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Dear Sussex County Democrat,
 Thank you for your help in the election of our own Joe Biden for President of the United States.  Your support, your vote, all you did was appreciated by this committee. Voting is one of the most important responsibilities we have as a U.S. citizen and a Delawarean. It is our chance to select leaders who understand the issues we face and whose rhetoric will match their votes in Delaware and in Washington.  The people we elected will make decisions affecting our future.
The Sussex County Democratic Party is here to represent the issues that affect the residents in Sussex County and we need committed citizens to help us make our voices heard.  The election is over, yet there is still work which needs to be done in our area.
Each year after the Presidential Election, the State Democratic Party enables the committee people the same opportunity to elect their representation to the Democratic Committee for each county.  This is done through a Caucus.
In March we will host a Caucus to elect new officers for the Sussex County Democratic Party.  This is your opportunity to hold a pivotal role within the Democratic process.  We are excited about you continuing the excitement of this past year of making changes for the good of the Democratic Party and Sussex County. The Caucus will be held by ZOOM on Monday, March 22nd at 6:30 p.m.
The offices that will be up for election are:

  1. Chair
  2. Vice Chair – Male
  3. Vice Chair – Female
  4. Treasurer
  5. Corresponding Secretary
  6. Recording Secretary
  7. Member-at-Large

Duties and responsibilities for these positions can be found at
Any registered Democrat in Sussex County is eligible to seek any of these offices; however, only committee members of the RDs are eligible to vote.  If you are interested in any of these positions or nominating someone for these positions, please submit the name, the position applying for and in 100 words or less why you should be selected for this position to  by March 15, 2021. 
If you are interested in becoming an officer in the Sussex County Democratic Party, becoming an active Democrat, and working towards changes in Sussex County and would like to attend the caucus, please send your name and email address to John Mears at   Once you have registered, a link will be sent to you to join the caucus.
Only computers with cameras on /not phone only views will be allowed access to the caucus as this is a public, visible voting forum.  If there are two or more voters on one camera, all names need to be registered.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the email address provided. 
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Jane Hovington
Chair, Sussex County Democratic Party  

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