"Combing" the internet
so you don't have to
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Hair by Brian
As The Chair Turns

"Combing" the internet so you don't have to

Hold. On. Pain. Ends.

Hello. Hello. Hello.  
It feels so great to be back!
AND you can get your hair done now, too!

We made it to February.  Whew!  Not without a few “hiccups”, though.  But, we made it!

A client shared that they celebrated the Inauguration as the beginning of 2021.  Not January 1st, but January 20th.  Hearing that made complete sense.  The Inauguration really was a new beginning.  Last year was very difficult for so many of us and we really needed something to shift.  The COVID-19 Vaccine has also given many of us a hopeful outlook for the future that we haven’t had in quite a while.  There’s still a long road ahead, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Parting in sweet sorrow.  The time with my Mother was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.  I have not been able to spend that much time with her since I moved out West in 1985.  One of the blessings of a locked-down world.  We accomplished all we set out to do, and boy was there a list.  We went through the house from top to bottom and nothing was left untouched.  There are a few things I need to help list and sell (a couple cameras, an inversion rack, and a turkey fryer), but that’s really all.  I know Mom will confirm this, there was a real sense of accomplishment.  It wasn't all work.  We went for a couple drives, grabbed a few meals out (take-out, that is), sat on the front stoop and soaked in the morning sun, and even watched a small heard of deer one morning just beyond the back fence. Now, that was special. I’ll be going back again in the Summer for a couple weeks.  In the mean time, we’re continuing our twice a day phone calls.  

As always, I’ve put together some articles I hope you’ll find helpful and interesting.  I have articles for you on silicones in hair products, messy buns, apple cider vinegar, how to get the haircut you'll love, beards, mullets, and more.

Like said above, it is really great to be back at work.  I am really, really, really looking forward to seeing you!

As always, I am available by email, text or phone if you have any questions or concerns.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Be well. Take Hair! AND #MaskUp 😷
Make an Appointment
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Hair by Brian
The "Need to Know" for your appointment
Prior to the start of your appointment, I need to ask the following:
  • Do you have a new or worsening cough?
  • Have you had a fever within the last three days?
  • Have you experienced a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste?
  • Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the past 14 days?
  • Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined?
  • Have you traveled outside your immediate daily routine in the past 14 days?
  • Have you recently attended a large group gathering?
  • Do you have a pending COVID-19 test?
  • Have you been diagnosed with or cared for anyone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
If you have answered “yes” to any of the above questions or begin to have any symptoms of COVID-19 I cannot serve you at this time.  You will also need to reschedule any previously scheduled appointments.
When You Arrive for Your Appointment:
  • Pre-Shampooing no longer required.
  • Arrive at the time of your appointment.
  • Please text me when you arrive. I will let you know when I am ready for you to come up to the salon. The door may be locked so I'll need to come down and let you in.
  • Please wear a mask to your appointment.
  • Hand sanitizer must be used upon arrival.
  • Please follow all salon guidelines and signs to keep yourself, myself, and those around you safe.
Click here for a fairly comprehensive list of COVID-19 guidelines for all of us in the salon.

rev: November 2020


"When people reflect on what it takes to be mentally fit, the first idea that comes to mind is usually intelligence. The smarter you are, the more complex the problems you can solve— and the faster you can solve them. Intelligence is traditionally viewed as the ability to think and learn. Yet in a turbulent world, there’s another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn.

Mental horsepower doesn’t guarantee mental dexterity. No matter how much brainpower you have, if you lack the motivation to change your mind, you’ll miss many occasions to think again. Research reveals that the higher you score on an IQ test, the more likely you are to fall for ste­reotypes, because you’re faster at recognizing patterns. And recent experiments suggest that the smarter you are, the more you might struggle to update your beliefs.

The curse of knowledge is that it closes your mind to what you don’t know. Good judgment depends on having the skill— and the will— to open your mind. A hallmark of wisdom is knowing when it’s time to abandon some of the most cherished parts of your identity."

Adam Grant in Think Again

Are Silicones Bad For Your Hair?

by Trav White

Silicones in Hair Care:
Why The Bad Rap?

“If it ends in ‘cone,’ leave it alone.” This and similar “advice” is common with regard to silicones in hair care products, and shampoo & conditioner in particular. Silicone-based ingredients have gotten a bad rap in the hair care industry, said to be harmful because they can:
  • Build up on your hair
  • Weigh it down
  • Make it look flat
  • Lock out moisture

While some of these can be true, a blanket statement that silicones in hair care products are “bad for your hair” simply isn’t accurate. In this article I’ll dive into the science behind these claims and get to the bottom of whether silicones in hair care products are actually bad for your hair. Let’s get into it.
What Are Silicones & Their Purpose?

Silicones can be found in shampoos, conditioners, leave-in conditioners, hair serums and masks because of their effectiveness at getting rid of frizz. Silicones are a stronger, organic/inorganic version of hair oil, though much more effective.

They function as powerful emollients and occlusives. Emollients soften and add shine, while occlusives are used to seal and lock in moisture and lock out humidity and frizz. Silicones do both of these really well.

Furthermore, silicones help provide slip so you can run your fingers and brushes through your hair with minimal tangling. All this sounds really good, right? So what’s the problem?

Before we can address the claims outlined above we need a better understanding of silicones.

Silicones 101

The claim “all silicones cause buildup” is false. The more accurate claim should be, some silicones cause build up, while some are water-soluble, and some actually evaporate on their own. It all comes down to chemistry, and with most things in chemistry, it’s never black & white.

There are many different types of silicones but for simplicity we’ll divide silicone ingredients into three categories: water-soluble, water-insoluble, & evaporating. In the graphic below you’ll see many of the most common silicones.

*a polymer-type silicone that binds to damaged parts of your hair and doesn’t accumulate on top of itself.

