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A few words about us
ATHIKA proposes to explore innovative approaches for technologically advanced training and support that explicitly integrates humanistic concerns, aimed at increasing the successful implementation of ICT – Internet of Things, Big data and Artificial Intelligence integrated into Decision-Support Systems, for the healthcare sector of European companies and ventures.
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Year of opportunities and challenges

The World welcomed 2021 - as humanity puts enormous hopes on the Covid-19 vaccine and continues to adapt to the New Normal. Greetings from the whole ATHIKA consortium! May the Year bring not only challenges but also innovative solutions and we continues to share the most exciting and inspiring findings in Health Innovation Knowledge Alliance.

Best practices

Artificial Intelligence for Combining Evidence-based and Data-driven Medicine

Pharmatics’ solution, MedAI, helps to address both problems by marrying evidence-based and data-driven medicine. MedAI operates by retrieving medical knowledge about clinical conditions and outcomes from millions of medical publications and formalizes the retrieved information using formats suitable for enriching the development of diagnostic models and preventative interventions.

By identifying, formalizing, and aggregating a priori evidence from biomedical literature, MedAI indirectly employs hundreds of data sources that had been used for deriving the evidence summarized in the literature.

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The Emotional Gym: physical exercise platform

The “Emotional Gym” project aims to provide a physical exercise platform that will attract the interest of older people and will keep them engaged and motivated. In this project, Loretto Care, in conjunction with their construction design team, the University of the West of Scotland and the Wheatley Group, wanted to research and co-design “an optimum preventative housing model for older people” by designing an emotional/interactive gym. It is vital for people to do regular exercise in order to stay active for life. 

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Digi4Health Project Consortium to Give Plenary Address at Upcoming Health Workforce Education Conference

We are pleased to announce that the 3rd European Conference of Health Workforce Education & Research will take place virtually, online on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th January 2021 under the main theme of Team-Based Learning and Leadership.
Hosted in collaboration with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland's Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, the International Network for Health Workforce Education (INHWE) holds the virtual event to promote interdisciplinary co-operation and critical understanding of the latest research in the field of health workforce education, research, training and development.
The Digi4Health Project Consortium will present a session to introduce the development of a novel digital toolkit by which European VET Trainers and health sector mentors can reach out and assist healthcare professionals and stakeholders to catch up with technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Project Session: DIGI4HEALTH
Schedule: Thursday 7th January 2021, 14:30 GMT
Conference Programme:
The Organising Committee is delighted to offer free attendance for all INHWE members.
In order to get a free access, please sign up here

Upcoming initiative:

Join online “eHealth Opportunities & Challenges: IoT, AI and Ethics” training course“

Starting: February, 2021. Soon the registration will be opened.

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Experience an innovative learning approach that mix theory and practice with cutting-edge technologies!

Useful insights and outputs

A Smart Campus’ Digital Twin for Sustainable Comfort Monitoring

Smart cities must be large towns able to sustain their citizens’ incremental needs while promoting environmental sustainability. With the emergence of new information and communication technologies (ICTs), such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data, smart cities are closer to this realization. However, the deployment of such an amount of technology in a wide geographical area requires experimentation and testing. Consequently, our research proposes to create smart campuses (SCs) to experiment with the deployment of these ICT technologies. 
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ATHIKA Partners
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