
Our Shared Mission:

To mobilize prayer in the Ridge-Meadows Body of Christ for revival of the church, the awakening of our city to the Gospel, and the manifest advance of the mission of God’s Kingdom. 

Pray for Canada

Our government is currently contemplating and making decisions which will change the moral character, values and legal environment in which people of faith will live and minister. Please pray these next three days and consider a partial fast if you are able.

Please click
here or on the graphic above for details and video links. 

Now is the time!
"I had a dream that we (my husband, myself and a couple of friends) were driving, as fast as we could away from the forest that was filled with fog. When the fog broke, we saw hundreds/thousands of warriors riding towards us. We were terrified. We tried to drive faster, to get away but they kept catching up to us. One rider in particular came closer and closer and then as he passed through us (or we went through him, like a holograph), we felt an overwhelming sense of praise and peace. We realized it was the Archangel Michael. As he passed us, we knew. We knew our Father had sent these warrior angels to fight for us. The prayers we were praying were heard. He was taking action. The only response we could do was fall on our knees and worship."
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6.12

(The art depicting the dream was made by Maureen Floris of Pray Ridge Meadows to help her, and us, remember the reality of our warfare and Who it is who fights for us as we pray!)  
As we reflect on our need for the power of God and the light and truth of the Kingdom in our city and nation, let's consider afresh where we need yet to move forward in prayer unity after a most unusual year of covid-related restriction, and what steps you could champion in the year ahead.

As we know, every vision and battle requires a champion responding to the call of God (remember Gideon). What is the Lord saying to you? Could you choose one of the following prayer strategies to champion in your congregation? 
  • Prayer walking towards a vision of believing prayer for every home, business and school. Every month. Could you post a city map and ask members of your congregation to mark areas they walk and can pray?
  • Coordinating a prayer room, prayer chain or day of prayer in each congregations so that every day of the month one congregation or para-church ministry mobilizes its people for focused concerted prayer on "four walls." Could you champion this in your congregation? Please let us know.
  • Christians, drawn from every congregation in the city, linked in prayer for one of “seven mountains” they face daily. Could you serve the body as a communication hub in one of these major sources of social influence? May Christ's people scale the heights!
  • Christians, drawn from every congregation, linked in prayer in groups with at least two members of each congregation representing the city-church. Could you invite two people from your church to participate? (A list of city-wide groups follow.)
If you are willing to help link Christians in our city for prayer in one of these ways let us help at
What might happen if even two people from each congregation and ministry gathered regularly to pray for the Church and work of the Kingdom in Ridge Meadows?

Please participate in one the following opportunities to enter together into the Lord's presence in unity as Ridge-Meadows city-church during covid restrictions.

 Monday to Saturday - 9:00 - 9:15 am
St George hosts morning prayer via Facebook or at You can join live or view afterwards. Please share with whomever you feel would be blessed by this.

Monday evenings - 7:00 - 8:30 pm
City-Wide Prayer at Ridge Church (Lougheed & 222nd)
Focus: "Awakening in the land (Ridge Meadows) and salvation of souls"
Contact Richard Aluko at for details when restrictions prohibit physical gatherings.

Monday evenings - 8:00 - 9:30 pm
Prayer focus on Pitt Meadows and Katzie Reserve

Contact Maria 604.440.0783 for location.
Tuesday afternoons - 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Contact to receive weekly email reminder.
Wednesday mornings - 8:15 - 9:00 am
Pastor's Prayer
During restrictions: 
Contact for details.

Alternating Mondays - 7:45 am
Prayer for National Issues and Leaders in Ottawa
Receive brief updates of current moral issues before parliament from our local MP office
(Feb 15, March 1 & 15 & 29, April 12 & 26, May 10 & 31, June 14 & 28)
Have you visited our website? 
Pray Ridge Meadows sends this email to 162 people - just under 60% open it. We are praying for 1,000 intercessors in Ridge Meadows who will open, read and engage in prayer for Ridge Meadows! 

Please forward this email to a friend to encourage them to link with us for the Kingdom in our City.
(Law does not allow us to email friends who do not request inclusion.)
Do you have a question, vision or suggestion...?
Copyright © 2021 Pray Ridge-Meadows, All rights reserved.

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