In the first column we have what’s commonly referred to as PEG silicones. Since water is polar and oils are non-polar, they don’t mix or dissolve in each other, thus the potential for buildup. However by adding a polar substance like polyethylene glycol, you can make it water-soluble.

This doesn’t mean they will rinse out completely, but the PEG attached to it will significantly reduce buildup while still allowing the silicone to perform its job. These silicones will partially rinse out and partially stay on your hair to perform their occlusive magic.

One thing to pay attention to is the number next to the PEG or PPG. The higher the number, the more soluble it is. Anything under PEG-8 is not very soluble, while PEG-12 is more soluble, and PEG-16 even more soluble, and so on.

Next, in column two, we have the water-insoluble silicones which are the original version of the PEG-modified silicones you see in column one. These are the strong ones that will stick to your hair but do a great job of adding slip, shine, and fighting frizz.

You will see I starred amodimethicone in the middle. This one is supposed to be a special case. It’s a polymer-type silicone that binds to damaged parts of your hair and doesn’t accumulate on top of itself. However, other silicones can build up on top of it.

Finally in column three we have a special group of silicones that evaporate on their own. You commonly see these evaporating silicones mixed into products to help spread other ingredients throughout your hair. You might see an evaporating silicone added to a coconut oil serum to help spread it through your hair and then evaporate.

You will find these in hair serums and leave-in conditioners. They temporarily provide the detangling and slip so you can spread the product through your hair, and then evaporate. Any remaining residue can be removed with any shampoo.

How Much Silicone Buildup is Bad?
How much silicone usage actually causes buildup? Because if silicones are the 15th ingredient vs. the 5th ingredient in a conditioner, is it really causing buildup?

In a 1994 article in Skin Pharmacology and Physiology by Rushton, there were some interesting findings on silicones.

First, silicones from a 2-in-1 shampoo accumulated on the surface of the hair for the first five uses, but after that, there was no more accumulation. There is only so much surface on the hair for silicone to bond to, it does not accumulate indefinitely (1).

Second, 90% of silicone residue was removed with one shampooing with a silicone-free shampoo. The detergents sodium lauryl or sodium laureth sulfate, ammonium lauryl or laureth sulfate and cocamidopropyl betaine (possible coco betaine) are most effective in removing silicone residue (1).

Also, I’d say most buildup happens with styling products like hair serums, curl creams, and leave-in conditioners. Many of these products are very silicone-heavy (i.e. silicones are the first or second ingredient). If your shampoo & conditioner have silicones and you combine these with leave-ins with more silicones, you’re likely to see some buildup relatively quickly.

How Do You Get Rid Of Silicone Buildup?

Let’s say you do use silicones or notice silicones in your hair products. How do you get rid of the buildup? There is a common belief that only sulfates are strong enough to get rid of silicone build-up. As the journal said, sulfates are the quickest way to get rid of silicone build-up, but not the only way.

You can also use milder anionic surfactants that are combined with each other. If you don’t know what that means, here is a chart showing you the ingredients.

In the first column you have the strongest anionic surfactants, which are sulfates. In the third column are sulfonates, which are not as strong as a sulfate, but still strong. Any of these will do the job on their own.

But let’s say you want to get rid of silicones while staying sulfate-free. Then you can look at any of the ingredients from the middle column of mild anionic surfactants combined with each other or with the amphoteric surfactants in column three.

The good news is, most shampoos that are sulfate-free will combine 1-2 surfactants in them to still cleanse, meaning you can remove silicone buildup without sulfates.

The Verdict On Silicones in Hair Care Products

First of all, I think we can put to rest the idea that “if it ends in ‘cone,’ leave it alone.” In my opinion, silicones only become a problem with excessive buildup. One layer of silicones can be really helpful in your weekly hair regimen.

With that said, individuals with certain hair and scalp types or specific preferences might be better off avoiding silicones.

For example, if you have curly hair and follow the curly girl method to a T (which calls for not using any shampoo at all), or if you’re someone who subscribes to, “never use shampoo ever” (“no-poo”), and you only do conditioner washes (“co-wash”), then silicones will be hard to remove and should be avoided.

If you have super fine and thin hair, silicones could weigh your hair down with buildup. And if silicones make your hair look too shiny and you don’t like that, you might be better off without them.

For everyone else, I wouldn’t worry about it. Silicones are amazing at fighting humidity and frizz, they prevent breakage by adding slip, and they will come out easily with almost any silicone-free shampoo.

Silicone usage is less about harm and more about personal preference. They’re safe! It’s not something to freak out about and they can have tons of benefits.


  1. Rushton H, Gummer C, L, Flasch H: 2-in-1 Shampoo Technology: State-of-the-Art Shampoo and Conditioner in One. Skin Pharmacol Physiol 1994;7:78-83. doi: 10.1159/000211278 -
  2. Ws, W. (1970, January 01). Silicone Ingredient Solubility List. Retrieved December 07, 2020, from

This is from The Longhairs

Are Silicones REALLY Bad For Your Hair?

Have you ever googled the truth about silicones? Are they bad for your hair? If you look it up online you will be bombarded with articles claiming they're the devil, and then you will see other articles about why they are amazing. It's never a clear answer.

So are silicones safe? Or are they bad? Well in this video I bring a skeptical & scientific approach to the truth about silicones.

How to Do a Messy Bun
Even if Your Hair Is Short and Thin

Despite the effortless look messy bun hairstyles give, creating a decent messy bun to go out anywhere outside your kitchen or bedroom is not that easy. More so if you have fine, straight, middle length hair. In The Right Hairstyles, we believe that no hair mission is impossible; this is why we have prepared a step-by-step messy bun tutorial that will teach you how to put your hair in a bun with minimal effort and head-turning results.

