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Mount Carmel Church

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

31 January 2021 - Year B
Sunday Reflection

This week's reflection is sourced from Pope Francis’ latest book – Let us Dream: A path to a Better future (2020)
To come out of this crisis better, we have to see clearly, choose well and act right. Let’s talk about how: Let us dare to dream.
We must redesign the economy so that it can offer every person access to a dignified existence while protecting and regenerating the natural world.
What is the greatest fruit of a personal crisis? I’d say patience, sprinkled with a healthy sense of humour, which allows us to endure and make space for change to happen.
We do not possess the truth so much as truth possesses us, constantly attracting us by means of beauty and goodness.
Our greatest power is not in the respect that others have for us, but the service we can offer others.”
He concludes his small book with a poem “Esperanza” (“Hope”) by Alexis Valdes. Pope Francis writes:

“It captures the path to a better future that I have tried to express in this book.  Let his poetry and beauty have the final word, helping us to decentre and transcend so that our peoples may have life (John 10:10):
When the storm has passed
And the roads are tamed
And we are the survivors
Of a collective shipwreck.
With tearful heart
And our destiny blessed
We will feel joy
Simply for being alive.
And we’ll give a hug
To the first stranger
And praise our good luck
That we kept a friend.
And then we’ll remember
All that we lost
And finally learn
Everything we never learned.
And we’ll envy no one
For all of us have suffered
And we’ll not be idle
But more compassionate.
We’ll value more what belongs to all
Than what was earned.
We’ll be more generous
And much more committed.
We’ll understand how fragile
It is to be alive.
We’ll sweat empathy
For those still with us and those who are gone.
We’ll miss the old man
Who asked for a buck in the market
And whose name we never knew
Who was always at your side.
And maybe the poor old man
Was your God in disguise.
But you never asked his name
Because you never had the time.
And all will become a miracle.
And all will become a legacy.
And we’ll respect the life,
The life we have gained.
When the storm passes
I ask you Lord, in shame
That you return us better,
As you once dreamed us.
Madeleine Sayer, Parishioner
Sunday Readings:  Deut 18:15-20;  1 Cor 7:32-35;  Mk 1:21-28
Welcome back to all staff, students and families for Term 1 of 2021! It has been great to see you back! A special welcome to the Preps for 2021 and new families to the community.
Fr Janu & Br Matthew
We pray for Fr Jerome Watt O.Carm. who is ill at this time. May the healing spirit of Christ bring comfort and hope.
check in for Masses
On arrival at Masses PLEASE check in with QR code or sign in sheet.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our community safe.

Weekend Masses: Saturday 6:00pm, Sunday 8:30am & 5:30pm
Weekday Masses: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00am
Rosary Group: Monday after the 9am Mass
Liturgy of the Word and Communion: Tuesday 9:00am
Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 4:30pm-5:00pm
⦿ Please check in at the church, as usual, when you arrive.
⦿ Please maintain 1.5m distance in seats and during communion.
⦿ Updated restrictions on Friday 22nd January currently indicate face masks will no longer be mandatory. (Qld Health strongly encourages individuals to carry a face mask at for use in situations where you cannot maintain appropriate social distancing).
Mt Carmel Place meets this Tuesday 2 February from 9:30-11:00am, outside the Carmel Community Room. All are welcome to join for some hospitality, morning tea and friendship. 
We congratulate Dr Barbara Reynolds-Hutchinson who received an OAM for her volunteer work at St Stephen's Cathedral.  For over ten years Barbara has been volunteering as a Cathedral Guide.  Barbara is also a Minister of the Word here at OLMC parish.  Congratulations Barbara!
⦿ Spirituality Group at the Village, Coorparoo
First meeting for 2021: Wednesday February 3rd at 3:30pm 
Spirituality is an aspect of being human just as much as our physical being.  In general it involves our thoughts and beliefs about the meaning of life and it alters just like our physical being throughout our lives. The Group discusses in an open and safe atmosphere sometimes a book chapter or article or video. 
If you wish to know more please contact Maggie Crowe on 0410 359 296.

⦿ Carmel Prays
A developing project of prayer, reflection and meditation with Carmelites from Chicago, USA,  arising from the Liturgy of the Hours.
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