In the News
Lawfare Blog | Negotiating Peace in Iraq's Disputed Territories: Modifying the Sinjar Agreement | This article includes the Free Yezidi Foundation's comments on the inclusion of the Yezidi community on decision-making processes related to Sinjar.
USAID | Advocating for Gender Sensitive Negotiation in Northern Iraq | This article describes a USAID-funded project implemented in Sheikhan by the Free Yezidi Foundation.
Rudaw | 'We Need Help': Suicides Spike at Duhok's Camps for Yazidis | The increase in suicides and suicide attempts among the Yezidi community is reaching a crisis point; this article includes FYF comments and analysis on trauma treatment and recovery.
The Media Line | Techfugees Data Hub Live Session - Rebuilding Cities in Iraq | Techfugees hosted FYF in an online session about the experience of Yezidis in Iraq and next steps in rebuilding the community.
Kurdistan-24 | Some Yezidi Survivors Still Fear Returning Home to Sinjar | The Free Yezidi Foundation is quoted in this article regarding the need for support to Yezidi survivors returning from ISIS captivity, including those with children born from rape.