If you are lucky to have long, full hair, give a closer look at the third way: unlike other common ways to make a messy bun with thick hair, this one allows creating a more intricate and elegant updo.

Watch the video tutorial and scroll down for the list of steps and even more hacks and methods!

How to Do a Messy Bun for Thin Hair
3 Easy Messy Bun Tutorials
How to Do a Messy Bun with Thin Hair

The truth is, when you have short, thin hair, you always need some kind of a hack to make a messy bun look good. Otherwise, the bun will be really tiny, which means two things:

  • your face will look fuller (that’s why you should be especially wary of smalls buns if you have a full round face);
  • your hair will look very thin (and you want to make your thin hair look fuller, don’t you?).

Thankfully, we know three hacks that will help you create a voluminous messy bun for thin hair.

#1: Cute Messy Bun for Thin Hair

This method will help you create a messy bun with middle-length hair and even a short lob haircut. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Brush your hair, pull it into a high ponytail, and secure tightly with an elastic. Wrap an elastic tie several times to raise the ponytail and set it away from your head.

Step 2: Pull hair to the front to avoid a smooth ponytail look. For a messy bun, the whole hairstyle should look a bit messy, not only the bun itself.

Step 3: Tease your ponytail thoroughly (refer to this teasing guide if need to). Don’t be too hush, as thin hair is prone to damage. If your hair is clean and lacks grease, spray it with dry shampoo for a better grip. You will soon end up with a messy and fluffy ponytail like this:

Step 4: Now, grab sections of your teased hair and pin it to the base. You do not need to create additional twists or knots. The idea is to get the teased hair pinned at all sides to recreate the form of a bun. You may not hide the tips, as they complement the ‘do very well.

Step 5: Pull out the front pieces. If you have some baby hair, do not smooth it up with hair gel – it is ok to let it fall on your face too. If your hair is too short at the back and cannot be pulled into a ponytail, you may simply clip it with a bobby pin.

#2: Huge Messy Bun with a Donut Bun Maker

Using a donut bun maker might be the easiest way to put thin hair into a bun. The problem is that such buns end up to be slick and smooth ballerina buns – not a hairstyle we aim for here. So, here is what we suggest doing instead:

Step 1: Brush your hair and tie a high ponytail at the top of your head.

Step 2: Pull hair to all sides so that it doesn’t look too smooth.

Step 3: Take a bun maker for your hair color. Find a string that holds a bun maker in its form; this will allow you to unwrap it. Basically, this is the reverse of what you do with your sock making a sock bun. Thus, wrap the unrolled bun maker around the base of your ponytail and secure it with bobby pins.

Step 4: Lay the strands of your hair evenly at all sides. Here is how it looks like:

Step 5: Start pinning the strands to the base. It is better to pin them as they are, without twisting, as you might end up lacking hair to cover some of the areas. Again, leaving the tips visible and pulling your front pieces will only perfect the look.

#3: Messy Bun for Short Hair with Hair Extensions

Another way to create an intricate huge messy bun hairstyle entails using hair extensions. Do not worry, you don’t need any permanent hair extensions here. More than that, even the cheapest clip-ins will do (these are the ones we have used in the video to be sure of what we say). If you go for cheaper extensions, spray them with some dry shampoo to get rid of excessive smoothness. This simple hack will make styling a messy bun much easier.

Step 1: Brush your hair extensions through and unclip the base to be ready to clip it.

Step 2: Section your hair near the temples. Place the upper section on top of your head so that it doesn’t tangle with your extensions. Then, clip in the extensions to the lower section. If you have smooth, straight hair, tease the roots a bit so that the extensions clip better.

Step 3: Lay down the upper section of your hair and brush it through together with the extensions. Then, pull your hair up into a high ponytail. Leave the hair a bit loose or drag it to the front when the ponytail is tied.

Step 4: Separate the ponytail into two strands. Then, again, split each strand into two and twist them around each other (you may try twisting the stands as they are, without sectioning into two parts, but this step gives a bit more control over your hair). Then, twist two parts of the ponytail around each other. The twists make colors blend perfectly, so even if your extensions didn’t match your hair color very well, the bun can turn out to be even more beautiful, with some great highlights and lowlights.

Step 5: Tug and pull on the sections to make them fluffier; then, wrap the twisted ponytail around the base of your pony. Secure the messy bun with bobby pins and spray some hairspray for a better hold.

How to Do a Messy Bun with Long or Thick Hair

If you have long, thick hair, messy buns will be less of a challenge. The classical method is to twist your ponytail and wrap it around itself, securing it with a few bobby pins. Key ingredients to add to the hairstyle are making the hair looser by pulling it after the ponytail is tied (or even after the bun is ready), as well as pulling and styling some front pieces.

If the classical method doesn’t work for you and you struggle to make the messy bun stay in place, here are the 3 ways to modify it. Experiment with each way to see which one gives you the most finished yet elegant and effortless look.

  1. Do not pull out all of your hair when creating a ponytail, leaving a medium rainbow bun. Then, twist and wrap the ends around the base of your pony, securing it with bobby pins. Pull and tug at the sections to end up with the look you like most.
  2. Create a ponytail. Then, take another elastic; start as if you are doing another pony, but pull only half of your hair through. Twist the elastics and bring it through all the hair that you have now (the partly pulled-through ponytail together with the ends). Make sure the elastic doesn’t go all the way over to the very base of the ponytail. You may use the thirst elastic or bobby pins to secure the messy bun in place.
  3. Another way to style a perfect messy bun with long hair is to start with a half ponytail, but then twist and pin smaller sections of the loop to the base. Then, twist and pin the remaining ends where they fit better.
Ready to show off your messy bun?

Hockey hair, 2021 edition:
The NHL's best beards, mullets and more

With barbershop and salon time limited this year, long hair and big beards are in.

