
Dear friends and partners, 

It’s been almost a year since we transitioned to distance learning, and the time is past due for leaders at every level to put politics aside, work together, and prioritize a safe return to the classroom for families who need that option. Our kids need their teachers back once it’s safe and our highest need students can’t afford to wait any longer. As LA County case levels continue their current downward trend, I will continue to push for LAUSD’s ability to reopen schools for families who wish to return with all the necessary safety measures in place.

Our facilities have been modified to follow health and safety protocols, we have districtwide COVID testing already in place and a plan for routine health checks, and will listen to public health guidance on mask-wearing, social distancing, and other precautions to reduce the risk for everyone on campus. During the fall semester, we ensured that our principals and their administrative staff, stationed in-person at their school sites, followed a detailed safety plan, including proper spacing of tables and desks within each classroom to prepare for in-person instruction. I visited nearly all of my school sites and checked in with principals to verify these protocols were implemented. And I believe that we can provide the safety measures needed to ensure our teachers and school staff are ready to return once County and State health conditions are met. 

I also believe that California’s reopening plan should stipulate that once schools meet the necessary health and safety conditions, districts must provide an in-person option for those who choose. But any plans concerning the safety of our kids must be made transparently, equitably, and with the public’s trust. In our effort to provide continuous transparent communications, we co-hosted a virtual town hall with Superintendent Beutner last week to discuss the questions and concerns we’re hearing from our school communities. You can also find all our previous town halls covering mental health, enrichment opportunities, and more on our website and Facebook, as well as RSVP and submit questions for our upcoming one on “Navigating Screen Time during COVID.”

And as we begin Black History Month, I am excited to celebrate Black joy and achievement in our schools, but also acknowledge Black struggles, including the disproportionate toll this pandemic is taking on communities of color. We know that Black and Latino families are more hesitant to return to campuses right now, both because the pandemic is being felt more acutely in their communities, and because LAUSD has not always done the best job of gaining trust that we have their children’s best interests  in mind. I will continue to work to build that trust with open, transparent communication, while advocating for the federal, state, and local pandemic relief these communities need. 

No matter what, I will keep pushing for all families, and especially our highest need students, to provide an in-person learning option that is safe for our employees and students as soon as possible. Kids need their teachers back on campus once it’s safe—so we can all begin the process of recovering academically and social-emotionally from this crisis.

We’re all in this together, apart. 

The Latest from LA Unified
When will LA Unified be able to reopen schools and what is it going to take? 
California schools consider extending school year while mental health remains a concern
LAUSD serves its 100 millionth Grab-and-Go meal nearly a year into pandemic
Schools may be able to reopen safely before all teachers and school staff are vaccinated
In the Community: Staying Connected while Staying Apart
We are continuing our series of virtual town halls with a conversation about navigating kids' screen time. Join me and experts Dr. Yalda Uhls and Angela Hutchinson for advice, best practices, and a Q&A. Click here to RSVP and submit questions ahead of time!
As we continue to learn, meet, and gather virtually, I am grateful for the opportunity to visit Zoom classrooms and meet with parents and educators to answer their questions and offer my vision for our path to reopening and recovering from this crisis. 
School Spotlight:
Loyola Village celebrates Black History through danceall year long!
There are so many ways to center Black history in our students' education, and they shouldn't be limited to the month of February. We are grateful for the fantastic work of Jan Blunt and Michele O'Quinn, Loyola Village Elementary and Local District West dance instructors, who run the Loyola Village African Drum and Dance Ensemble (LADDE). Jan has been an LAUSD educator for over 30 years and Michele has been teaching elementary dance in LAUSD since 2003--and their expertise and passion have created a thriving arts program that provides exciting experiences for students to celebrate diverse cultures. Last spring, we were lucky to have them both join us in a virtual dance class to learn new some new styles of choreography from home!
ICYMI: Updates, Info, and Resources
Click any photo to visit that resource!
All LAUSD Grab and Go meal centers are open M-F 7a-10a for anyone in need (no questions asked).
Know your rights! Click here for free legal resources from a collaborative LA initiative.
Help us support students who no longer have the benefit of being in school every day: LAUSD started this fund with community partners to help provide meals and urgently needed supplies, provide devices, digital libraries, and books, and help students to continue learning. You can also donate here to help families with the basics, like rent, food, and childcare.
Check out these resources for information on: 
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily updates on L.A. Unified, Board District 4, education news, and much more:
You can also contact my office anytime at (213) 241-6387 or
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Office of LAUSD Board Member Nick Melvoin · 333 S. Beaudry Avenue · 24th Floor · Los Angeles, CA 90017 · USA