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“I have read of a man who, journeying on a winter's day through deep drifts of snow, became benumbed by the cold, which was almost imperceptibly freezing his vital powers. He was nearly chilled to death, and was about to give up the struggle for life, when he heard the moans of a fellow-traveler, who was also perishing with cold. His sympathy was aroused, and he determined to rescue him. He chafed the ice-cold limbs of the unfortunate man, and after considerable effort raised him to his feet. As the sufferer could not stand, he bore him in sympathizing arms through the very drifts he had thought he could never get through alone. GW 198.3

When he had carried his fellow-traveler to a place of safety, the truth flashed home to him that in saving his neighbor he had also saved himself. His earnest efforts to help another had quickened  the blood that was freezing in his own veins, and sent a healthy warmth to the extremities of his body.” GW 199.1

Okay, it wasn’t that dramatic when it happened to us, but I was reminded of that story above that I had read many years ago.

So, what did happen was this; a single-parent family came over for a week to stay with us a short bit ago. We decided to go up to the Sequoia National Park, just a 35 minute drive from where we stay, to hike and appreciate God’s works of creation. The mother didn’t go, having not felt so good. Had she gone, I would have stayed here (only so much room in the vehicle), then it may have turned out  differently!

(Notice the picture for some perspective. A few of the trees around the ‘big’ one in the middle are dead, but are still the size of the ‘big’ trees down where we live. The Sequoia trees are HUGE! And this isn’t even one of the ‘big’ ones.)

Sunset in Sequoia National ParkAfter being on a lovely trail that overlooks a lake, my  wife said something like this to the hikers, “Hey, we ought to drive down a road my husband and I walked on a while back to see how far down it goes. We couldn’t go that far because we were on foot.” My immediate thought was, ‘oh no, I’m more interested in getting back to eat…’ But, as a loving husband, I didn’t say anything to be sure my wife was able to fulfill this small desire of her heart. =)

After getting back to the vehicle (the truck the Lord allowed me to trade in for the trailer we owned \o/ ) we started off for that road. We put the truck in 4WH so we could be sure to stay on the slippery road, and arrived close to the end in just a few minutes. While just at the spot my wife and I were able to walk to, there was a car facing toward us, in the middle of the road, where their kids had gotten out to play in the snow.

Truck in the SnowI thought, “Okay, I’m just going to turn around, as we shouldn’t have to make them move…” Then a lady got into the car and started to back down the road, allowing us enough room to pass. In the short time it took for all of this to happen, it would have seemed rude for me to ignore her gesture of kindness in moving the vehicle that blocked the road. I passed her with a smile and a wave, then realized that just beyond her vehicle there was a large gate that didn’t allow any passers by. So I turned the truck around and started going passed the lady who was still in her vehicle. I stopped and had my son ask if she was okay, or if they needed help (as they were in a small vehicle with the snow being fairly thick). She said they did need help, as they had been stuck, unable to get their car up the hill they were stopped on!

Okay… why would my wife have said for us to go driving down a random road to see how far it went down? You guessed it… Providence! God’s angels were giving my wife suggestions. 😎

There was no cell service out there in the valley, a few miles off the main road, and the darkness wasn’t far from overtaking us, so we felt it was a great blessing that we could be there at just that time!

Being a family that loves to be a helping hand, we have chains in the truck, so my son and I got our knees wet to get a chain around the frame of the car, having no tow hooks, and pulled her up the hill with no little effort. After the third try, and a lot of snow flying, we made it!

Like I said, it wasn’t as dramatic as the story that was written at the top of this article, but it does show that God loves each of His children. The family said they were believers, and the driver happily took a gospel pamphlet my wife gave to her. Please pray for this family that they will be blessed while recalling God’s providence for them.

The USB Project:

USB imageWe’ve been able to get USBs to some of you who have requested, and you’ll be seeing a bit more about this idea on the Facebook and YouTube pages soon, as we have made many more. We are hoping that the USBs will benefit many who do not have the ability to download.


Roku Box and RemoteThere are plans underway to get the messages from the RwD YouTube page up on a RevelationWithDaniel Roku channel. Because this is new to us, we don’t have a lot of information other than what we’ve seen online through tutorials and the basics of logic… but what we’ve learned is that it is possible that many people who do not see those messages now on Facebook and YouTube, will have a “Netflix style” ability of viewing as many RwD videos as they would like! May God bless these efforts to get away from platforms that are making it difficult to share truth.

From people watching the messages on YouTube:

“We love how the Holy Spirit of Christ works. We have been studying Stephen Haskell's The Cross And Its Shadow for our Sabbath home church. Our daughter especially enjoyed this short presentation as the sanctuary topic is all new to her. God bless you and your precious family Pastor Daniel.”

“I can't wait to find out HOW Jesus was "begotten" of the Father. The more I read the more I can't believe how deep of a hole we all fell in in believing a third person of a Godhead… whatever… I just shake my head! It's so easy to see it's just given of the Father, like breath! Praise The Lord I'm just so happy. The holes in the gospel are filling up and it's awesome.”

“Thank you so much! I sure appreciate your prompt response. So far we have had 4 baptisms with 8 more preparing! It is amazing to watch God at work. Your studies have been a real blessing.”

“Hi brother Daniel, watched some of your verse by verse videos on Revelation, they are amazing. Praise God for your great work in sharing the truth. Just wondering, did you do any verse by verse videos on the book of Daniel as well?” (Those are in the making…)

Report and way forward of the KJV Swahili translation from
June 2020 - Jan 2021

Hereby is the short report of the KJV Bible translation that has been going on for over a half a year to this moment.

The work began by  soliciting volunteers through social media and other methods which resulted in assembling an online team of seven individuals who were willing to help in the work. A skeleton framework was prepared which had the KJV translated by a  computer application and divided into eleven portions for ease of proof reading and editing. The seven individuals were assigned a single portion each to begin the work in which they were expected to commit themselves to handle it according to their preferred time.

Here stands the the report of the Seven individuals:

  • 1 individual completed one portion running from Genesis 1 to Leviticus 11:38
  • 1 individual managed to cover from Leviticus 11:39 - Leviticus 27
  • 1 individual managed to cover from Psalms 78 - Psalms 95
  • 2 individuals continued with the team but were unable to cover any portion.
  • 2 individuals had technical and personal problems and withdrew from the team but supported through prayers and tracking progress.

The coordinator kept in touch with the individual members of the team periodically to track progress and encourage the work because the members were not in a position to meet physically at any moment.

Way forward

Having continued for that long but with less success  and with the understanding that the work needs much time and effort a suggestion for a physical team was made. A physical team will be more effective than the virtual one that has been doing the work to this point. This is because they will commit to the work fully and being in one place  have minimal distraction.

Our intention is to organize a team of six individuals  in one place and have them work in pairs and cover at least thirty chapters a day. With this prospect we believe by God's grace we can be able to finish the proof reading and editing work under two months.

To effect this proposal the team will need financial assistance for smooth running and for this reason here is a summarized budget for the same:

Food, accommodation and equipment - 48200/=
Appreciation for the six individuals - 90000/=
Total 138200/= roughly Ksh. 150,000 or 1500 usd. needed for these steps to be made.

With this and prayers we believe by God's grace we will be able to bring this work to a success within the specified period.

M . S Kosgei
Coordinator, Kenya, Africa


Note from RwD: this project has been paid for. Please keep it in your prayers!

One of the audio books I love to hear is "The Desire of Ages."
Please listen here.
Another of the audio books I love to hear is "The Great Controversy."
Please listen here.
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