Hockey and hair go together like peanut butter and jelly or a burger and fries with a milkshake on the side. They're a long-storied winning combination: from mullets to mustaches to playoff beards, the two are intertwined through the annals of sports history. 

This year is a special one and may go down in the record book with the best hockey-hair game ever. Why? Well, it's 2021 and we've been in a pandemic for almost a year. Many cities have shut down hair salons or people may not be clamoring for a new do right now.

As a result, the flow this year is off the charts and the beards are already in grizzled, deep playoff-run mode. This list is going to take a look at the styles on the ice as opposed to the nicely-quaffed headshots (looking at you Rasmus Ristolainen). 

Here's a look at some of the early candidates for best hockey hair in 2021.

Mika Zibanejad, Rangers
Zibanejad potted a career-best 41 goals and 75 points in 57 games last season, which included a five-goal night on March 5 against the Capitals. Comparing these flowing locks to the pics from then, it looks like the Rangers star forward hasn't cut his hair since then.

Kyle Palmieri, Devils
It's been a few seasons since the veteran forward was in the playoffs, and almost six since he made a deep run with the Ducks, but this heavy beard is already playoff-worthy. The look also helps set him apart from some of his more babyfaced teammates, such as 19-year-old Jack Hughes and 22-year old Nico Hischier.

Adrian Kempe, Kings
The Kings centerman has his hair slicked back in his headshot for 2021, so it's hard to gauge whether this is a traditional mullet. Regardless, he's got some serious lettuce going on.

Joe Thornton, Maple Leafs
Timeless. Iconic. While he scared us all back in May when he shaved the beard off, it's back in all its glory for 2021. Jumbo Joe is on the shelf for a few weeks with a fractured rib and we'll surely miss seeing the whiskers.

Duncan Keith, Blackhawks
The Chicago defenseman sported long locks in the bubble over the summer and it doesn't look like he's trimmed much off since then. Keith may have had long hair and didn't care, but he reportedly snipped his strands about 10 days into the season. Hopefully the three-time Stanley Cup champion didn't lose his hockey powers with the trim.

Brent Burns, Sharks
Like Thornton's, this beard is an icon all its own. And it came in pretty handy when he was, what else, a Viking on the Amazon Prime series "Vikings."

Filip Forsberg, Predators
Hockey player or evil cartoon character who spends his days twirling the ends of his mustache? Hard to tell, but it's a pretty fantastic look.

Jon Merrill, Red Wings
The veteran defenseman may be wearing the winged wheel of the Red Wings now, but this mullet from his Golden Knights days is still flowing strong.

The Tanev boys
Chris (Flames) and Brandon (Sabres) may be having a who-can-grow-their-hair-longer contest, but the younger brother has officially won the craziest headshot award.

Braden Holtby, Canucks
Checking out this beard, and its unruliness, the Canucks netminder — and 2018 Stanley Cup champ — is ready for another deep playoff run with his new club.

Artemi Panarin, Rangers
The Rangers forward is representing the curly-haired guys with aplomb as his ringlets pop out of his bucket.

from SportingNews

Ask a Hairstylist:
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe for Colored Hair?

In This Article

  1. What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?
  2. The Benefits
  3. How It Differs From Clarifying Shampoo
  4. Is It Safe To Use on Colored Hair?
  5. How To Try at Home
Apple cider vinegar is to hair like coffee is to creamer. You don't necessarily need it, but try it once and you (likely) won't go back. We know that this kitchen staple has health benefits and can even fight blackheads, but still, we have questions when it comes to using it in our hair. For one, how is it any different from a clarifying shampoo? And, is an apple cider vinegar hair rinse for colored hair deemed safe by experts? After all, it burns like crazy when you toss it down the ol' hatch, so it's natural to assume our bleached and dyed strands wouldn't be able to tolerate apple cider vinegar's acidity.
To find out all the benefits ACV can have on the hair and if it's safe to use on colored strands, we turned to the pros. Keep scrolling to see all they had to say about how to safely use apple cider vinegar on colored hair.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar—or cider vinegar—is a vinegar made from fermented apple juice. "It is made by crushing apples, then squeezing out the juice," says Gretchen Friese, Bosley Professional Strength certified trichologist. "Bacteria and yeast are added to the liquid to start an alcoholic fermentation process, which converts the sugars from the juice to alcohol. Then in a second and final fermentation step, the alcohol is converted into vinegar." Apple cider vinegar contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that make it ideal for many uses ranging from cooking to health and beauty.

What Are the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar on Hair?

Apple cider vinegar is chock-full of properties that can be nourishing and healing for the hair.

  • Alleviates dry scalp: "The antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of ACV help to keep the pH level of the scalp balanced," says Friese. "Dandruff is a buildup on the scalp that happens when too much yeast is present on oily areas of the skin. Using a mix with ACV can help avoid that build up."
  • Reduces color fading: Friese notes that for color-treated hair, ACV can help close the cuticles, thus maintaining your color's vibrancy.
  • Controls frizz: Friese maintains that ACV can help smooth the hair and keep frizz at bay, making it a popular treatment option among those with curly and textured hair.
  • Detangles: If you have hair that's prone to knots or tangles, ACV and a wide-tooth comb can help rid them.
  • Reduces hair loss: With its ability to balance the skin's pH and clear the hair follicle from debris, Friese says that ACV can help reduce hair loss.

How Does it Differ From a Clarifying Shampoo?

Apple cider vinegar may be effective at getting rid of buildup on the scalp (think: hairsprays, dry shampoo, and excess grease), but isn't that what a clarifying shampoo does? Yes and no. Friese breaks it down for us: "Clarifying shampoos are formulated to remove product buildup and excess oils as well as prep the hair for some types of color or hair treatments. However, when used alone it can fade color and make the hair feel dry and look dull, making following up with a good conditioner or treatment necessary." On the other hand, while apple cider vinegar—like a clarifying shampoo—also removes buildup and debris, it has the added benefit of offering healing properties for the scalp.

