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Winter 2021 Newsletter

Shalom from Kol Haskalah

We are a Humanistic Jewish Congregation located in the Raleigh/Durham area in North Carolina.

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Message from the Kol Haskalah President

Dear Kol Haskalah community,

In our last newsletter, we informed you about our new membership model for this year. Many thanks to those of you who renewed your commitment to Kol Haskalah by completing our online membership form. We also greatly appreciate the donations, which help us to stay afloat during this unusual year. If you'd like to join or renew your membership, please click here to complete the Membership Form. As a reminder, dues are not required although we certainly could use your continued support if you can make a donation. We are a non-profit with the mission of offering secular Jews a community to practice and connect without religion, as well as educate the next generation of Humanistic Jews. We hope that you will support this mission.

Thank you to Andrea Lutri, our terrific Sunday School director, for leading a family Hanukkah service on the final night of the holiday! We missed our usual big Hanukkah potluck, but it was wonderful to be able to celebrate with our community remotely. Passover is coming up soon, beginning on March 27th.  It's hard to believe, but we've been operating as a virtual congregation since Passover last year. Unfortunately, due to current COVID conditions, we will not be able to host a community Seder for the second year in a row. Last year we collected and shared our favorite Passover recipes. You can click here to see the recipes. We'd love to add more to the collection - please send your recipes to!

Wishing you all the best for the new year, and hope that we can meet in person again soon.

Warmest Regards,
Karen Century
President, Kol Haskalah

In Memoriam

We are so sorry to have lost our dear friend, Gayla Halbrecht, on January 15th.

Gayla and her husband Herb (who predeceased her in 2011) were founding members of Kol Haskalah. She was a cherished member of our community who will be greatly missed. Gayla's obituary can be found in this link.

May her memory be a blessing.
The Jewish Secular Community of Asheville has invited our community to a Shabbat Service on February 12th. Following the service, Sarah Levin will present and lead a discussion on the Jewish Perspective of Separation of Church and State. Sarah is the Program Coordinator for Jews For A Secular Democracy.

If you are interested in joining this program email Madelon Clark at
Calling All Teens!

The next HuJews Cyber Conclave will be March 12 & 13, 2021. Registration is now open. The Conclave brings together teens in grades 8-12 and college students from across the United States and Canada for a weekend of fun, service, insight, and discovery. For more information, and to register, please visit: 
Join the virtual, second annual Jewish Authors Book Festival!

Each day of the seven-day-long festival (March 14 - March 21) will feature best-selling authors from around the country, speaking about their work and processes. Listen as they read excerpts from their books, answer your questions, and share their inspiration and challenges in writing these works. Support small local business by purchasing the featured books online from FlyLeaf Books of Chapel Hill, with shipping and curbside pickup available. Learn more about the festival

Tikun Olam - Volunteers Needed
Durham’s Jewish community partners provide and serve dinner for over 200 people on the fourth Sunday of each month at Urban Ministries’ Durham Community Kitchen. You can sign up to donate food, join the kitchen prep crew, or serve the meal. You’ll also find the recipe for tuna casserole there. If you would like more information please contact Frances Presma.
Kol Haskalah Mission & Values
Kol Haskalah is dedicated to bringing meaning into people’s lives through the ideas and practices of the global movement of Humanistic Judaism. We share our knowledge of Jewish history, culture, and values. Kol Haskalah welcomes all people, regardless of background, family faith/culture, gender, or sexual orientation, into our humanistic, secular community. We strive to provide a supportive and welcoming environment for all. We undertake and encourage social action guided by our deep commitment to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).
Our mailing address is:
Kol Haskalah
PO Box 9223
Chapel Hill, NC 27515

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Kol Haskalah · PO Box 9223 · Chapel Hill, NC 27515 · USA

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