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Dear Sabin neighbors,

This is a fresh start for our Sabin Community Association newsletter. Between cuts in City budgets, changing demographics, and Covid-19, we have decided to switch to an all electronic format. We have all missed having a way to regularly communicate news and events central to our neighborhood and we believe this is a great chance to get

even closer to you because it’s easier to respond and to share your recommendations with us. We plan to begin by publishing every other month. Please share your ideas and comments at Welcome to our first of what we hope will be many SCA E-Newsletters!

Don Rouzie, SCA Board Chair

Neighbours Helping Neighbours

From pandemics to earthquakes and other disasters – neighbours help neighbors. It’s what people do. And the better we organise, the more we can help when things get rough. The Sabin Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) is made up of Sabin residents who have been trained by Portland’s Bureau of Emergency Management to help other neighbors in times of disaster or crisis. Now, Sabin NET is creating a program so that other nearby neighbors can help each other directly. 

The first step is easy. Neighbors within a couple blocks of each other share contact information with one or two neighbor coordinators, and the coordinators share their information in exchange. This might include the names of the people who live in a home, their phone numbers, and their email addresses. The contact information allows the neighbor coordinators to facilitate communications between neighbors. This makes it easy for one neighbor to ask the coordinator to check if another neighbor is OK if they have not been seen for a while. Or a neighbor who is feeling unwell can ask the neighbor coordinator if someone could go to the store for them. 

Over time, Sabin NET will offer presentations on resilience and disaster preparedness so neighbors can be ready to help each other during other disasters, including an earthquake. 

Would you be willing to volunteer as a coordinator for your neighbors or do you have further questions? Contact Sabin NET at

Get Busy at the Sabin Orchard

From winter pruning to pollination and harvest – Sabin’s Orchard needs helping hands all year round. If you’re up for getting your hands dirty with a friendly group of people this is for you: The work party schedule 2021 for Sabin Orchard is out. It is located between NE 18th and 19th Avenue/ Mason Street. Check here for Google Maps. If you're able to come, please bring personal pruning tools, uniquely identified. And, of course, dress for the weather.
Schedule 2021, all 2-4 p.m.
Mar. 21: Understory plants
April 18: Pollination, pest & disease management
May 16: Fruit thinning, pest & disease management
June 20 (Father’s Day): Fruit, pest & disease monitoring, irrigation preparation
July 18: Summer pruning, watering
Aug. 15: Soil health, weed management, watering
Sept. 19: General maintenance, tree harvest
Oct. 17: Fall tree care, harvest
Nov. 21: Putting the orchard to bed

How To Get a Covid Shot – Reach Out To a Neighbor

The process of obtaining an appointment for a Covid vaccine has been challenging even for people who are familiar with computers and the internet. Some of our older neighbors here in Sabin may not have access to, or the skills, to even begin signing up. If you feel comfortable, please reach out to a neighbor who might need some help. You can find some up-to-date information and helpful links on SCA's Facebook site.

SCA Board Meeting

You are welcome to read the complete minutes of October Board meeting here. It includes the topics: legal issues, treasurer report, efforts to preserve the Sequoia tree on NE 12th Avenue/ Mason Street, short term rentals and low income housing in the community.

Reverend Bethel of Maranatha Church

The Sabin Community Association was saddened to hear of the passing of Reverend Bethel. Rev. Dr. T. Allen Bethel was a powerful preacher, inspiring teacher and dedicated community activist. He served as Senior Pastor at Maranatha Church in Sabin from 1994 until his retirement in 2020. He previously pastored churches in Boston, Massachusetts and Kansas City, Kansas. 

The youngest of nine children, Dr. Bethel was born on January 31, 1953 in Columbia, SC. He met his wife Daphne Davis at a Youth Rally in 1972 and they were married on New Year’s Eve 1977.

He joined the Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA) and later became its president. In 2003, following the shooting of Kendra James by a Portland Police Officer, AMA shifted their focus from education, child care and health care to reforming the use of lethal weapons by the police department. Dr. Bethel along with Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes brought together a number of organizations to form the AMA Coalition on Justice and Police Reform. Throughout the years they organized rallies and marches for African Americans and people with mental health challenges that were harmed or killed by the police. 

In addition to working with AMA, he served on many boards including the American Red Cross, Oregon League of Minority Voters, Portland Parks & Recreation, TriMet, Warner Pacific College, the International Institute of Christian Communication and was a member of the Portland African American Leadership Forum.

He is survived by his wife of over 42 years, Daphne, his son Allen, daughter Monica; his sisters Mary Smith, Columbia, SC, Patricia Joyner, Brooklyn NY, brothers William Jones, Brooklyn, NY, Samuel Jones (Agnes), Orlando, FL, Jack Jones (Pauline), Queens Village, NY and many nieces, nephews, cousins and godchildren.
As pastor of Maranatha Church for 26 years, Bethel was known for offering warmth and community to an increasingly diverse congregation in the rapidly gentrifying Sabin neighborhood. The Sabin Community Association appreciates the many years of cooperation with the Maranatha Church generously hosting the annual Sabin Neighborhood Cleanup in the church’s parking lot. The Board of the Sabin Community Association sends its sincere condolences to the Rev. Dr. Bethels family and the Maranatha Church family.
Copyright © Sabin Community Association 2021, All rights reserved.

Pic 1 "Knock loud!" by Marcin Wichary licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Pic 2 "Cherry Picking" by tkksummers is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Pic 3 "Neighbors" by Gabriel Caparó is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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