Join us at these online events for Palestine
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Starting today --- join us for this important group of online events!

Join Samidoun, beginning today, for a series of events on the Palestinian liberation struggle. Today, Friday, 29 January, hear from Samidoun coordinator in Europe Mohammed Khatib on the struggle of Ahmad Sa'adat and the fight against normalization (event in Arabic with English translation.) Tomorrow, 30 January, join us with the Alternative Palestinian Path for an online event on the Palestinian National Charter, with Jaber Suleiman and Anis al-Qasem (Event in Arabic with English and Spanish translation). Then on Sunday, 31 January, hear from Samidoun international coordinator Charlotte Kates, Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat and labor organizer Hassan Husseini on international solidarity with Palestine. (Event in English). Also on Sunday, 31 January, join the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah for an online book launch of "L'Affaire Georges Abdallah" (French language event.)

Friday, 29 January – Online Event: Ahmad Sa’adat — a revolutionary path confronting normalization, with Mohammed Khatib 
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm Berlin (central Europe) – 8 pm Palestine
Facebook EventJoin on Zoom: 
Organized by Samidoun Deutschland

Saturday, 30 January  – Online Event: The Palestinian National Charter: History, Present and Future  9 am Pacific – 12 pm Eastern – 6 pm central Europe – 7 pm Palestine. Facebook event Organized by the Preparatory Committee of the Conference for the Palestinian Alternative Path

Sunday, 31 January  –  Online Event: Palestine: A critical front line in the resistance struggle against Zionism locally and Imperialism internationally 12 pm Pacific – 3 pm Eastern – 9 pm central Europe – 10 pm Palestine Register on Zoom;  Facebook event Organized by Anti-Imperialist Action Ottawa

Sunday, 31 January – Online event: Book launch, “L’Affaire Georges Abdallah” 9 am Pacific – 12 noon Eastern – 6 pm Paris – 7 pm Palestine
Facebook event: Organized by the Unified Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah

Friday, 29 January
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm Berlin (central Europe) – 8 pm Palestine
Facebook Event:
Join on Zoom:

Samidoun Deutschland invites all to participate in an event to discuss the revolutionary path of struggle represented by the imprisoned Palestinian leader Ahmad Sa’adat, as part of the international week of solidarity to free Ahmad Sa’adat. We also plan to discuss the attacks against this revolutionary path organized by the forces of surrender and collaboration since the beginning of the Madrid-Oslo path three decades ago. Because the case of Ahmad Sa’adat does not only implicate Zionist colonialism, but also on the cooperation of the Palestinian Authority with the enemy and its submission to the imperialist powers in the world. In the event we will also address the different facets of the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners in the Zionist prisons, in particular their steadfastness in confrontation and their leadership role in the struggle of the entire Palestinian liberation movement.

Comrade Mohammed Khatib, the coordinator of the Samidoun network in Europe, is attending our meeting. Be there on Friday, January 29th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. GMT + 1 (Berlin) / (8:00 p.m. in occupied Palestine), under the following link:

This event will take place in Arabic, English translation is available.

الصديقات والأصدقاء الأعزاء، ندعوكم في شبكة صامدون للدفاع عن الأسرى الفلسطينيين- ألمانيا إلى المشاركة في ندوة نستعرض فيها النهج النضالي الذي يمثله الأسير البطل أحمد سعدات وذلك ضمن فعاليات “أسبوع التضامن الدولي مع القائد أحمد سعدات”، لنتطرق فيها إلى ضرب النهج النضالي من قبل النهج السلمي والتنسيق الأمني الذي جلبه مسار مدريد-أوسلو والمستمر منذ ثلاث عقود، حيث لا تمثل قضية الأسير القائد أحمد سعدات قضية استعمار صهيوني فقط بل تواطئ أجهزة السلطة وخضوعها لقوى الإمبريالية العالمية. ونتحدث فيها عن نضال الأسرى الفلسطينيين في السجون الصهيونية وسطور صمودهم في وجه السّجان، ودورهم القيادي في النضال والتحرر.

يشاركنا هذه الندوة، محمد الخطيب، منسق شبكة صامدون في أوروبا، وذلك يوم الجمعة الموافق29/1/2021، في تمام الساعة 7:00 مساءً بتوقيت برلين وفي الساعة 8:00 مساءً بتوقيت فلسطين المحتلة، وذلك عبر الرابط:

PS: English translation is available.

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, wir in Samidoun Deutschland – das Netzwerk für die Befreiung der Palästinensischen Gefangenen, laden euch zur Teilnahme an einem Meeting ein, in welchem wir über den revolutionären Weg des Gefangenen und Helden Ahmad Sa’adat diskutieren wollen, und zwar im Hinblick auf “die internationale Woche zur Solidarität mit dem Anführer Ahmad Sa’adat”. Wir wollen auch die Angriffe gegen diesen revolutionären Weg besprechen, die von den Kräften der Kapitulation und Kollaboration seit dem Beginn des Madrid-Oslo-Pfads vor drei Jahrzehnten organisiert werden.

Denn die Frage des gefangenen Anführers Ahmad Sa’adat bezieht sich nicht nur auf den zionistischen Kolonialismus, sondern auch auf die Kooperation der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde mit dem Feind und ihre Unterwerfung gegenüber den imperialistischen Mächten in der Welt. Wir werden in der Veranstaltung auch die unterschiedlichen Facetten des Kampfes der Palästinensischen Gefangenen in den zionistischen Gefängnissen thematisieren, insbesondere ihre Standhaftigkeit in der Konfrontation mit dem Feind und ihre Führungsrolle in Kampf der gesamten Palästinensischen Befreiungsbewegung.

