Living Faith enews: 26 February 2021
Dear Living Faith Uniting Church Family and Friends

We began our Seven Striking Sentences course last Sunday and it's not too late to join in. Sunday 28 February will be an online service where we will explore the second sentence that Jesus uttered as He hung on the cross and how it applies to our lives.

I want to encourage you to consider inviting someone along to the course. One invitation can change a person's life. Often we hear people say that you can take nothing with you when you die. But one thing we can take with us, are the souls of those we introduced to Jesus - they will join us in heaven! We never know the impact a message can have on someone's life. 

In these uncertain and somewhat confusing times, it is easy to become weary as we undertake life's journey and our walk of faith. I was reminded recently of this powerful verse that exudes a potent truth for us today: 

"...but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

How do we access this hope that our minds and bodies so desperately need? By coming away with Jesus for a while - being still - so that we may hear His whisper of direction, love and peace.  

I cannot wait to see you all again soon! 

Your friend
Tel: 0432 067 227

Seven Striking Sentences:

Small group notes for the Sunday 28 February service are available for you to print and discuss in your small group by clicking below:
  Click above, then to print the notes "click" on the "print" icon as shown below:

Living Faith UC - COVID UPDATE
At the UCA QLD COVID Advisers’ Zoom meeting this week, Michael Kraig (Head of Hospitals in Uniting Care) spoke about the commencement of vaccination and the effect that it will have going forward. Following are the main points:

The two vaccines being used in Australia are the Astra Zeneca and Pfizer. The best source of information about the vaccines and their safety is found on the Government Websites. Following are links to:

  • The QLD Government considers both vaccines to be safe, effective and to offer strong protection against COVID-19.
  • The vaccines will not cure COVID-9. They will reduce the severity and the majority will not get as sick.
  • At this stage it is not known how long immunity will last and its long-term effectiveness. It might require annual boosters like the flu shot. 
  • Despite the vaccines, a return to pre-COVID norms is not going to happen anytime soon. The roll out of vaccinations will take much of the remainder of the year. Also, viruses are very clever at mutating and the new variants are much more infectious and dangerous.
  • To complicate the issue, many people infected with COVID have no or few symptoms. The possibility of unknowingly spreading the virus with resulting flare ups is ever present.
  • COVID is not “just another flu”. In addition to the mortality rate (almost double that of flu), long-term effects are now becoming more evident in terms heart disease, stroke and chronic fatigue to name a few. These have been seen across the age spectrum of COVID patients including young people.
  • The current public health measures and safe practices are expected to continue all year. 
The take-away is to “love your neighbour as yourself” by following the COVID safe practices which will keep you and those you encounter as safe as possible from COVID by:
  • Staying home if you are sick
  • Getting tested If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild
  • Staying 1.5 metres away from other people—think two big steps
  • Washing your hands often with soap and water or using hand sanitiser
  • Sneezing or coughing into your arm or a tissue. Then put the tissue in the bin and wash or sanitise hands.
  • Wearing a face mask when you are not able to keep 1.5 metres away from other people or whenever mandatory face masks are required.
  • Community observance of these measures has seen a significant reduction in flu in 2020.
Scott Bell
Covid Assistant
25 February 2021
Click on the link below on Wednesday mornings to join:
If you or anyone you know needs to hire a venue for an event, please get in touch with Rev Iris or anyone on the Church Council for more information Tel 0432 067227
Would you like prayer for any matter you are facing?
We have a dedicated team of people who are willing to pray confidentially for you.
Please get in touch with either Norelle or Iris if you would like prayer support.
Church Contact Details

For information on baptisms, weddings, funerals, pastoral care or other church matters please contact:

Rev Iris Marais
0432 067 227

Please note Fridays are Iris' day off
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