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“Say among the nations, ‘The LORD reigns.’
The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved;
he will judge the peoples with equity.”
Psalm 96:10, NIV UK

Dear all,

We hope that you and your loved ones are continuing to keep safe and well at this difficult time. Throughout the pandemic, the Christians in Parliament team have been sharing regular Psalm reflections with Members and staff in Parliament to encourage them to keep going in this challenging season. We were encouraged by the reminder in our latest Psalm – Psalm 96 – that there are so many reasons to praise God, not least because of the wonderful news that ‘The LORD reigns’. God is still in control and offers us true stability – something we no doubt all crave in these turbulent times – and we can look forward to the day when His rule is finally established and we can rejoice along with the rest of creation.

As we continue through the current uncertainty, please continue to pray for all our politicians as they make difficult decisions about tackling COVID-19.

Looking back, we are very thankful for the Virtual Parliamentary Carol Service which we held online in December. Over 1,500 people joined us live, and the video has now had over 9,000 views on YouTube. Please pray that everyone who watched it would continue to be challenged and inspired by the message of true freedom that was revealed at that first Christmas.

Due to the current lockdown, all our ministry has returned online, but we are very thankful for the technology that enables us to continue to support people in Parliament. In particular, we would appreciate prayer for the following areas:

Chapel Services
Our weekly services continue to take place via videoconferencing on Tuesday lunchtimes and are attended by a good range of Members and staff. This term we are working through John’s Gospel and looking at what happened when different people encountered Jesus. Please pray for the speakers as they prepare and that everyone attending will grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus through these different encounters.

Covid on my mind: Helping others survive and thrive during a time of heightened stress and anxiety (Monday 8 February)
On the 8th February, Rachael Maskell MP will chair a discussion and Q&A on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our mental wellbeing. We are delighted to be joined by a panel of experts who will be able to provide practical tips on how to survive and thrive in this challenging season and the difference faith in Christ makes. Please pray that all Members and staff attending will find the event helpful and that we would be able to offer support to those who are struggling at this time.

Bible Studies 
Our two weekly Bible Studies are back online after being able to meet in a hybrid way in the Autumn. Both groups have recently finished studying John’s Gospel and are beginning to look at Philippians. Please pray for all the Members attending: that their love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight (Philippians 1:9) and that they will continue to fix their eyes on Jesus. Please also pray for cross-party fellowship to go from strength to strength as the Members support one another to live out their faith in Parliament.

One-to-one Pastoral Support
Members of the Christians in Parliament team continue to meet up virtually with Members and staff to read the Bible and offer pastoral support. Please pray for the team as they walk alongside people in difficult circumstances and pray for new opportunities for one-to-one support. We also hope to run a course exploring the Christian faith soon; please pray that those who would benefit from such a course would come to our attention and that we would be able to find the right time to meet.

National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast 2021
We are beginning to make plans for this year’s National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast. Please pray for wisdom as we work out what will be feasible given the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions and pray that – whatever format the event takes – it would be an encouragement for all who attend and a vehicle for strengthening relationships between church leaders and their local MPs.

Our ministry depends on one-off donations and regular giving, and we’re very thankful for God’s ongoing and generous provision to us, particularly in a time of economic challenge. As the opportunities for Gospel ministry in the Houses of Parliament continue to grow, we are passionate about sustaining and growing our ministry. Please pray for new financial support and if you would like to partner in our work financially, please visit our website for more information or contact

Thank you very much again for supporting us in prayer.


The Christians in Parliament Team
PS You can listen to audio from Christians in Parliament events on Soundcloud or through our iTunes podcast.
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