
Maintaining the Older Horse.. 

We all dread seeing the day when our wonderful equine companions reach that age when they are probably not “useful” in the traditional sense of the word but are still a loved member of the family. They deserve our care and depend solely on us for their comfort in their old age.  

It is helpful to remember that most of them can teach youngsters a lot about handling horses. Most love the attention and seem to relate to children especially well. Besides their regular maintenance of teeth and hooves, special attention should be paid to their diet. 


AT 26 YEARS OLD                                                  

He is not carrying enough weight now at 29. I am feeding him as much as he can eat. Free choice good quality grass hay, a commercial fat source, soaked cubes, oil and traceable source grain, plus of course a double serving of BioEquine’s Natural Digestive Support and a single dose of BioEquine’s Extra Strength Joint Supplement. But his eye is bright, his coat is shiny and just as fine as ever and he got out the other day and gave the dogs a merry run. He hurt his hip getting up on a side hill this summer and I was terrified that I was going to have to make a very difficult decision this fall. But he seems completely recovered which in it’s self is a testimony to our program. I feel strongly that keeping his bacterial population supplemented daily, stimulating peristalsis, keeping his gut cleaned of debris and parasites and supporting his joints is giving him the best retirement possible.     

He is double blanketed in the winter and kept in at night in a barely heated barn. A good brushing a few times a week satisfies his vanity. He greats us every morning with a manly, deep nicker and a glowing eye. His kindness to visitors and attention to every detail puts a smile in my heart daily.           


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