
From Feb. 12, 2021 to Jan. 31, 2022 is the Year of the Metal Ox.

If you were born in these years, you are an OX.

2009(Jan. 26, 2009 - Feb. 13, 2010),

2021(Feb. 12, 2021 - Jan. 31, 2022),

2033(Jan. 31, 2033 - Feb. 18, 2034)

Ranking the second in the Chinese zodiac, Ox or Cow is the symbol of diligence in Chinese culture. People under the sign of the Ox are usually hard working, honest, creative, ambitious, cautious, patient and handle things steadily. On the negative side, Ox people might be stubborn, narrow-minded, indifferent, prejudiced, slow and not good at communication.

From a Chinese Traditional Medicinal perspective, Spring starts February 3.

From that point on the liver is the most important organ to nourish well. During the transition from winter’s Kidney health, however, one should look after the spleen and stomach. Then it is advisable to cleanse and nourish the liver in preparation of the summer’s vigorous activity of the Heart for the Spring months.

Mark will show you what qigong exercises to do and how to do them, while correcting and encouraging your practise, during the online 40 minute lessons.

We are giving 8 live online Qigong lessons for health and well-being in February starting Friday 1 at 7 PM.

The lessons given on Zoom on Tuesdays and Fridays at 7 PM will be recorded and sent to you with some downloadable info on the exercises, food to nourish the Spleen and liver.

We are really in between seasons because: The image of the dafs is taken by the exhaust of our boiler, proving spring is on it’s way. While the image below is taken through of the upstairs window of the snow on 24 January 2021.

Do let me know if you are interested. Owing to the pandemic Mark now teaches from home, he’s passing on the savings on rent and fuel to you. Lessons costs less than before, while there are two lessons instead of one. Just hit “reply” and I’ll give you the details of how to join our little group twice a week.

If you have taken selfhealing classes with Mark before, the resource page is still open to you with the same password! Use it to benefit your health, I will not hold onto that website for ever, selfhealing information will be just one page on the future website.

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