
Hi there, It’s been a long time since my last Self Love-Up Newsletter…

Greetings, Friend.

I know it’s been a while since I have sent you one of my newsletters. It was way back in May 2020 when I sent out the last one. So much has changed for me, and probably you too, since then. For one, I’ve moved out to the East Coast of Canada!

At the beginning of 2020, I felt that it was time for some BIG changes for me. At that time, I couldn’t have known that a pandemic was coming, but I did feel that I needed to pause writing, teaching yoga, and health coaching. I “knew” that a time off was in the works.

Fast forward to today, now in January 2021. And a LOT has happened that will shift the way I will be working in the world.

I have moved to a small seaside hobby(ish) farm and have begun surveying the land and its potentials for creating my new workspace. Perhaps, I will build another studio or maybe create a lavender farm. Or make a place to host healing events and workshops.

Perhaps I will do ALL of these things. Who knows!? But I do not know right now, and that’s okay.

And as I traverse the potentials within this new world and the future, I want to share a few thoughts about how we can be loving and tender with ourselves and each other - even when we don’t have all the answers.

I have created a free Self Love-Up video to share to help others who may also be feeling the pressure to have the answers that might not be here yet. And, I am sharing my video here with you. You can watch it through my YouTube channel linked to the image below.

I also include the words or script below the image for you if you may find these helpful too. I did ad-lib a little in the video, but it’s the message I intended.

Sending Much Love to you,

I hope you are managing okay and doing your best to stay positive. Know that you can always reread any past newsletters for recipes, yoga, and other inspirations. AND feel free to reach out to say, “Hi” and let me know how you are doing.

xo ~ Heather

Here is my video. You can click the image, and it will bring you to my video on my YouTube channel.


Give yourself permission to accept where you are right now in your life.

To honour the changes that are within and around you.

It’s okay not to know what’s next.

Pause and wait for the inspiration.

To rest in the space between the past and what may unfold out before you.

Allow yourself to dream and to imagine. To make new plans when the old ones aren’t working for you anymore.

There is great power in allowing yourself to rest in the space between yesterday and tomorrow.

There are some things that can not be forced or rushed. Learn to honour that there is a Divine timing to everything.

A time for rest, a time for grief, for healing. As much as there is a time for activity, creativity, movement, and joy.

Things WILL move forward again, they always do. Just as the days get longer and brighter as we move toward spring. Our own days will brighten again too.

Give yourself permission to be where you are right now, to pause in this moment and check in with yourself.

Allow mind to wander, out to the grasses, to the trees, the sky, the waters. Out to the world around you. Look to Nature for inspiration.

Take it all in.

And just for today, give yourself permission to be just as you are without having to know all the answers. The answers will come when it’s time.

It’s okay.

Copyright (C) 2021 Heather Cairns-Hodgson ~ The Self Love-Up Guru. All rights reserved.

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