An unserem Meeting nimmt Genosse Mohammed Khatib, der Koordinator vom Netzwerk Samidoun in Europa teil. Seid dabei am Freitag,29.01.2021, um 19:00 Uhr GMT+1 (Berlin) / (20:00 Uhr im besetzten Palästina), unter dem folgenden Link :
PS: English translation is available.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is endorsing the following event, organized by the Alternative Palestinian Path:

The Palestinian National Charter: History, Present and Future

How was the National Charter violated, and how can the people regain their sole legitimate constitution?
What are the mechanisms for protecting the National Charter according to the Palestinian popular will?

Featured Speakers:
Dr. Anis al-Qasim, expert in international law
Jaber Suleiman, researcher and expert on Palestinian refugee rights

Saturday, 30 January 2021
9 am Pacific – 12 pm Eastern – 6 pm central Europe – 7 pm Palestine
Over Zoom
Organized by the Preparatory Committee of the Conference for the Palestinian Alternative Path

The interventions will be published (in Arabic) in Al-Adab magazine.

This event will take place in Arabic, with English and Spanish translation provided over Zoom.

ندوة سيّاسية – قانونيّة هامّة

(الميثاق الوطني الفلسطينيّ بين الأمس واليوم)

كيف جرى انتهاك الميثاق الوطني؛ وكيف يستعيد الشعب دستوره الشرّعي والوَحيد؟

ما هي آليات حماية الميثاق الوطني وفقَ الإرادة الشعبيّة الفلسطينيّة؟

ضيّفا الندوة:

الدكتور أنيس القاسم، الخبير في القانون الدولي

الأُستاذ جابر سليمان، الباحث والخبير في شؤون اللاجئين الفلسطينيين

السبت 30  يناير / كانون الثاني 2021

السّاعة السابعة مساءً بتوقيت فلسطين المُحتلّة.

.عبر مِنصة (زووم)

* تُنشر مداخلات ندوة الميثاق في مجلة “الآداب”

تنظيم: اللجنة التحضيرية لمؤتمر المسار الفلسطيني البديل.


Donate: Support Samidoun's campaigning to free Palestinian prisoners!
Palestine: A critical front line in the resistance struggle against Zionism locally and Imperialism internationally

Sunday, 31 January
12 pm Pacific – 3 pm Eastern – 9 pm central Europe – 10 pm Palestine
Register on Zoom:
Facebook event:
Organized by Anti-Imperialist Action Ottawa

Hear from our speakers on the struggles and efforts for the liberation of Palestine.

1. Charlotte Kates is the international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and has organized delegations, actions, reports and articles that highlight the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and the Palestinian prisoners. She is also the coordinator of the International Committee of the U.S. National Lawyers Guild and a member of Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition and the Organizing Collective of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.

2. Khaled Barakat is a Palestinian leftist writer and activist whose work has been widely published in Arabic and English. In 2019, he was expelled from Germany on the basis of his advocacy for Palestinian liberation and Palestinian rights.

3. Hassan Husseini is a long-time labour and international solidarity activist, currently an organizer with Labour for Palestine-Canada.

Zoom Webinar Registration link:

Sunday, 31 January
9 am Pacific – 12 noon Eastern – 6 pm Paris – 7 pm Palestine
Facebook event:

Webconférence, organisée par la Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah et réunissant Saïd Bouamama – auteur du livre L’Affaire Georges Abdallah -, Pierre Stambul qui en a écrit la préface et Jann Marc Rouillan à qui l’on doit la postface du livre.

Cette conférence, organisée conjointement avec la maison d’édition Premiers Matins de Novembre (PMN Editions) se déroulera sous la forme d’un entretien.

Elle s’inscrit dans le plan de la Campagne unitaire pour faire connaître la cause juste et le combat de notre camarade et amplifier la mobilisation pour sa libération.

Cette conférence n’est aussi qu’un premier jalon dans cette présentation de l’ouvrage, avant sa publication prévue pour le 12 février : d’autres initiatives suivront pour participer à sa diffusion la plus large possible.
Pour recevoir le lien ZOOM, une inscription est obligatoire en écrivant à l’adresse suivante :

La Conférence peut aussi se suivre sur la chaîne de la Campagne unitaire : chaîne YOUTUBE CUpLGIA :


Online event organized by the Unified Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, featuring speakers Said Bouamama, author of the book, “L’Affaire Georges Abdallah,” Pierre Stambul, who wrote the preface, and Jann-Marc Rouillan, who wrote the afterword.

The conference is organized jointly with the publishing house, Premiers Matins de Novembre (PMN Editions) and will take the form of the interview.

This event is part of the work of the Unified Campaign to publicize the just cause and the struggle of our comrade and amplify the mobilization for his release.

This is an inital event in presenting the book, which will be published on 12 February. It will take place in French. To receive the Zoom link, please register via email at

The event will also be livestreamed at the Campaign’s YouTube channel:

Donate: Support Samidoun's campaigns for Palestinian freedom!

Samidoun chapters, affiliates and links around the world:

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has chapters and affiliates in the United States, Canada, Germany, Britain, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Palestine and Lebanon and we work with groups around the world. Would you like to form a local chapter or become an affiliate? Contact us at

Click here to support Samidoun's work with a donation. 

Alternately, checks and money orders may be written and mailed to:

225 E. 26th St., Ste. 1
Tucson, A.Z. 85713-2925

Copyright © 2021 Samidoun, All rights reserved.