Hello Master <<First Name>>,
How is your new 2021 going, so far?
The beginning of the year always brings plenty of recommendations
for new resolutions, letting go of the old, making a new step out of the safe zone…
You know what I’m talking about, right?
Then, maybe, as a part of the renewal,
you have planned to make a vision board, or something similar. Have you?
If yes and if not, let’s take a moment to talk about the concept;
So that, if at any point you find yourself sitting with scissors and old magazines,
or browsing Pinterest for the exact picture,
you can make sure you don’t overlook the usual missing piece of a vision board.

If you’ve never heard of the concept,

or just to be on the same page,
let’s start from Wikipedia:

A vision board, or a dream board, is a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of one's dreams and desires, designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, and to use the law of attraction to attain goals".
In other words, this is a visual tool that helps to focus on what you really want,
and attract it into your life. Definitely wonderful, isn’t it?

So, here is the thing:

Many times, after the very successful attraction and manifestation,
instead of having it all forever – the richness disappears, as if it was never here.
Why does it happen?
In a well done visualization, you focus your mind and emotions
on vibrating the highest and most attractive vibrations –
positive, energetic, faithful, enlightened - for longer time than usual.

You actually reach the magnificent potential
of your original mighty, eternal, operating system - the soul.

By doing that correctly, and causing your feelings and actions to follow,
you create the right environment for your dreams to be attracted easily and quickly.

But then – and is it okay if we go a bit scientific here?: 
Psycho-cybernetics is a term coined by Dr. Maxwell Maltz,
means that just like an air conditioner thermostat, a self-guided missile,
or homeostasis - the ability of the body to independently
balance and stabilize its internal environment,
the mental system – through the protective ego,
founder and manager of the safe comfort zone,
based on unconscious complexes of beliefs and conditioning –
is capable of self feedback and correction.
Therefore, it will let us play around for a little while,
entertain ourself with great manifestations,
but will always make sure we don’t get too far from its secure domain.
And if we did – it will pull us back to a more familiar ground.


Meaning, even if you were super successful

in holding a triumphant vibration for a while,
if this is not the normal vibration of the system – it will soon be dropped,
abandoning all the good you attracted, not having the ability to hold and preserve it.

Ok, I think it’s already depressing enough?

Let’s switch to the good news:

Like always.
It's changeable, it's in your hands - and it's possible.

What stands between the divine vibrations of the soul -

which shines constantly, just like a sun -
and the world around it,
is - - - well, you already know what. The usual things:

Inner stories, conditioning, beliefs –
and here, probably mainly around deserving and abundance.

That were put there as a protection, to make sure you survive
as long as you’re dependent and vulnerable.
But not necessarily keep serving now, when you’re stronger, more independent,
and capable of making your own decisions
and taking responsibility for them and their outcomes.


And clearing the way – you already know too:

Tapping into the unconscious code through reactions and behaviors,
re-embracing emotions, dissolving limiting beliefs,
and creating an inner spacious environment -
to allow the light to go through freely and peacefully
and seamlessly bring in an abundance of possibilities, manifestations, fulfillment and joy.


The hilarious thing is,

that most of this new bliss
you couldn’t even imagine, not to say ask for,
when all the blockages were piled in there…
But then, when your reality more and more becomes what you actually wanted it to be,
your dreams board can be made out of all of those beautiful manifestations
that have come true.
Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

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