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AmCham Mongolia Daily News Wire

January 6, 2021

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COVID-19 update
As of January 5, Achtan Hospital conducted PCR tests for all of its doctors and medical professionals, and nine people at the hospital have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
The Ministry of Health reported that further monitoring and contact tracing is being carried out for all 134 hospital staff. The Ministry of Health recommended that people who have been treated at the hospital since December 15, 2020, should immediately go to their nearest testing center. 
As of January 5, 22 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in connection to the outbreaks at Bayanzurkh District General Hospital, Munkhhada, and the National Cancer Center.

Golomt Capital to provide weekly information and analysis of the global commodity market 

Mongolia's economy is highly dependent on the mining sector. Information about the global commodity market is vital as price fluctuations directly impact the Mongolian economy. and Golomt Capital will now be providing weekly information on the baseline conditions of commodity markets and reasons for exchange rate fluctuation. Their first overview provides analyst data on coal, copper, and the U.S. dollar.

Mongolia ranks 41st in budget transparency 

According to an open budget survey (OBS) conducted by the International Budget Partnership, Mongolia ranked 41st out of 117 countries with a transparency score of 56. Mongolia's transparency score of 56 in the OBS 2019 is moderately higher than its score (46) in 2017. In OBS 2019, the global average transparency score was only 45 out of 100. 
Mongolia has increased the availability of budget information by publishing the Year-End Report and the Pre-Budget Statement online on time. However, Mongolia decreased the availability of budget information by reducing the enacted budget information available. Furthermore, transparency alone is insufficient for improving governance. Inclusive public participation is crucial for realizing the positive outcomes associated with greater budget transparency. Mongolia has a public participation score of 15 (out of 100).
Based on the survey results, the International Budget Partnership recommended some actions to be taken by the government, such as pilot mechanisms to engage the public during budget formulation, prioritizing allowing any member of the public or any civil society organization to testify during hearings on budget proposals before approval, establishing formal mechanisms for the public to contribute to relevant audit investigations, and other recommendations. 

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