Lutz Preparatory School Weekly Reminders 1/18/21 & Required Intent to Return in 21-22 for K-7th Grade Students
Monday, January 18:
No School
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
1st K-7th Intent to Return for 2021-22: See Link to Online Form Below - Due 1/25
Tuesday, January 19:
Beginning of 2nd Semester/3rd Quarter
Some eLearners Returning to On Campus Education
Pre-Prep Preschool Lottery
Health and Safety Protocols Continue This week begins a new semester full of transitions and changes. Amongst all of the changes, all mitigations strategies to keep our staff and students safe on campus will still remain in effect. It continues to be our goal to offer all students on campus an LP experience with health and safety at the top of our priorities. As we embark on the beginning of the second semester, we ask that you continue to be understanding, supportive, and flexible through the second half of our school year.
Reminder to Those Families Returning to On Campus Learning Tomorrow
The Campus Life/Transportation section of our school website has arrival/dismissal maps, a video tutorial, and dismissal Q&A. Please review to see important changes and updates so you have a full understanding of the procedures that have been put in place this school year. Please click HERE to review these important changes and updates!
NEW for Dismissal!
There are two car line times. The first is from 2:30-3:00 and is for families with any sibling groups or single riders in KG, 1st, and 2nd grades only. The second car line is at 3:00 and is for the remaining K-8 students.
If students miss their name, parents will be directed to re-enter the carline queuing field to be re-called.
Latest student check out is 2:00PM (for all students); 11:00AM on early release days.
***Reminder, official LP car tags are required at dismissal for pick-up. No pictures on cell phones can be accepted.
Car Tags- If you have not received, nor able to locate your LP car tag for the 2020-21 school year, please email to receive further instructions about obtaining this critical identification tag PRIOR TO CARLINE on January 19, 2021. Please note you must have your car tag for pick-up during dismissal; no official car tag will result in parking until end of regular carline (@3:30pm) to present ID to front office.
ATTENTION Bolts of Blue Donors Regarding Yearbook Ads
ATTENTION to our Bolts of Blue Donors who qualify for a free 1/2 page ad in our yearbook. An email with specific instructions on how to create your ads will be coming out shortly. You will create your own 1/2 page ad online using the tools offered by our yearbook company, Tree Ring. The due date for your 1/2 page ad is March 31, 2021. Please disregard the dates listed in your Bolts of Blue sponsorship packages as they were sent before we finalized our new yearbook company.
Lutz Preparatory School K-8 Intent to Return for All Current K-7th Grade Students Currently enrolled K-8th grade students DO NOT need to be entered in our annual enrollment lottery. Parents must complete an Intent to Return Online Form linked below. Confirming each student's intent (to return or to transfer to another school) will allow us to accurately account for our 2021-22 student enrollment.
REQUIRED Kinder to 7th Grade Families: Click HERE to complete the Intent to Return or Transfer for the 21-22 school year.
Deadline for submission is Monday, January 25, 2021 at midnight.
Do You Have Children Not Currently Enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8? Do you have additional children NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8 that you would like to enroll in the 2021-22 school year? All students NOT CURRENTLY ATTENDING Lutz Preparatory K-8 must apply via our enrollment lottery. Any siblings of currently enrolled K-8 students are defined as preferred enrolled sibling applicants in our lottery process by Florida State Statute. Please see the Admissions tab of our website for full details.
Please contact our lottery coordinator, Lori Toso, at or 428-7100 x 154 with any K-8 enrollment questions.
Board of Directors
Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. is operated by a board of directors made up of community members with diverse and strategic expertise. Please click HERE for a full listing of our current board members and the assigned representative to facilitate parental involvement.
The meeting schedule and past meeting minutes of the board or directors are posted on the Governance tab of our school website. Meetings are open to the public and are published in our NEWSFLASH and on the Governance section of our website.
Public Comment
Please note, a new online way to sign up for public comment at the board meetings. Click HERE for the online form; must sign up and check-in 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
Thank you to our Bolts of Blue Sponsor:
Leader in Me Family Activity for January Due Friday, January 29th
Click HERE for the printable worksheet.
Leader in Me Parent Training Sessions
Parents, you are your child’s first and most influential teacher. You can help your son or daughter discover the leader within and prepare for a great life of contribution and service. With these parent training sessions, you will find practical resources that will help you strengthen the 7 Habits and other powerful leadership skills being developed at school. Our partnership of home and school will establish a framework to nurture and cultivate Lutz Preparatory School'sLegacy of Leaders.
These sessions are hosted by our dedicated parent volunteers: Ryan Martin, Kristin McCormick, Trish Schaefer, and Kathleen Tyson.
Please join other LP Parents in a Leader in Me 7 Habits Seminar (4 sessions total) to reinforce what is being learned in the classroom.
CHECK YOUR CALENDAR: Parent must be available to attend ALL FOUR DATES if they sign up for 1/25/2021:
Monday, January 25th 7:00-8:30 PM
Parent Instructor: Kristen McCormick
Tuesday, February 9th 7:00-8:30 PM
Parent Instructors: Kristen McCormick and Kathleen Tyson
Monday, February 22nd 7:00-8:30 PM
Parent Instructor: Trish Schaefer
Monday, March 8th 7:00-8:30 PM
Parent Instructor: Ryan Martin
Only ONE parent/guardian per family for each session to allow for multiple families to attend (limit 25 attendees).
Click HERE to RSVP and attend the event. Less than ten seats left!
Three Wellness Questions to Discuss as a Family Daily BEFORE Leaving for School
We are relying on our families to be good citizens in our community in our efforts to keep everyone healthy and safe. Click HERE to view our COVID-19 Protocol
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 we are requesting that parents immediately report this to the school via the following online form (even overnight and/or weekends).This will allow our step-by-step mitigation process to begin with contact tracing and notification to all students/staff that may have been potentially exposed. Thank you for your partnership in helping us keep all of our students and staff healthy.
This button is also linked on the pop up box on
2021-22 School Year Enrollment & Lottery Information Lutz Pre-Prep Preschool
Lutz Preparatory School K-8
2021-22 Timeline
Lutz Pre-Prep Preschool:
January 19, 2021@ 9:00 AM: Pre-Prep Enrollment Lottery
Please share THIS LINK to our website with friends and colleagues who may be interested in Lutz Preparatory Pre-Prep for their child's education.
Lutz Preparatory School K-8 A Hillsborough County Public Charter School of Choice:
January 18th - January 25th at midnight: 1st Intent to Return online form required completion for all current K-7th grade students (will be published in Monday, January 18th weekly reminders)
February 12th at 8:00 AM: Lutz Preparatory School K-8 Enrollment Lottery
CURRENT K-7th grade students DO NOT need to apply.
Please share THIS LINK to our website with friends and colleagues who may be interested in Lutz Preparatory School K-8 for their child's education.
2021-22 School Year at Lutz Preparatory School K-8
Do You Have Children Not Currently Enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8?
Do you have additional children NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8 that you would like to enroll in the 2021-22 school year?
All students NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED at Lutz Preparatory K-8 must apply via our enrollment lottery. Any siblings of currently enrolled K-8 students are defined as preferred enrolled sibling applicants in our lottery process by Florida State Statute. Please see the Admissions tab of our website for full details.
Please contact our lottery coordinator, Lori Toso, at with any K-8 enrollment questions.