Plus, it can seal in hair color as well as add shine and control frizz.

Is it Safe to Use on Colored Hair?

Our experts agree that apple cider vinegar is safe for all hair types, including color-treated hair. If you're looking for a solution for how to remove buildup from color-treated hair (but don't want to strip your hair of its color over time), you've found it in ACV. "Apple cider vinegar rinses are really truly about removing buildup of products, and they make the hair really clean,” says Jo Blackwell-Preston, founder and master stylist at Dop Dop Salon. Apple cider vinegar, while being acidic, is only slightly so—just enough to balance the pH of your hair (and scalp), not strip it. And because it’s a chelating agent (the thing responsible for making your hair lather up), it has the ability to grab the minerals and metals (mostly from hard water) that build up and dull your hair. “Apple cider vinegar coats the cuticle, leaving the hair soft and shiny,” Joico celebrity colorist Denis de Souza says. “It also helps to strengthen your hair by closing the cuticles and the hair shaft.” Shiny hair, healthy scalp, and unclogged hair follicles—it’s an all-around do.

All this to say, because ACV is slightly acidic, when it's mixed with two to three parts water it may extend the life of hair color, but only when applied right after the color is rinsed off. "Most hair colors are alkaline, which opens up the hair cuticle, and applying an acidic solution may reseal the cuticle," notes Friese.

How to Try at Home

Here's a good guideline for an apple cider vinegar rinse: one half to four tablespoons of ACV for every eight ounces of water. That said, you can experiment to find a dilution that works best for you and your hair type. Fill the solution in a plastic squeeze bottle or spray bottle. Friese recommends shampooing first and then saturating the hair with ACV, massaging the solution into the scalp. Let it sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing. "The frequency of use depends on the individual and their hair type, but too much use can cause brassiness and damage," she warns. de Souza agrees, noting that using an ACV rinse a few times a week isn’t going to harm your color, though you should use it less frequently if your skin skews sensitive.

Click on the article on Byrdie for product recommendations.

10 Rules How to Get a Haircut
You’ll Truly Love

Getting a good haircut makes us feel confident and empowered. Things can be easy when you have already found the salon and hairstylist you can entrust your tresses to. However, if you are not satisfied with your do or contemplate change, you might be asking yourself lots of questions.

  • How should I cut my hair?
  • How do I find a good hairstylist for a cut?
  • What hair length will suit me best?
  • How to get a haircut consultation and what questions to ask?

You will find the answers to these questions below, as we are sharing 10 commandments of getting a perfect haircut.

1. Take Time to Find a Great Stylist

If you have not found a good stylist yet, it is high time to do it. It’s always a significant risk to entrust your hair to a new hairdresser, especially if you need a consultation, want to change your style, or contemplate cutting your long hair short.

Here are a few ways to find a good specialist for a hair job:

  • First of all, search for a hair salon with some excellent reviews. A great hair salon will most often showcase their work on Instagram or Facebook, so this is where you should go to see the samples of the salon hair cutting and know what kind of hair treatments they specialize in. Good salons carefully select experts they employ and will definitely recommend a professional to cut your hair.
  • Mind that if you like a salon, you will be visiting it for a long time for regular trims. This is why a good idea is to start with the places to get a haircut near you. See if they have already earned a good reputation online or ask your neighbors if they have ever had a cut at that place.
  • Ask neighbors, relatives, friends, or coworkers, whose cut your like, where they get their hair done. You can even ask a stranger with a lovely salon hairstyle where she gets her hair cut. Still, do not forget that people have different kinds of hair, so it’s better to refer to women whose hair type is similar to yours.

As you are researching the salons’ profiles or asking for a referral, pay attention to whether professionals give haircare and haircut advice and if they pay attention to long-term health of your locks. Needless to say, choose the ones that do.

2. Research Hairstyles That Suit Your Face Shape

Thinking about a new haircut, you would definitely like to know what hairstyle suits you. Experts believe that the shape of your face is a crucial point here. To understand what shape your face is, look at the mirror and outline your face’s contour on it with a piece of soap or lipstick. Take your hair off your face and make sure you do not contour it too. Eventually, you should be able to see whether your face is round, prolonged, square, or heart-shaped and thus focus on how to choose a haircut for your face shape.

The overarching rule is to go for a cut that will make it look more oval. For example, you might want to go for edgy side bands to elongate your round face and get rid of its excessive softness. Or, get a shaggy layered bob recommended for square faces.

3. Consider Your Character and Lifestyle

The right haircut can change the impression you make, as the way our haircut looks, how it is set and its overall condition can tell a lot about us. Would you like to look serious, a bit edgy, or maybe 10 years younger? You should take into account that every haircut has its own character that will influence your image for sure. If you are a low-key kind of girl, the daring super-short pixie cut is not your style; you won’t feel comfortable with it.

When choosing a haircut, it’s also essential to find the one that fits your lifestyle. The best haircut for you will differ depending on whether you are a mom on maternity leave, a bank officer that has to follow a strict dress code or a creative designer people look up to for style inspiration. Be sure to tell your stylist more about yourself before getting a trim.

4. Search for Inspiration

If you don’t know what haircut to get, start by browsing the best haircuts for women of your age, hair type or face shape. This is what The Right Hairstyles can really help you with. Pin all the styles that click for you to compare the variants or show them to your stylist to know if this cut will look the right way on you.

Another idea is to try one of the free online questionnaires. All you will have to do is to upload your photo and fill out the online form, answering simple questions about your face shape, complexion, eye color, hair color, texture, density, current and desired length, and other points. After the questionnaire is done, you will be suggested several female haircuts that suit you best. You might be able to choose the hairstyle you like from among the suggested options.

