
New Year at the State Legislature


As you may know, the Colorado General Assembly kicked off the 2021 legislative session last week. We passed seven bills over three days that addressed several urgent issues facing Coloradans and that will allow us to conduct our work safely and productively. After passing these key pieces of legislation, we temporarily adjourned and plan to return to the Capitol for the full legislative session starting February 16th.

With the pandemic still in full swing, leadership in the legislature made the prudent decision to postpone the session. Hopefully, when we reconvene we will be under safer circumstances. In the meantime, I will continue to meet (virtually) with my constituents and stakeholders from across the state and continue to develop my bill proposals. 

Below you will find a summary of our first week at the Capitol and a preview of what is ahead. 

Tragedy at the US Capitol

Let me start by offering my condolences to the individuals, and their families, who lost their lives during the riots that took place on January 6th at the US Capitol building. Especially Brian Sicknick, the Capitol Police officer who lost his life while defending the Capitol.

What transpired on January 6th was an attack on American democracy. A peaceful transition of power protects our government institutions from corruption and upholds the will of the people; it is perhaps the most vital and sacred tradition of American democracy. The actions of the rioters who attempted to disrupt this process -- by preventing Congress from counting Electoral College votes -- are truly condemnable. Further, the fact that elected members of Congress, including several from Colorado, voted to overturn the will of voters in other states and potentially helped incite the riots, is disheartening and concerning.  

This coming Wednesday, I am confident that our nation will undergo the sacred tradition of a peaceful transfer of power when Joe Biden is sworn in as President and Kamala Harris will be sworn in as Vice President. I understand that not everyone reading this e-mail and certainly not every person in my district is happy about that - and that is okay - but I know we can all celebrate the fact that the will of a majority of voters in last November's election will be honored and that our nation's law enforcement and national guard will make sure this fundamental tradition of our democracy is fulfilled. 

To read more about how fellow Colorado-based legislators and I responded to the storming of the US Capitol building, click here
The 73rd General Assembly of the State of Colorado Begins
I had the distinct honor of being sworn-in for my second term as a Colorado State Representative and swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Colorado.

To the voters and residents of Eagle County and Routt County: thank you for your trust in me. I pledge to work as hard as I can to deliver results for our communities and be your voice at the State Capitol.

While we will not start in earnest until February 16th, I am ready to get back to work! 

A look at the bills we passed this week:

Over the past week, we passed bills that updated relief programs for small business (SB21-001), allowed for remote participation for legislators in committees (HB21-1001), and updated our legislative proceedings policies during a state of emergency (HB21-1003) -- but that's not all. Click here to read about the bills that passed originating in the House, and here to for the Senate bills.

When we return to the Capitol, I look forward to being a part of an important slate of bills that will help our state recover from COVID-19, rebuild our economy, lower health care costs and increase access to care, protect our environment and water, support our schools, improve our transportation infrastructure, and much more. 

To read more about our brief legislative meeting, and for more information on what is to come in February, click here.

My Committee Assignments 

Business Affairs & Labor Committee

I am honored to have been appointed as the Chairman of the Business Affairs & Labor Committee. With small businesses struggling across the state -- especially in rural Colorado -- this committee will tackle issues to help the business and labor community. 

Agriculture, Livestock, & Water Committee

I am looking forward to continuing my service on this important committee where we will craft legislation to protect our precious Colorado water, help our agriculture community across the state, and make sure that rural Colorado has a strong voice at the Capitol. 

Judiciary Committee

My final committee assignment is the House Judiciary Committee. I also served on this committee during my previous term. I look forward to working on issues related to criminal justice, public safety, judicial operations, and more. 

COVID-related resources for businesses, unemployment, and vaccine information. 

My staff and I continue to stand ready to help you access assistance from the state of Colorado. Please utilize the links below to get more information or reach out directly to me if I can help.  

COVID-19 relief legislation
Business and Nonprofit Resources
Vaccine Information

Dylan in the News

Local lawmakers preview Colorado legislative session via Vail Daily

Colorado lawmakers to look at reducing insulin costs for people not covered by state’s pioneering price cap via Denver Post

Colorado public option bill sponsor says the proposal will be reintroduced this year via Denver Business Journal

General Assembly completes first week of business, as House Republicans take final stand against adjournment via Colorado Politics

How To Stay In Touch 

Please always feel free to contact me via e-mail, phone, or text: 
Capitol Office: 303-866-2923
Cell: 970-846-3054
Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for daily updates! 
Thank you for the privilege to serve this great district and the State of Colorado. 

My best, 
Paid for by Dylan Roberts for Colorado
Registered Agent: Clint Thomas

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 3542
Eagle, CO 81631

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