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St. Ignatius Loyola
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
by Fr. Mark Hallinan, S.J., Associate Pastor

As we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we should prayerfully reflect on our own baptism and what our baptism calls forth from us. Living in faithfulness to our baptismal vocation, our lives and our world will be richly blessed in this new year.

How sad it is that so few Christians regularly call to mind what is now ours by virtue of our baptism. In baptism, we die to sin so as to rise to the newness of life in the risen Christ. Each one of us participates, here and now, in the risen life of Jesus Christ. What a remarkable truth that is! We dwell now in the risen Christ and Christ dwells in us.
Read the full essay
For Pope Francis' first intention of this new year, he asks us to pray for Human Fraternity: "Let us pray that the Lord may give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other religions and not fight each other, and praying for one another, open ourselves to all."  
This week, we moved into our brand new space but, worry not, we’re not leaving 980 Park Avenue. That’s because we launched our new websitea project nearly a year in the making! We invite you to visit us at our new home on the internet at
As with all we do here at St. Ignatius, the site was developed with you
our parishioners and friendsin mind. The new website was designed to better reflect the warm, vibrant, and inclusive parish community we are. What makes St. Ignatius truly a home is the peopleand our new website allows you to see the faces of the staff who keep this extraordinary parish running and the ministry members who contribute their time and treasure to tend to the beating heart of this community.
So, we invite you to visit our new digital space: View a few of the videos (How else will you learn who our Director of Religious Education’s favorite saint is?), read about our amazing parish history (and, see what our first Parish House on East 84th Street and Fourth Avenue looked like), get to know the members of our amazing Choir of St. Ignatius Loyola (did you know our Gentleman Farmer Philip Anderson also sings?), and go on a tour to see the construction progress of our Capital Campaign projects (and, hear the story behind the gorgeous stained glass windows in the Kelly Loggia).
And, of course, we want to hear your feedback. Please send your questions and comments to
Welcome to our new site. Make yourself at home.

Elizabeth O’Sullivan, Director of Communications

Weekend Mass Schedule | January 17th

5:30 PM: Fr. Hilbert

8:00 AM: Fr. Amiot
9:30 AM: Fr. Hilbert
11:00 AM Solemn (Livestream & Church): Fr. Yesalonia
7:30 PM: Fr. Yesalonia

Livestream Mass
Our 5:30 PM Daily Mass is now celebrated in the Church. The Mass can be attended in-person or viewed via livestream on YouTube and Facebook

Daily Mass (Monday to Friday)
5:30 PM

Sunday Mass
11 AM 

Join us on YouTube (click here to subscribe) and Facebook (stignatiusnyc) for our Daily and Sunday livestream Masses.

Please Support Your Parish

Your generous financial support of our parish is more important than ever. Please make a donation today to help sustain the substantial operational costs of St. Ignatius Loyola.
To contribute, please click here
Weekly Wisdom
In his Wednesday, January 6th homily, Fr. Bergen highlights that, during these times of uncertainty and turmoil, we should be buoyed by Jesus' words to the disciples after he walked across the Sea of Galilee: "Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid." For, no matter what, God is always present, because "[w]hen we're living the right kind of life, God is living within us; making his temple within us."
In this week's episode Sojourning With Covid: The Five Life Lessons, Pastoral Associate Brian Pinter explores how living with illness teaches essential truths and wisdom about the human condition while inviting us to a deeper trust in God and solidarity with others.
Listen now
Upcoming Events
For more information on any of our upcoming programs, please click the event title.
Tuesday Night Book Group: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Tuesdays, January 12th to March 30th at 7 PM on Zoom
Sunday Morning Sing-In
Returns Sunday, January 17th at 9:45 AM on Zoom
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Wednesday, January 20th at 7 PM on Zoom
LME Day of Recollection: The Overlooked Ecologies of Laudato Sí | Presented by Fr. Thomas Feely, SJ
Saturday, January 30th, from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Emmaus Bereavement Support Group
Beginning Tuesday, February 2nd at 7 PM in the Parish House
Meeting Christ in Prayer
Beginning Wednesday, February 3rd at 7 PM on Zoom
Social Distancing Socials
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 6 PM on Zoom
Upcoming Food Drives

Feeding Our Neighbors: Archdiocesan-Wide Food Campaign
The Church of St. Ignatius Loyola will be participating in the Feeding Our Neighbors food drive scheduled from Saturday, January 30th through Tuesday, January 9th. Donations will go to the Church of the Ascension on the Upper West Side.
Click here to view drop-off dates and requested donation items.
Lenten Food Drive
During Lent
from Saturday, March 13th to Tuesday, March 23rdthe Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be accepting donations of food for the Church of the Ascension.
Click here to view drop-off dates and requested donation items.