5. Learn to Talk About It

Sometimes, the ability to communicate well is the best way to get a haircut you want. Unfortunately, many women don’t know how to describe hairstyles they like to their stylists. So, before you go to cut hair in a salon, learn some important haircut terms that will help you “speak one language” with your hairdresser and get ready to show images of the cuts that you like.

Mind that your hairdo can turn ugly not because it was cut the wrong way, but because you do not style it right. This is why it is imperative to ask your stylist what to do with your hair at home. A new haircut may leave you at a loss, so better make a list of what you want to ask when getting a haircut. Also, don’t take product advice as the way to sell you something: the impact of using the right hair products on your hairstyle cannot be overestimated.

6. Consider Styling Time

Cutting hair off isn’t enough to look beautiful. A good hairstylist cut demands correct styling. Professional stylists can do sleek-looking strands, blowouts, bouncy curls, and other sophisticated dos. But you don’t have a personal home hairdresser to style hair for you every day, do you?

Then, before choosing a definite haircut, make sure that you will be able to style your hair and you are ok with making it your daily routine. Consider how much maintenance a haircut requires and be frank about how long you style your hair now. Usually, we don’t have much time to wash and dry hair or create complicated hairdos in the mornings. If you do not use heat tools to set your hair, you’d better choose a haircut that doesn’t demand it.

7. Think About How It Will Grow Out

Hair grows, and your perfect cut may soon look messy and disorderly. Before choosing a haircut, think about how it grows out and how frequently you will have to refresh it.

Whatever haircut you choose, you should keep in mind that your new look will demand long-term maintenance. Are you planning to get a bang cut and color your hair? We love the idea, but you should be ready for frequent visits to the salon for touch-ups. And if one day you decide to change your hairstyle, it will take your time and patience.

8. If You Hesitate About Bangs, Go for Longer Ones

Are you still shilly shallying over which haircut to choose or not sure it will match your appearance? Then don’t make radical changes and opt for longer haircuts. If you don’t like the result, you can easily change your haircut, and the stress won’t be so painful.

Regrowing or styling your bangs is also easier if you opt for elongated feathered fringes. If you haven’t had any bangs before, better start with this one to be satisfied with your cut. You can always go shorter when you get used to it.

9. Get a Haircut Consultation

Another thing that will help you get a good haircut is having a professional haircut consultation first. You can ask for one or just order a hair dry to communicate with a stylist and see if you feel comfortable. Bring some photos with a desirable hairstyle to help the hairdresser understand your preferences. But don’t be disappointed if a trendy haircut you have chosen from Pinterest or Instagram will be rejected. Not every trend is suitable for your appearance and some may be already criminally outdated.

A good stylist will take into account all peculiarities of your appearance and individuality: the shape of your face, age, character, and even job and offer several haircut suggestions.

10. Stay Positive

Don’t be afraid of cutting your hair off. If you feel stressed, your stylist may feel uncomfortable and won’t be able to do his best job. The same thing will happen if you are too assertive. Thus, the main piece of advice for you is to stay positive. You perfectly know that your hair grows back. So, even if something goes wrong, this experiment will help you find your best hairstyle.

Use these tips to choose the haircut that would suit you the best. We do hope that you find the right hairstyle that will become an essential part of your image, will help you express your inner world, and will favorably emphasize your features.

This great advice was found at The Right Hairstyles

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The Tim Ferriss Show

“A cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk.”

— The New York Times

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Tim Ferriss has been listed as one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People” and one of Fortune’s “40 under 40.” He is an early-stage technology investor/advisor (Uber, Facebook, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ others) and the author of five #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers, including The 4-Hour Workweek and Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers. The Observer and other media have called Tim “the Oprah of audio” due to the influence of The Tim Ferriss Show podcast, which is the first business/interview podcast to exceed 100 million downloads. It has now exceeded 600 million downloads.

Predicting the Top Men’s Grooming
Trends of 2021

2020 gave men a chance to let their hair and beards grow untamed, with isolation allowing them to pay little attention to style and trends, but, thankfully, 2021 is looking like a return to the best of men’s style.

With that in mind, renowned hair educator and award-winning Men’s Hairdresser of the Year Jules Tognini, in collbration with Bulldog Skincare, is predicting the top men’s hair trends in grooming and shaving for the year to come. Building off recent survey stats that show almost half of male responders were planning to experiment with a new style soon, it’s time to make 2021 the year of the beard.

So, what grooming trends does 2021 have in store?

1. Tidier beards

Lockdown beards will stick around but be tamed, with 58 per cent of men surveyed saying their planning on grooming and tidying their iso beard a little more (and we’re grateful for that). 

2. Moustaches are in

Mo-vember is a couple of months in the past but is still having it’s mo-ment (sorry). One in ten men surveyed are interested in trying a moustache early in this year, and we’re here for the experimentation.

3. Skincare focus

Along with facial hair grooming, men will be elevating their focus on skincare, with 19 per cent of responders looking to reboot their skincare regime and use more male grooming products, such as moisturiser and face wash, daily.

We’re optimistic for 2021, so here’s to more time spent together, brighter days and beards groomed in the best way possible.

As the weather heats up and me move into the new year, many guys will be shaking up their grooming routine now and into 2021.

The Importance of Proper pH in Hair Products

Humans (and their skin) are naturally balanced on the pH scale between 4.0 and 6.5. (HELPFUL HINT: Anything below a 7 on the pH scale is acidic, and anything above 7 is alkaline.) 

Human pH is slightly on the acidic side of the pH scale so personal care products such as shampoo, conditioner and other body and skin care will work best if they’re slightly acidic.

