Your guide to integrative cancer care
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New Summary: Cimetidine (Tagamet)

Did you know that cimetidine, known mostly by brand name Tagamet, is being investigated for use in cancer treatment? Read our new Cimetidine therapy summary to review the available evidence on its effects, which we have analyzed and synthesized for you.

Cimetidine's most promising use may be in combination with other standard treatments near the time of surgical removal of solid tumors. Cimetidine can also reduce cancer growth and spread and may reduce treatment side effects. View our summary to learn more. You can also explore our overview of off-label, overlooked, or novel cancer approaches (which we call ONCAs).

Creating a Healing Environment

What is the relationship between your environment and your health? Some exposures like nature, clean air, and light at appropriate times are beneficial to your wellness. Other exposures like pollutants, chemicals in consumer products, noise and mold can be harmful. Visit our Creating a Healing Environment page to learn how you can adjust your exposures to optimize your well-being. Some examples:

  • Wear the proper attire to give yourself more outdoor time when the weather might otherwise keep you indoors. Warm and/or water-repelling coats, hats, gloves and boots can extend your time in nature this time of year.
  • Unless your outdoor air is very polluted, you can open windows to quickly improve the quality of the air you breathe indoors.
  • Reducing exposure to bright light and screen displays at the end of the day will help your brain prepare for sleep.
  • When shopping, choose foods and household products that minimize unhealthy chemical exposures, such as glass food storage containers instead of plastic and nontoxic cleaning supplies.

You can take many more steps—see our page for more ideas. We wish you wellness and joy, and hope that our guidance helps you nurture your body’s natural abilities to replenish and heal, especially as spring is poised to bring its beauty, warmth and light.

Kozo's Story: Grounding into Uncertainty

In 2015, BCCT Research Associate Kozo Hattori was diagnosed with stage 2 colorectal cancer. Since then he has followed Michael Lerner's advice to “move only at the pace of guidance.” Kozo has been through surgery, a recurrence and diagnosis of metastatic colon cancer, and sessions with a range of healers. Throughout his journey he has followed his own intuition not to do chemotherapy.

Learn more about Kozo’s path and how he has navigated uncertainty in his moving story on our website. Read about the insights he has received from intuitive healers and his explorations of whole-person healing. Celebrate the support he has received. And ponder together with him this offering he received from one healer and fully embraces: “You have a great life and you had a great life already.”

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Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies informs your choices in integrative cancer care. Visit our website to explore summaries of integrative approaches informed by scientific evidence—from herbs and supplements to mind-body approaches—plus resources for finding community and support, and much more.

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