
Detailed Drainage Design: 5 things you should know

Based on the questions we frequently get asked, we thought the below may help you to understand the role of Detailed Drainage Design in your site development.
Drainage - how to get planning permission
Planning applications need to demonstrate that impacts to the environment, both on site and in the vicinity, have been considered. Sustainable drainage design is viewed favourably and can unlock a site through control of the quantity and the quality of the discharge... Read more
Drainage, what planners are looking for
Fundamentally planners are interested in reducing the impact your development will have on the environment – both on your site and the local vicinity. Sustainable drainage design is viewed favourably and some of the issues planners are interested in include... Read more
Why do I need a Detailed Drainage Design?
Every project is different and therefore the drainage design is unique. In some cases, planners may require a significant level of detail to ensure the feasibility of the design and drawings are used by the regulators to ensure the approved scheme is... Read more
Drainage Strategy v Detailed Drainage Design
A drainage strategy considers all options for sustainable drainage and advises on the most likely solution and incorporates an outline strategy. This will include attenuation volume required, a proposed discharge... Read more
Drainage - reducing the rate of discharge from your site
This can be a request from planners. Developments should demonstrate that they will not increase the risk of flooding on site or in the local area. This can be achieved by storing rainfall onsite and then restricting the flow off site... Read more
Detailed Drainage Design Information >>>
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