
This is a special edition of the Alinker INSIDER newsletter, special edition for a special occasion

Who will be campaign #150 to complete? 

Join us LIVE today (Saturday 16th January at 3pm EST) for announcements! 

We were the first company ever to do this. We want to make mobility accessible, so we integrated this crowdfunding campaign platform in our website, because we understand that in our current sickcare system, people are driven into poverty. That is a harsh statement, but the reality is often that harsh. If you do not know the extend of it, you might not know how it is, so people who launch their campaign, share with us what it is like. Once you receive a diagnosis, have an accident, stroke or the likes, you might lose your job, lose friends and support while the cost of living and medical expenses go through the roof. 

In these campaigns people share generously what it is on that side of the 'sickcare' system, and we all together show up generously to get them an Alinker. With an Alinker they can regain independence, agency, mobility, feeling good about themselves and join the Alinker Family of people who identify as active people and will do anything to stay active and engaged. 

So far we completed 149 campaigns and there are 7 campaigns LIVE right now!  Join us LIVE today (or see if later via the same link)
The impact is 149 x agency, belonging, mobility... 
Support these 7 folks who are live now and together we'll see who will be #150 to complete! 

How would you want us to show up for you,                 

when it was you on the campaign? 

You can support one of the individual campaigns, or you can support the Collective campaign, the one that supports all. The Collective campaign can also be sponsored by partners for larger amounts.

Currently this Collective Campaign is supported by: 
Tandemig JuniperUltd SHEEO MohrPublishing and Horizn

If you are interested to be a corporate sponsor, please email 

You know... 

It can happen to all of us, in fact, it happens to 20% of us. We just don't see it as much, because people get isolated and are at home, out of sight. But if it was you, how would you want us to show up for you?

We can make this world safer and happier, more together.
All we need to do is show up for each other

When these people who start the individual campaigns, get on an Alinker, they can go out again, expand their reach, be more independent, have their agency back, become healthier again, go further with less fatigue, regain muscle mass and strength, get their mobility back, engage in events and community, feel happier, be part of life again, all exactly the words that people share with us after they use an Alinker for a while.

Thank you for showing up with radical generosity

If you want to start your own campaign please email us
On your doorstep in the USA in 2-3 weeks - order now
Get on the waiting list for Canada - April delivery
Pre-order the HS, XS or XXS
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