
Sometimes labels and categories box us in or are applied unfairly.  At other times they can bring clarity and insight. I hope the following will help bring clarity and insight. One way to think about our spiritual journey is by using the idea that we’re all on a Spiritual Conditions spectrum. They are:
  1. Not Interested - someone who is apathetic, or even hostile, to spiritual direction
  2. Spiritually Curious - someone who is open to or pursuing faith conversations
  3. Believer - this person has decided to follow Jesus and put their trust in Him for salvation
  4. Growing Disciple - someone who is actively engaged daily in learning and deepening their faith
  5. Disciple Maker - this person is intentionally engaged in helping others follow and grow in faith
This description of spiritual conditions has helped our staff bring language and words to the process of following Jesus and becoming His disciple. Our hope is that will help you too.

So, what’s your number?

There’s no wrong number, the important thing is to be self-aware and then choose environments and activities that MOVE us forward. Additionally, as you may be aware, RVCC has five Strategic Initiatives that will become major points of emphasis as we advance the Gospel in every neighborhood in Pierce County over the next 3-5 years, and certainly beyond. They are:
  • Expanding Online - increasing our digital ministry in both outreach and discipleship
  • Deepening Discipleship – taking Jesus seriously in our thoughts, words and actions
  • Becoming Multiethnic - working towards being a better reflection of the communities we serve
  • Developing Generosity - Increasing our faith, peace, contentment and freedom through giving
  • Growing Young - becoming multigenerational while leaving Godly legacies
With that as a backdrop, beginning today, we are introducing The Ten-Week Tithing Challenge. It falls squarely at the intersection of Discipleship and Generosity. From January 31 through April 4 (Easter), we want to take God at His word and test Him in this area. Don’t worry, in Malachi 3 He says it's okay to test Him in this area!
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.  ‘Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.’”  Malachi 3:10 (emphasis mine)
Now, please hear me in this. This is not about your money, my money, or even money at all. It’s about discipleship and obedience and how generosity mirrors our spiritual condition. However, giving a percentage of our income (a ‘tithe’ is literally 10%) is not for everyone. If you’re a 1 or 2 on the Spiritual Conditions spectrum, then there would be no motive or obligation to give anything until you’ve decided to follow Christ. You don’t have to do anything before saying yes to Jesus.

Tithing is an act of worship meant for God’s people.

If you are a 3, 4, or 5 on that Spiritual Conditions spectrum, then we want to invite you on a journey to take Jesus seriously, take God at His word, and see what God will do! Tithing is a next step, but it’s not the first or only step towards Jesus. Often, the most difficult step in a journey is getting started! If giving to Jesus is new to you, then moving from zero to a small percentage or a regular, recurring amount may be your first step on this giving journey. If you self-assessed as a 4 or 5, then perhaps the challenge is moving towards a full tithe. If you are already tithing, then adding even one percentage point will be a challenge God may be calling you to take.
Here’s the fun part - though it makes our Finance Team a little uneasy!

If you take this Ten-Week Tithing Challenge and you don’t experience God at work in your life — developing peace, growing contentment, transforming hearts, and maturing your faith — we will give back any money you give as a part of this Challenge. That’s how confident we are in what God says He will do.
At the end of the day, it’s a matter of trust. God owns the outcome of taking the Challenge, not you. 

We’re excited about the direction and focus He’s given our leadership to fulfill the mission of reaching every neighborhood in Pierce County with the transforming love of Jesus. If RVCC is your church, we invite you to let your spiritual condition, your discipleship, and your generosity reflect that decision!
Giving is a journey. You can’t grow in your journey until you start the journey. That’s what this Challenge is about. Starting. Growing. Moving.
Click the link for details and to make your commitment to the Ten-Week Tithing Challenge. 

You can reach us easily by emailing or setting up a conversation with myself or your campus pastor:
Mike Parejo, Online Campus Pastor,
Jeff Jamba, Graham Campus Pastor,
Trevor Hanson, Parkland Campus Pastor,
Rusty Carlson, Lead Executive Pastor,
With you in this journey, 
Coach Rusty
aka Lead Executive Pastor

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