
More people than ever before are buying in-home equipment, and there are an ever-multiplying number of connected equipment to an extent that it is kind of the “golden age” of in-home fitness equipment.

But…we need more connection to nature, not to wi-fi.

We are now in a situation where there is more fitness equipment than ever before within financial reach of more people.
But you would never know it.

The only equipment most people seem to be aware of are the really expensive ones that require a wi-fi connection. They have little awareness of most of the relatively affordable equipment like I wrote about in the previous post. But almost everyone is aware of the existence of the Mirror, Tonal, and of course, Peloton.

It’s as if there are cars everywhere but the only ones people notice are Tesla and Ferrari.

These uber-expensive, trendy fitness offerings mostly do an ok job at delivering fitness.  The workouts seem fine enough from what I have seen, but nothing special.  At the price point for these pieces, we should be blown away and awestruck by the never-before-seen fitness programming.  Ok workouts should not come with such a hefty initial price tag and significant ongoing monthly expense.

But the real concern is this:  The last thing we need right now are things that drive us inside more often.  We need (Yes, need…see the book Your Brain on Nature for details as to why) to be active outdoors whenever we can to optimize our fitness experience. 
We need more connection to nature, not to wi-fi.  It’s practically cliché to point out that as we have gotten more connected (to devices) we have gotten less connected (to each other).

Welcome now to “Disconnection 2.0” – a disconnection from ourselves in nature.  

It is hard enough as it is for most of us to stick with exercise since our biology is hard-wired to steer us away from doing physical activity that is not directly related to today’s survival.  (Our brains enthusiastically say “yes” to chasing down prey or climbing trees for berries to eat; and say “no” just as emphatically to chasing down nothing on a treadmill.)

An aside for those immune to nuance: I am not saying that it is bad to run on a treadmill and that there are no humans who enjoy doing it. Just that it presents an extra challenge for us to stick with regular exercise.

Recently, for my own workout, at the last minute I decided to do part of it outside, despite the fact that it was quite cold.  I had been inside most of the day to that point and felt a deep drive to be active outdoors.  I just needed to get moving in the fresh, crisp, air.
Off I went with my Son of the Beast Ropes and Core Hammer,  See the video (I did manage to be able to get my daughter to join me…just long enough to shoot the video!)

Whatever gets more people to exercise more consistently I am cool with. So get a connected gadget if that’s your thing.  Just make sure you connect the fitness you get from using it to something out in the real world – out in nature.  Use it to literally open a door for you to get outside and do something physical that you want to try for the first time or that you have not done in a long time.

The first one went well, so I am doing it again at a different time of's time to become your own health & fitness guru. Plus, there is online sign-up available this time. Jan. 19 at 7 PM Eastern US Time.

I have distilled 20+ years of health coaching and <1 year of dealing with covid isolation into a one hour workshop to do just that.

With more time cut off from your support network than ever before, now is the time to become your own health and fitness guru. Discover the one big secret of behavior change, finally make sense of willpower and learn how to get more of it, and unleash the hidden skills you already have but may be unaware of that can help you stick with health and fitness forever.

👉 Whether you are just getting started or trying to make it easier to stay consistent and fitness less of a fight, spend an engaging hour that will transform your ability to do just that.

📽 Attend in the comfort of your home via Zoom. $20. Register with One - Physical Therapy, Fitness & Wellness by either (1) calling One at 410-280-0914 or (2) sending e-mail to and the studio will contact you to register, or (3) Register Online

Cell Phone Plank Challenge - Jan. 2021

Do 5 reps of this each day for 5 days, then add 5 more reps for the next 5 days and so on.  (Scroll down for the video.)

Full details of this challenge are at
Start whenever you want and follow the 30-day schedule from that day.

  • Days 1-5: 5 reps
  • Days 6-10: 10 reps
  • Days 11-15: 15 reps
  • Days 16-20: 20 reps
  • Days 21-25: 25 reps
  • Days 26-30: 30 reps

If you miss a day, just pick up where you left off.  Twenty-nine, 28, or 27 days of doing this challenge will do wonders for your ability to maintain core stability while moving your arms. We make progress in fitness through persistent performance not perfect performance.

TIPS: 💪Keep your feet wider than normal on a plank and move slowly in transition from one arm to the other so you can avoid having your phone slip off your back.  💪 As you fatigue you are more likely to elevate and/or rotate your hips, making it more likely for the phone to slide off…so it teaches you good technique in a plank.

Do this 30 days during January - Start at 5 reps then add 5 reps every 5 days.  
Free Workouts:
Foam Roller Workout - See the videos and how-to
AARP Workout - Get the infographic here
No Equipment Funtensity Workout Now Available!
Video Download $5.99

DO try this at home. Especially when you want a quick workout that is fun and free of equipment. Save a trip outside in the cold to the crowded gym. More fun than you thought possible when doing high-intensity interval training for 22-minutes.
We make your smile muscles tired. 


No equipment necessary.

But a rubber chicken is recommended. :)

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