Webinar: “At Work I’m In Charge, In Church I’m Invisible”

Tuesday, January 26th at 7:00 PM on Zoom

Part of the 2021 Lecture Series
Catholic Women: Agents of Peace and Trust in the Church and in the World”

As Catholics and Americans, we face many challenges as we look to the future. Within the church, we struggle with a loss of confidence by many of the faithful, including our own family members and colleagues. The Coronavirus pandemic has further strained the church and other institutions that were formerly a source of stability, such as our health care system and even the stability of our democracy.  We have assembled a panel of Catholic women physicians and scientists who will share how their faith has informed their professional development and their response to these challenges, and the solutions they envision for the future.

To register, click here.

Moderator: Dr. Paula Olsiewski, Ph.D., Contributing Scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Dr. Maria Jasin, Ph.D., Researcher, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 
Dr. Mary Brady, MD, FACS, Surgeon, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Dr. Sarah Lilly, MD, Internal Medicine, Lenox Hill Hospital

Celebrating Women: Past Present Future
Women of St. Ignatius! Come and be photographed for our March 11th celebration!
Almost 75 of you have already been photographed. Which is great—but we want to double that!
All of you are “ministers” of our parish—no matter how small you think your contribution is. Moms who pass on our faith, women who pray for the sick, women lectors and Eucharistic ministers, women catechists, women who pray as part of the St. Ignatius faith community, women ushers—it’s not possible to name all the ways you live your faith. We want you ALL to be photographed, not because you are looking for recognition. But because our pastor and staff and all those who benefit from your life of faith and service and your fellow parishioners—both men and women—believe strongly that it’s only right and just.
Don’t let a false sense of modesty keep you away! And don’t let COVID! We will be taking photos in the large space of Wallace Hall in a safe way, wearing masks (except for the actual photo, of course) and keeping a social distance.

PLEASE COME TO ONE OF OUR PHOTO SHOOTS! We will be taking photos on Saturday, January 23rd from 9 AM-12 PM and 1 PM-4 PM, and on Sunday, January 24th from 1 PM-5 PM. Click here for more information.

Our celebration of Christ's incarnation continues with the visit of the Magi. Here is the Choir of St. Ignatius Loyola, singing the beloved Epiphany hymn, As with gladness men of old.

Please help the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola reach its goal of being completely barrier-free and contribute to the Your Parish, Your Home Capital Campaign!

The signature feature of the Capital Campaign project—the passenger elevator that will take visitors from East 84th Street up into the Church and down into Wallace Hall—is nearing completion and we need your help to bring it home.

Please support the Your Parish, Your Home capital campaign so that all the buildings of our parish and the activities that take place within them are accessible to everyone. 

To support this important initiative, please click here.

Your support of the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola is more important than ever.
To make a contribution, text GIVE to 1-855-939-3919.
Support Your Parish Through Your Online Shopping
We are thrilled to announce the debut of our online store, featuring an assortment of St. Ignatius Loyola branded merchandise. Now selling handcrafted pottery mugs, water bottles, a canvas shopping tote, a baseball cap, and reusable cloth face masks. All of these items are now available for ordering. 100% of proceeds benefit the parish.
Visit the SIL Online Store
In this introductory video for the new series What Can Jesuit Saints Teach Us Today? by the General Curia of the Society of Jesus, Luca Pirola and Fr. John Dardis, SJ, discuss how the life and work of St. Peter Claver, who worked in Cartagena, Columbia with black slaves, can say a great deal about the fact that ‘Black Lives Matter’.
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