Humans all have a natural barrier called the acid mantle. The barrier helps reduce the risk of bacteria, dirt and other substances infiltrating the skin and potentially leading to irritation and breakouts. Products that don’t match the human acid mantle will disrupt the natural ability to keep skin and hair looking and feeling healthy. 

“Don’t let the ingredient list on the package fool you,” cautions Doug Smith, brand manager for Eufora HERO for Men. “Yes, good ingredients are always important, but they can’t provide peak performance if the product formulation isn’t balanced to your natural pH level.”

COVID-19 Road Trip Safety Tips

Planning a road trip during a pandemic requires more planning and preparation than in normal times. Following these COVID-19 road trip safety tips can help reduce your chances of getting sick while traveling. 

And finally, once you arrive at your destination, all the same recommendations apply – physical distancing, mask wearing, and having good hand hygiene remain crucial.

Be Flexible

Planned to stop at a certain rest stop but it’s packed or looks unclean? Have a backup plan so that you’re not forced to stop somewhere that seems unsafe. Remember that many places (like coffee shops) may have closed their restrooms, so it’s always good to have a second or third choice planned.

Come Prepared

In addition the typical road trip safety supplies (like an emergency kit), make sure you pack the COVID-19 essentials. Bring the best mask you have (preferably an N95 or surgical one if you have it), sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels and toilet paper (in case the public restroom is out). 

Pack Food and Drinks

Minimize stops and avoid eating indoors with other people by packing your own food and drinks. A car cooler and some ice packs will let you have cold beverages and fresh food, and you can bring a picnic blanket or camp chairs and dine anywhere that looks scenic. 

If you can’t bring your own food or want a hot meal, try to use the drive-through, curbside pickup, or outdoor dining sections at restaurants wherever possible.  

Choose Your Lodging Wisely

If you have to stop overnight on your road trip, choose your hotel carefully. Ideally, look for a hotel/motel that has exterior corridors, a separate HVAC system in-room, contactless check-in, and other enhanced sanitizing measures. A vacation rental could also be a good choice, as you don’t have to interact with staff or other guests, but they might not be cleaned to the same standard as a hotel. 

Dr. Catherine Le, an infectious disease specialist at Cedars-Sinai, says: "When it comes to road trip accommodations, make sure your hotel room or rental property is thoroughly cleaned and there is enough time in between guests. In addition, the new policies for property rentals or hotels vary from state to state – some places will require a negative COVID-19 test within a certain amount of time prior to check-in, so you will want to make sure you are aware of this before traveling."

Refuel Safely

Pack disposable gloves and use them while you’re pumping gas (and then throw them away and sanitize your hands before you touch anything else). Or, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises: “Use disinfection wipes on handles and buttons at the gas pumps before you touch them. After fueling, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. When you get to your destination, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.”

Confirm Opening Hours

Attractions, restaurants, and rest stops may be closed or have limited hours due to the pandemic. If there’s somewhere you absolutely need to visit on your road trip, make sure you call ahead to confirm when they are open. Many hotels may still be closed as well, so you might want to book your accommodations in advance rather than planning to stop whenever you get tired. 

Research Your Destination

Before setting off, familiarize yourself with the rules and restrictions of your destination (or any destination that you may be spending a few nights in). You may need to quarantine upon arrival (or before visiting) or have a negative COVID-19 test to comply with local regulations. 

Do your research to find out what will be open at your destination. Some states are returning to strict lockdowns, and there may be curfews or other rules in place that you’ll need to be aware of. Also, consider the rate of cases at your destination, and think about postponing your trip if they are rising significantly. 

Prepare a Return Plan

Check the government website for your state to find out what the rules are for returning after out-of-state travel. You may need to quarantine or get a COVID-19 test upon return, and you should have a plan as to how/where you will get a test or how you will quarantine at home. 

This section is for the "Follically Challenged".  There are so many conversations and articles on the topic and I want make sure you are getting good information. 

This month's article is:

Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Loss

PRP is an all-natural, minimally invasive treatment option for men and women with hair loss.
Androgenetic alopecia, or AGA, is the most common cause of hair loss among both men and women, affecting up to 40% of women and 70% of men. Visually, it's characterized by decreased hair density, diameter and length as thick, terminal hairs transition into thin, vellus hairs.

These changes often occur in a characteristic, gender-specific pattern. AGA has been associated with negative social implications and psychological conditions affecting quality of life. Current Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment options include oral finasteride for men and minoxidil for men and women, which are associated with potentially irreversible side effects, and linked with low patient compliance and suboptimal results. Due to limited effective therapies for AGA, platelet rich plasma – or PRP – has become an effective alternative treatment. PRP is an all-natural, minimally invasive treatment option for men and women with hair loss.

PRP is an autologous concentration of platelets in plasma with numerous growth factors that contribute to hair regeneration. The growth factors contained within platelets act on stem cells in the hair follicles and stimulate development of new follicles along with growth of new blood vessels. Since the early 2000s, PRP has been used across medical specialties such as neurosurgery, orthopedics and maxillofacial surgery for its wound-healing properties. Orthopedics has had success using PRP in joints after surgery and injuries, where they found there was less pain and faster healing due to its regenerative properties.

PRP is a volume of blood plasma that's concentrated (more than 1 million platelets/μL) with platelets. It's rich in growth factors contained in platelet granules. These growth factors bind to their receptors in the hair follicle, in turn helping to activate the growth phase of the hair follicle. Platelet-rich plasma has multiple actions at the hair follicle, leading to alterations in the hair cycle and improvement in hair growth.

Most of the literature and research supporting PRP for hair loss is with male or female pattern hair loss, or AGA. At the initial consultation, a doctor will discuss personal and family history of hair loss, along with dietary and lifestyle habits. It's important to discuss expectations and expected treatment outcomes with your provider, too.

