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BeJS Newsletter#48

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Hello BeJS community, we hope everyone is fine and staying safe :)

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npm 7 is now generally available!

After much anticipation, the npm CLI version 7 is now generally available!

Cypress vs Selenium vs Playwright vs Puppeteer speed comparison

A benchmark to know which of these tools was fastest in end-to-end scenarios

10 bad TypeScript habits to break this year

TypeScript and JavaScript have steadily evolved over the last years, and some of the habits we built over the last decades have become obsolete. Some might never have been meaningful. Here's a list of 10 habits that we all should break.

An Introduction to the Rollup.js JavaScript Bundler

Rollup.js is a next-generation JavaScript module bundler from Rich Harris, the author of Svelte. It compiles multiple source files into a single bundle.

Creating Custom RxJS Operators

A small walkthrough on how to create your own RxJS ooperators

A Walkthrough of migrating from Gatsby to Next.js

We see more and more developers migrate from Gatsby to Next.js for different reason. Here the author explain how he did migrate from Gatsby to Next.js even though he was heavily relying on Gatsby plugins for his website.

Getting Started with Netlify Functions for Angular

Being able to add serverless functions to your Angular application opens up a world of opportunities for getting data to your users. Netlify Functions makes it easier to use serverless functions by managing the infrastructure.

Creating a Simple Yet Complicated Dark Mode Animation

A dark mode toggle animation should have some personality. Here's an original and unique way of creating one.

Making GitHub’s new homepage fast and performant

This post is the third installment of a five-part series on building GitHub’s new homepage. It talks about how the team did to make the homepage fast and performant.

Building Future UIs

Ever dreamt of creating a UI that looks like the ones you see in your best sci-fi movies? Here is few ideas to follow if you want to create one.

Building server-side rendering for React in AWS Lambda

This post introduces the concepts and demonstrates rendering a React application with AWS Lambda.

Tao of React - Software Design, Architecture & Best Practices

This article is a collection of ReactJS good practices about components, application structure, testing, styling, state management, and data fetching that have proven to be effective for the author and the teams he worked with.

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