
Hey Pythonista,

Bob and Julian checking in with a few questions for you!

- How are you going with your Python lately?

- What is your goal with Python for 2021?

- If Python was your magic wand, what would you build? (Think big!)

- What is currently holding you back from getting there by yourself?

- And more importantly, what are you going to do about it?

Please let us know as we are passionate about helping you with this!

In case you didn't know, we currently host weekly strategy sessions where we help answer these questions with you.

It's a free service and people come away from the sessions with great clarity and regained focus.

Some have become clients that we've helped to build really cool Python projects.

Regardless, it's always a win/win and, as is the case these days, it's pretty nice to hop on a call.

Moreover, after speaking with hundreds of Pythonistas, we've spotted certain patterns and have gotten the 80/20 down on how to effectively become a well-rounded developer.

So don't miss out on this opportunity to have us pick your brain and help you get ahead.


One note though: we are big on accountability, so only book a call if you are truly committed and willing to take action on your plan.

Hope to salute / meet you soon!

-- Bob & Julian

TL:DR - Book a call with us so you can get some clarity on your Python journey:

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