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Our Newest Design Products, Collections and Service Offerings
 as Well as Special Promotions!

Your first commemorative, tribute, memorial or home/office decor piece is just a phone call away! As a new Milestones and Mementos customer, enjoy our special Introductory 15% OFF Design Coupon Offer on your first art piece.* 

Moving forward, we'll email you periodically to keep you updated on new design product and service releases, important news and special discount promotions.
Provide your birthday when signing up (optional), and we'll be sure to send you a special birthday message and surprise.

Oh and one more thing, we don't condone SPAM and will not share or sell your contact information to third parties. 

* 15% Off New Customer Coupon is for design services only on your first piece.
Discount does not apply to printing or framing services.
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
* indicates required

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