW Houston-Peach Branch

January 2021


January 2021 President's Message


 Welcome to 2021. In some ways it seemed this last year would never end. In others it just flew by. Now more than ever our country has to unify and move forward. COVID-19, racial tension, political intrigue—all made 2020 a year we will never forget. But, as I ate my Hopping Johns and collard greens, I look forward with hope for a new year, a new beginning and new attitudes.

I hope everyone enjoyed the virtual Holiday Party as much as I did. There are not enough words of gratitude for Ann McKay for her technical expertise in hosting our Zoom meeting. What a great job. It was so good to see you. To say that you are missed here would be a gross understatement! And, what can I say about our hostess with the mostest—Evelyn Merk. Somehow, Evelyn always has something new and different to keep us entertained. It was a fun event, but I look forward to having an in-person party in lieu of a virtual one.

Last year Program Vice President Wilhemenia Sibley has kept us entertained and informed with wonderful program in September, October and November. I know this month's meeting will be equally worth our time. Wilhemenia seems to be able to blend her two hats as Program Chair and Public Policy Chair to keep us up to date. Elsewhere in this issue I am sure you will find program information.

Our wonderful Margaret will be sending out the link for the Zoom meeting on Tuesday. There is plenty of room for social distancing at the Byron Welcome Center, so would love to see more of you in person. Whether virtually or in person, thank you all for what you do every day to to make Every Day in Middle Georgia a better day!

Maybe we need to spread part of our Mission Statement to others—Education and Equity—for ALL!




(Virtual) Holiday Party!

A virtual party is certainly not the same as a REAL in-person party, but that did not deter HoustonPeach members from gathering and celebrating in December. Many thanks to  Ann McKay (top row, center), who made the party possible by being our Zoom host (and for also providing the above screenshot). Miss you, Ann!  While food could not be the focus of the gathering like it usually is, the group enjoyed visiting, sharing scavenger hunt items and answering trivia questions, thanks to Evelyn Merk. 









Upcoming Branch Events

Our January meeting will be held, both in person and virtually, on Tuesday, January 12 at 6:30 P.M..

The in-person meeting will be held at the Byron Welcome Center, 209 Chapman Road, Byron GA 31008.  Those attending will social distance and wear masks. There will be no refreshments.

The virtual meeting will be held on Zoom. Please log in using the following link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 5413 3269
Passcode: 164906

If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, you may find the following tutorial video helpful:

Our program for January will be presented by Fenika Miller. Miller is a community activist who served as the chair of the Houston County Democratic Committee from 2010-2014, ran for the state house twice and is currently serving as the chair of the 8th Congressional District of the Democratic Party of Georgia. She also served as one of Georgia’s 16 Democratic presidential electors.



Thank you to the Women's Interfaith Alliance of Central Georgia for presenting our November program. Several of our branch members are members of this organization, whose purpose is "promoting an appreciative knowledge of various faith traditions throughout friendship education, and service." Margaret Mathews, Marlene Humphry, Eman Abdulla, and Flo Martin shared the history of the group and described their service projects and community awareness activities.




Reading Is Fundamental Update

Due to the Covid virus, we will be unable to do Reading Is Fundamental in one of the local elementary schools this year.  We will still purchase books to give to Cherished Children Daycare Centers.  Carrie Smith delivered books for distribution to 3 and 4 year-olds at both Cherished Children locations in early December.  She will also deliver another set of books to them in early spring.  We miss seeing the kids, but need to keep them and ourselves safe from the virus. Hopefully, next year we will be able to do book distributions in person.

We are still welcoming donations to support this project.  Hope we all can encourage donations. 




AAUW Links

GA STEM Google Group


Branch Officers


Marlene Humphry

Program Vice President

Wilhemenia Sibley

Membership Vice President
Susan Blair


Sharon Waugh


Recording Secretary
Diane Lester

Corresponding Secretary/

Margaret Mathews


Copyright © 2020 Corresponding  Secretary
Margaret Mathews 
104 Fall Harvest, Centerville, Ga 31028
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