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Dear <<First Name>>,

I hope your new year is off to a great start! We are working hard to advance our top policy goals for 2021, including careful monitoring of the Neighborhood Plan for Northern South Park and bringing Landing Locals to Jackson Hole. Here's what you need to know:

Repeal Ordinance 473
Join us as we work to repeal Town of Jackson Ordinance 473, which prohibits more than three unrelated people from living in a house together. This ordinance fails to recognize that many folks need to have multiple roommates to afford housing in the valley, and not everyone belongs to a traditional, nuclear, biologically- or legally-related family. Please write to the Town Councilors at and let them know that this ordinance is outdated and unnecessary.

Keep Northern South Park Meetings Transparent
The Neighborhood Plan process is underway for northern South Park. We hope to see a successful outcome for the entire area, including walkability, a range of affordability, and green design. The Steering Committee will work closely with the county's planning staff and the project consultant. Transparency is critical to establish and maintain public trust. We are working to make sure that the public can attend their meetings. This topic is up for debate this morning, 1/19. Please stay tuned for the outcome! 
We are keeping a close eye on our special community!
We Are Looking for a Bookkeeper!
Recently, ShelterJH has seen some major organizational growth and successes, and along with more members and more revenue comes some added fiscal responsibilities. We could use some help with what is still minimal bookkeeping and accounting responsibilities. It would be great to have some professional assistance in this area, hopefully as an in-kind donation from a member or friend of ShelterJH!
If you're interested, please get in touch with ShelterJH Board Treasurer Mike Welch, or send him the contact info for someone you’d suggest. Email him at, or give him a call: (307) 413-6453.

Join Us!
If you're not already a member, please join our movement. We suggest a donation of $20 per year; however, we want our membership to be as accessible as possible, so please pay what you can. Members receive access to special meetings and action updates. If you are already a member, please ask your friends and neighbors to join as well!
As always, I am here to answer any questions. Thanks for your steadfast support of ShelterJH!


Clare Stumpf
ShelterJH Coordinator
Copyright © 2021 ShelterJH, All rights reserved.

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