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Who Inspires You?
Catholic Medical Mission Board is a faith-based non-profit healthcare organization, working toward our vision in which every human life is valued, and health and human dignity are shared by all.
Inspired by the example of Jesus, our focus is on the care of others, bringing quality healthcare to poor, remote communities around the world. We strengthen rural health facilities, providing donated medicines and supplies and placing volunteer healthcare workers to administer care and work with the community to build capacity at the local level so that improved care is long-lasting and sustainable.
Each week, CMMB provides a reflection on Sunday’s Gospel reading, as it keeps us connected to our mission to serve the poor and help heal the sick.
We would like to share this week’s Weekly Reflection with you.
Read the full essay
For the February intention, Pope Francis asks us to "pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be protected by society and have their sufferings considered and heeded by all."

Weekend Mass Schedule | February 14th

5:30 PM: Fr. Hilbert

8:00 AM: Fr. Hallinan
9:30 AM: Fr. O'Keefe
11:00 AM Solemn (Livestream & Church): Fr. Bergen
7:30 PM: Fr. Bergen

Livestream Mass
Our 5:30 PM Daily Mass and 11 AM Sunday Solemn Mass are now celebrated in the Church. These Masses can be attended in-person or viewed via livestream on YouTube and Facebook

Daily Mass (Monday to Friday)
5:30 PM

Sunday Mass
11 AM 

Join us on YouTube (click here to subscribe) and Facebook (stignatiusnyc) for our Daily and Sunday livestream Masses.

Please Support Your Parish

Your generous financial support of our parish is more important than ever. Please make a donation today to help sustain the substantial operational costs of St. Ignatius Loyola.
To contribute, please click here
Weekly Wisdom
In his Thursday, January 28th homily, Fr. Hallinan challenges us to look at ourselves and not to God when seeking to understand the "sorry shape" of our world: "We as human beings so often shake an angry fist at God and complain about the condition of our world: "Why do You allow this?" And, God shakes His head and says, "Whose fault is this? It's not My fault. It's your fault. You have been told what to do: 'Be a light that will scatter the darkness of the world.' Now, go do it. Be the persons of love you are commanded to be."
In this week's episode On Doubts and Dark Nights, Pastoral Associate Brian Pinter explores how these moments are an essential passage on our journey to deeper, more mature faith.  
Listen now
Current & Upcoming Food Drives

Feeding Our Neighbors: Archdiocesan-Wide Food Campaign
The Church of St. Ignatius Loyola is participating in the Feeding Our Neighbors food drive scheduled through Sunday, February 7th. Donations will go to the Church of the Ascension on the Upper West Side.
Click here to view drop-off dates and requested donation items.
Lenten Food Drive
During Lent
from Saturday, March 13th to Tuesday, March 28ththe Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be accepting donations of food for the Church of the Ascension.
Click here to view drop-off dates and requested donation items.

Webinar: Catholic Women in Global Health: Mothers and Children

Monday, February 8th at 7 PM on Zoom
Many of the most at-risk mothers and children in the developing world live in rural settings with limited access to even basic health care. CMMB (Catholic Medical Mission Board) works with community health workers, village health committees, local clinics, and hospitals to ensure that care is delivered to families living where the road ends. Engaging community members in this process has proved especially critical during the pandemic when seeking health care might itself be a source of risk. Finding ways to reduce the risk of Coronavirus spreading while still promoting the most basic health services that each year prevent the deaths of thousands of women and children around the world has created an unprecedented challenge. Community-based approaches are valuable and the strengthening of clinics and hospitals is still a necessary component of life-saving solutions.

Jana I. Cuggino, Head of Strategy and Marketing, KPMG Healthcare and Life Sciences
Mary Beth Powers, President and CEO, Catholic Medical Mission Board
Darnelle Bernier, Vice President, Medical Donations Program, CMMB
Dr. Claudia Llanten M.D., Senior Maternal and Child Health Care Specialist, CMMB

To register, click here.
Upcoming Events
For more information on any of our upcoming programs, please click the event title.
Tuesday Night Book Group: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Tuesdays, through March 30th at 7 PM on Zoom
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Wednesday, February 17th at 7 PM on Zoom
LGBT Catholics & Friends
Thursday, February 18th at 7 PM on Zoom
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Virtual Blood Drive
Beginning Monday, March 1st, through Sunday, March 21st 
Celebrating Women of St. Ignatius: Past, Present, Future
Thursday, March 11th at 7 PM | In Church & Livestreamed
Sunday Morning Sing-In
Sundays at 9:45 AM on Zoom
Social Distancing Socials
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 6 PM on Zoom
Parish Men's Faith Group: The Men of Lent
Tuesday, February 16th & Tuesday, March 16th at 7 PM on Zoom
Presentations and discussions will explore the men we encounter in the Sunday Lenten lectionary readings. Themes will include how we can serve as beacons of faith in a chaotic world, how God works through our flaws and wounds, learning to discern the voice of the inner prophet, and saying yes to God’s invitation to vulnerability and surrender. 
The February 16th gathering will focus on Noah, Abraham, and Cyrus; on March 16th, we will visit Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Jesus.
Brian B. Pinter, Pastoral Associate, will present and facilitate the discussion.

To RSVP, email
Painting and Patriotism 
Wednesday, February 24th at 7 PM on Zoom

Presented by Fr. Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J.
Beset by a world-wide, deadly pathogen, suffering from severe economic distress, painfully aware of our heritage of racial injustice, and alarmed by divisions in our nation, we Americans need new reasons for patriotism. But not just any patriotism. A critical, socially aware, and committed patriotism.

Join Fr. Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J., in visiting American paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art to find light for what such a patriotism might be like.

To register, click here.
Falling into Grace
Thursdays, February 25th to March 25th, at 7 PM on Zoom
Lent invites us to prepare for resurrection by allowing God’s grace to redeem and transform our broken, wounded places. The presentations and discussions will explore how we find grace in struggle and suffering, meditation practices that prepare the heart to receive grace, biblical stories of grace, letting go images of God that no longer serve us, and how we cooperate with grace. Brian B. Pinter, Pastoral Associate, will present and facilitate the discussion.
To register, email

Last summer, Fr. Yesalonia announced an ambitious expansion of our livestream capabilities at the parish.

We will soon have the capability to livestream Sunday Mass from Church. Additionally, monitors will be installed in the Church and so that pre-recorded music can be broadcast into the Church during services.

Eventually, services and events will be livestreamed from the Lady Chapel, the Church, and Wallace Hall.

To support this important initiative, please click here.

Your support of the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola is more important than ever.
To make a contribution, text GIVE to 1-855-939-3919.
Support Your Parish Through Your Online Shopping
We are thrilled to announce the debut of our online store, featuring an assortment of St. Ignatius Loyola branded merchandise. Now selling handcrafted pottery mugs, water bottles, a canvas shopping tote, a baseball cap, and reusable cloth face masks. All of these items are now available for ordering. 100% of proceeds benefit the parish.
Visit the SIL Online Store
Virtual Fireside Chat: Behind & Beyond U.S. Prison Walls
Thursday, February 11th at 7:30 PM

This fireside chat will explore incarceration, education, reentry, and the recently restored Pell grants. There will be a look to the future as they discuss what more is needed during this historical moment and an opportunity for Q&A. Presented by the Thrive for Life Prison Project, Vera Institute of Social Justice, and Georgetown University's Prisons & Justice Initiative and Pivot Program.

To register, click here.
Submit a Prayer Request
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