January 29, 2021 Newsletter
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January 29, 2021
From the Giving Committee

Here we are at the end of January 2021.  I don’t know how many times I have heard the phrase “these difficult times”, “these troubled times”, “these unusual times”, or some other similar wording.  2020 was an annus horribilus, or a year of misfortune, in many ways.  It was also a year of unexpected opportunities for learning and growth.  Over the course of the year, we lost friends, we lost jobs, we lost the pleasure of each other’s company; but we also discovered the unexpected joy of Zoom church and the creativity, skill, and hard work it takes to make that happen every week. We learned that we could stay connected to each other even across a physical distance. And we can tighten our metaphorical belts here at FPW and survive on a reduced budget.  Much of that budgetary success is due to the generosity of all the members and friends of First Parish of Watertown who commit each year to make a gift for the financial support of the church -- who make a pledge.  We are so grateful for each and every pledge that was made. In years past, pledges make up about 50% of the operating budget of the church.  This year other income sources, such as rentals, are absent and pledges are even more important. 

For the coming year, the Giving Committee is moving “Forward Together” with all of you to kick off the 2021 Annual Appeal.  As we have done over the last few years, we will begin with a series of Circle Suppers, this time gathering around the electronic hearth rather than each other’s homes, to meet in fellowship and consider how being in community online is different from being in community in person and how our First Parish community continues to bring value to our lives.   You can sign up for a Circle Supper using this form, and even get emailed reminders!

You’ll be hearing more from the Giving Committee in March in the form of an informative brochure outlining the current state of church finances, Sunday Chalice Lightings, and Lay Service.   All this in to help us discern how, with our pledges, we can move “Forward Together” to a better year and enjoy our church in person again.

From the FPW Giving Committee
Kristin Bray
John Portz
Bob Shay
Clint Sours

We want stay connected!

If you or someone you know is having any trouble accessing our online offerings (Worship, Fellowship events, RE for children/teens/adults, etc) for any reason, we want to know so that we can help you!

Perhaps your current technology is an obstacle, and you're not sure how to fix it or replace it with something that will work.  Perhaps you could simply use some  assistance learning how to use ZOOM or upgrading your internet service. Maybe your obstacle is a financial one. Or maybe you're simply frustrated with not being able to meet in person...and want to talk.. No matter what the issue is, the church is here to help...just let Rev. Wendy know.(
UUA Logo

Sunday Services are currently being held on Zoom. Please contact by Saturday for this week's link or to be added to the weekly mailing.

The theme for January is Imagination

Hello all, I would like to comment on the current condition and ongoing projects of the physical building and grounds. Although closing the building from the joy and pleasure it is intended has been devastating to everyone involved, it is giving the building itself time to heal. We have been able to replace the damaged and dangerous front stairway. We were able to paint the walls and clean the cabinets and refrigerators in the seldom empty kitchen. We have identified some apparent damage and scheduled the inspection and repairs of the floor as you enter the hall from the elevator lobby and head toward the kitchen. I was able to sand the dining hall floor. I still need to apply the final coat of finish which should be done within a couple of weeks. We are working on completing the electrical updates. There is discussion on improving the access to the attic. This could create some much needed storage space. I am working on removing coffee stains from the sanctuary carpet. Any known solutions would be appreciated. I look forward to our opening date and intend to completely freshen up the building for the grand opening.
Any questions, suggestions or comments are welcome.
Thank you.
Frank Griggs
How can we better help one another in times of struggle? 

Do you or someone at FPW need temporary assistance to get through a challenging time?  The Fellowship Committee has established an FPW Caring Circle that can offer help. We can set up a Meal Train site where you can list needs for meals, rides or other services during short term difficulties and distribute the information to the congregation via email. For more information, simply email and let us know how we can help.
Tuesday, February 16th, from 7:30 - 9:00pm
The Green Sanctuary Committee will host a discussion led by Rev. Wendy Bell about the book, On Fire: The Burning Case for The Green New Deal and about Environmental Justice.  Here is a link to an introduction to the GND.  
First Parish of Watertown

35 Church St, Watertown, MA 02472
Church Office: 617-924-6143 ~

Minister ~ Wendy Bell ~
Administrator / Rentals ~ Allison Hewett ~
Religious Education ~ Lauren Strauss ~
Music ~ Charlyn Bethell ~
Sexton ~ Frank Griggs ~
Copyright © 2021 First Parish of Watertown, All rights reserved.

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