Ultimately, PRP works best in combination with other therapies, both topical and oral, in order to address all the factors that can cause hair loss. It's also recommended to avoid NSAIDs, blood thinners and herbal supplements (such as garlic, ginko, vitamin E and St John's wort) for two weeks prior to treatment in order to decrease the risk of bruising and ensure the platelets are not affected. And it's advised to not color or dye the hair 48 hours before and after treatment. Hydration is also essential for 24 hours prior to injection, in order to ensure the maximum amount of plasma will be collected for each treatment. The procedure involves drawing blood, spinning it in a centrifuge for 10 to 15 minutes and then separating and preparing the PRP. Once it's prepared, it's injected into the thinning areas of the scalp through numerous injections.

From clinical experience, I recommend the use of PRP as a co-adjuvant treatment for AGA and encourage patients to continue topical and/or oral therapies (such as minoxidil, spironolactone and finasteride), as PRP does not suppress the hormonal component of AGA.

Overall, our male and female patients have had positive results from PRP injections in AGA in terms of regrowth, increased hair density and improved quality of life. One are athat requires more research is how effective PRP is beyond one year of treatment. While many prospective and randomized controlled trials show benefit at three to six months of treatment, it's unclear when peak hair density is reached, how long treatment effects last and how often treatment must be continued after the short term. Longer-term, controlled studies examining these questions could eventually assist clinicians in establishing standardized treatment protocols.

From USNews and World Report

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Crispy Deep-Fried Potato-Skin Cups Recipe

With a light, crunchy shell thanks to a coating of fried potato starch, these deep-fried potato-skin cups make the perfect scoops for your favorite dips and spreads.

Want the ultimate potato skin? In this recipe, you'll skip the classic twice-baking method in favor of deep-frying, and coat each potato skin in a potato-starch slurry, for an even more shatteringly crispy shell. Plus, by halving the potatoes through their equators instead of lengthwise, you'll get smaller and deeper cups that are absolutely perfect for filling, scooping, and eating with your fingers.

Serve these alongside the dips or spreads of your choice: hummus, baba ganoush, thick Greek yogurt or labneh, tzatziki, and more.

Why It Works

  • Par-baking (or microwaving) the potatoes makes them easier to scoop and produces a more tender texture in the final cups.
  • Cutting the potatoes across their equators produces smaller, deeper cups that are perfect for scooping and filling.

  • Coating each potato cup in a slurry made from the scooped flesh creates the ultimate crispy crust, while also helping to ensure the inner flesh remains tender and moist.
  • 5 Yukon Gold potatoes, ideally about 5 or 6 ounces (140 to 170g) each (though larger potatoes will also work)
  • Vegetable or canola oil, for greasing the potatoes and deep-frying
  • Kosher salt


1) Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Using a fork or paring knife, puncture potatoes in several spots. Rub each potato with a light coat of oil. Arrange on a rack set on a baking sheet, or directly on an oven rack, and bake until just tender, 30 to 45 minutes. Alternatively, microwave pricked and oiled potatoes until just tender, about 5 minutes.
2) Let potatoes stand until cool enough to handle, then cut in half across their equators. Using a small spoon, scoop out most of the potato flesh into a medium bowl, leaving a layer of potato flesh roughly 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick still attached to the skin. (It's okay if the layer of potato flesh attached to the skin isn't perfectly even; that unevenness can add some good textural contrast to each cup.) If you want the cups to stand up more easily (i.e., if you're planning to fill the cups before serving, rather than using them as scoops for dips), slice off the very bottom of each one to create a level base. Set potato cups aside.
3) Using a blender or immersion blender, process scooped potato flesh into a slurry, adding just enough water to form a purée the consistency of applesauce. (You need only enough potato slurry to lightly coat each scooped potato cup, so you may want to purée only a portion of the scooped flesh and reserve the rest for a small batch of mashed potatoes.)
4) Line a rimmed baking sheet with paper towels. In a 5-quart Dutch oven or large wok, heat 2 1/2 inches oil over high heat until it reaches a temperature of 365°F (185°C). Working in batches, dip each scooped potato cup in the potato slurry to coat it inside and out; allow the excess slurry to drain off, then carefully lower each potato cup into the hot oil. Because the slurry is so wet, the frying will be very vigorous, so be careful not to fry more than a few at a time.
5) Cook, agitating occasionally with a wire mesh spider, until potatoes just begin to turn lightly golden, about 1 minute. Transfer to paper towel–lined baking sheet, inverting each one, concave side down, to allow it to fully drain. Repeat dipping and frying with remaining potato cups. Using a fine-mesh strainer, skim out any free-floating fried bits of slurry from the oil and discard.
6) When ready to serve, return oil in Dutch oven or wok to 365°F (185°C). Fry potato cups in batches a second time, agitating them with wire mesh spider, until deeply golden brown and crispy all over, inside and out, about 3 minutes. Transfer cups to fresh paper towels to drain and season them with salt on all sides, then turn them concave side down to fully drain.
7)  Serve fried potato cups while still hot, with dips or spreads of your choice.
You might want to check out these crispy fried recipes, too.

It’s Always Fry-Day: Crispy Potato Cups Put Potato Skins to Shame

Here's an Air-Fryer option, too.

Bacon-Cheddar Stuffed Potato Skins

How Does Shampoo Work?

Reactions takes a look at the science behind how shampoo works. Thanks to chemistry, the products we use to clean and style our hair have evolved over decades — even centuries. How do hairsprays protect your hair while keeping it flexible and light? What's the deal with sls? How do shampoos work, and why are some people choosing to dump the lather altogether? This week, “Ms. Beautyphile” Trina Espinoza and Lex Fleming from “Made U Look” join us in the New York City YouTube Space to explain the science behind hair care.

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With much gratitude, I’m asking if you could please take just a few minutes and jot down something positive about my my service and/or professionalism on Yelp.

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- Brian ✂️
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