Hydraulic gradients often oppose topography - Theme 1, Boreal Plain
"Forestland-peatland hydrologic connectivity in water-limited environments: Hydraulic gradients often oppose topography" published in Environmental Research Letters.
Characterizing shallow groundwater systems - Theme 1, Boreal Plain
"Interactions between regional climate, surficial geology, and topography: Characterizing shallow groundwater systems in subhumid, low-relief landscapes" published in Water Resources Research.
In this partnership profile, Canfor's Senior Forest Scientist, Kari Stuart-Smith, explores how forestry best management practices can deliver minimal impact for drinking water. She shares insights gained from a study conducted in the Star Creek watershed with Uldis Silins and the Southern Rockies Watershed Project in the Montane Cordillera region.
Recently defended Master's student, Hannah McSorley from University of British Columbia will present her research findings from her study on Vancouver Island Friday, January 29 at 1pm EST (10am PST, 11am MST, 2pm AST).
Thesis title: Spatial and Temporal Variation in Natural Organic Matter Quantity and Quality Across a Second Growth Forested Drinking Water Supply Area on Vancouver Island, BC. Not to be missed!
- ST3 week will be virtual this year due to COVID-19. Join a planning committee to make it the best ever! Contact Chris Williams to express interest.
- The HQP Committee is looking for new members. Contact Chair, David Foster to join! All are welcome to attend the online meetings, next one is in early April.
What's Next?
Upcoming Webinars featuring forWater Members:
- Wed. Jan. 27 @ 1pm EST (10am PST, 11am MST, 2pm AST). Toxic algal blooms – implications of climate change on frequency and prevention in water systems. Ellen Cameron, PhD Candidate, Tim Shardlow, MSc Candidate, from University of Waterloo.
- Fri. Jan. 29 @ 1pm EST (10am PST, 11am MST, 2pm AST). Natural Organic Matter (NOM): What patterns emerged, and what were the key drivers of the observed dynamics across a Greater Victoria water supply? Hannah McSorley, MSc., University of British Columbia.
- Wed. Feb. 10 @ 11am EST (8am PST, 9am MST, 12pm AST). The impacts of climate change on public health: Opportunities to mitigate risk. Emma Blackburn, MASc Candidate, University of Waterloo.
forWater AGM 2021: We are gathering feedback on the desired virtual format and content of the forWater AGM scheduled for the end of April. Please share your thoughts with Elanor Waslander. Please stay tuned for further details and save the dates!
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) resources
Here is a list of past webinars featuring Network members:
- Wildfire and pathogen threats to water in Alberta, Monica Emelko, University of Waterloo
- Post-fire water quality impacts and mitigation, Monica Emelko, University of Waterloo
- Watershed Management: What have we learned? Where are we going? Rich Petrone, University of Waterloo, and Uldis Silins, University of Alberta
- Analysis of environmental DNA samples, Ellen S. Cameron, PhD Candidate, University of Waterloo
- An introduction to evolution, sequence alignment and phylogeny, Kirsten Müller, University of Waterloo